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Everything posted by qwerty12

  1. If it is connected to the NVIDIA card, then you can make the card show up in Mavericks (this may cause Mountain Lion to hang on startup, though) by changing the MSOS function inside the DSDT to store OSVT. (Grab the latest version of the DSDT from the Extra.zip - I changed it to not turn off the NVIDIA card if OSVT is stored.) However, it fails to read the properties off the card correctly (0MB RAM etc.) so the correct values would probably have to be injected manually inside the DSDT (GraphicsEnabler=Yes may work but I haven't tried it). The NVCAP value can be obtained by running Phoenix Tool on a BIOS image, grepping the DUMPed files for "NVIDIA" and feeding the matching files to NVCAP Maker in OS X until it produces an NVCAP value in hex that you can (after manipulation) put into the DSDT. I say this because as far as I know, the NVIDIA card in an Optimus configuration can be used for CUDA purposes when both the Intel card and it are showing up, but you may be able to, somehow, get it to take control of the HDMI port (assuming it is actually connected to the HDMI port) in OS X.
  2. Thanks for this, much appreciated. It might not be working because I suspect it's wired up to the NVIDIA card on this laptop or if that turns out not to matter, it's because I chose the wrong HDMI-out port number (I guessed since I don't have any HDMI cables) when changing the table in the SNB FB kext. You could restore the original table by running the commands I already posted but swapping $OLD_TABLE & $NEW_TABLE and try the next HDMI port designation (I think I chose 203 [smth. like that] the first time but it may be 503 that's needed)
  3. I don't know, then. I don't have any monitors anymore that I can test with. 1. No. The only time I saw it when I used to boot without DualLink injected, which I need because my native resolution is 1600x900 2. I doubt it EDIT: I'd recommend patching your kext yourself following EmlyDinesh's guide. Your VGA port may be connected differently to mine
  4. I've attached it, but remember that it's from a later version of 10.9 and it may cause your install not to boot unless you restore the original (keep a backup!) I recommend patching your current version, instead, by running the following in Terminal: APPLEINTELSNBGRAPHICSFB="/System/Library/Extensions/AppleIntelSNBGraphicsFB.kext/Contents/MacOS/AppleIntelSNBGraphicsFB" OLD_TABLE="\x01\x02\x04\x00\x10\x07\x00\x00\x10\x07\x00\x00\x05\x03\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x30\x00\x00\x00\x02\x05\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x07\x00\x00\x00\x03\x04\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x09\x00\x00\x00\x04\x06\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x09\x00\x00\x00" NEW_TABLE="\x01\x02\x03\x00\x10\x07\x00\x00\x10\x07\x00\x00\x05\x03\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x30\x00\x00\x00\x02\x05\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x07\x00\x00\x00\x06\x02\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x30\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" sudo perl -pi -e "s|$OLD_TABLE|$NEW_TABLE|g" $APPLEINTELSNBGRAPHICSFB sudo touch /System/Library/Extensions sudo kextcache -update-volume / and then rebootAppleIntelSNBGraphicsFB.kext.tar.gz
  5. Hey, After plugging in the monitor, are you going to the Display Preferences, holding down the Windows key and hitting Detect Displays? It's been a long time since I've connected a monitor to my N55SL, personally; the last time I tried was in 10.8.4 and it did work for me there. If you installed the rc.shutdown.local script, then the SNBGraphics kext should already be patched by now, but you can try patching it yourself or I can upload you mine from my 10.9 DP5 install which may or may not work for VGA -- I haven't tested it
  6. Hello, cbmoon, and welcome! I was already running Windows 8 before I installed OS X. I had no problems installing Chameleon to the OS X partition afterwards -- I just had to write the Chameleon partition bootsector to the HFS partition (the guide should say how to do this, just look for fdisk440). EDIT: I'm not...
  7. Thanks for finding out it actually works on boot. Slight nitpick: the path to the BatteryProcessorCoreControl is missing its initial forward-slash. I'll point the first post to yours, though, as it's certainly better than my "hints" I tried as it would've been easier for me since the kext was already monitoring battery and sleep states but I couldn't find a documented/public way to turn off the processors when running inside the kernel (if it exists I'm not clever enough to find it and if it doesn't, it just places more maintenance work on me that I'd rather avoid - what if the way processors are turned off internally differs from one OS X version to another?) so I'm sticking with the user space program (which I won't be personally using, but to each their own): kext or program, they both take a little bit of memory and run in the background anyway, so what's the difference?
  8. Great! Glad it works for you! Regarding the plist, RehabMan has a simple template here: http://www.tonycrapx86.com/hp-probook/104551-cpu-package-multiplier-can-edit-2.html#post638960 If you're running BatteryProcessorCoreControl with arguments (like the one to turn off HT or to keep on more cores), then keep the ProgramArguments array or if not, just remove it and just use a simple Program key: <key>Program</key> <string>/path/to/BatteryProcessorCoreControl</string>I recommend putting the BatteryProcessorCoreControl binary inside /usr/local/bin and setting appropriate permissions and ownership:sudo chown root:wheel /usr/local/bin/BatteryProcessorCoreControl sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/BatteryProcessorCoreControl Awesome, thanks a lot for your contribution and for doing what I couldn't. I'll add a link in the first post for those desiring a Lion version
  9. I don't remember how to use it but kextutil has some options you can pass to it for verbose output to see why a kext isn't loading. I can't - Xcode under Mavericks only has the 10.8 and 10.9 SDKs available. Thanks. I'm at a loss, then - the code to disable the processor is taken from a book covering OS X Tiger and SleepWatcher does something similar to what the this program does to monitor battery state (and sleep) and it claims to work with 10.7. Maybe it's because I built the binary for 10.8 (I don't seem to have a choice -- or if I do, I certainly can't find the right choices in Xcode). I do have one idea, though. I'll edit this post with another binary you can try in an hour (probably earlier, but an hour at the most). EDIT: See the first post for a working version.
  10. Heh, when working on that I realised how dumb I am... Is the kext actually loading? Does it show up in kextstat? Active as in all the cores were just showing up on the screen or active as in all were showing activity? "sysctl -a | grep cpu | grep hw" should show hw.logicalcpu being less than hw.logicalcpu_max if it is working.
  11. https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/1969-guide-for-enabling-vga-and-hdmi-in-intel-hd3000-gpu/ In particular, after following EMlyDinEsH's guide, make sure to take in the note, too.
  12. Try adjusting the Base SDK to 10.7, changing the "Compiler for C/..." setting to the LLVM version that comes with Lion, setting the Deployment Target to 10.7 and setting the C++ Language Dialect to the Compiler Default (pretty sure I don't take advantage of any GNU extensions...). EDIT: See the first post.
  13. Hey, Thanks, I caught a lucky break: I found ML on one of my USBs, which I then used to upgrade to the Mavericks beta The source code has always been on GitHub, you can find the link in the first post P.S. Amit Singh's wonderful OS X book has a section on how to turn off processors and I checked - it's the same way that Instruments does it, so there's progress on that front!
  14. Great, thanks for testing! I've released version 2 (yes, I am using Firefox-style version numbers...) based on your feedback. WRT your feature request, you might have to wait a while as I'll have to see if I can figure out how to turn off the cores and my OS X install died when trying to downgrade FakeSMC (I suspect the latest version is preventing me from waking up my laptop). Thanks to Apple creating the best filesystem since FAT12, fsck refuses to repair the filesystem and I'm stuck with an OS X install that won't boot and no OS X installation media at the moment...
  15. Thanks for the reply. I don't know what I was expecting when I wrote that post, really - of course ExternalConnected would remain the same, but my laptop was toggling it then for some reason. Thanks to your work, I've added a check to see if BatteryInstalled returns true before doing anything. Could you please try the attached version and see if your laptop is still turning off Turbo Boost when the battery is taken out? While I've told Xcode to target 10.8, I am nevertheless running 10.9 so I don't know if the kext will actually load in 10.8 (it should!) but I don't have 10.8 running anymore myself to see. EDIT: Removed. Check the first post, which is the same thing as what was here before.
  16. Hey, I didn't envision that scenario, admittedly... I just tried doing the same on my laptop and Turbo Boost remains on: However, after looking some more, I realised my laptop is stupid and leaves the ExternalChargeCapable property (the one that the kext listens to) set to true when I pop the battery out of my laptop. Could you do the following, please? Open IORegistryExplorer, find AppleSmartBattery and check the following: Does the ExternalConnected property change to false when you unplug the charger cable from your laptop with the battery still remaining inserted? Does ExternalConnected remain true when you remove the battery with the charger cable connected? Thanks!
  17. My N55SL thread will contain it, but you're going to have to diff it with my original DSDT to see the changes and then you're going to have to isolate them, like I did with 68x's DSDTs at InsanelyMac. Off the top of my head, the changes you need to look out for when comparing are: certain 16-bit registers have been split into two 8-bit ones, references to these registers are wrapped in a B1B2 function call and the RDWD function was changed. I also needed part 1 of Jingu's changes (look here if you don't want Jingu's percentage manipulation) to get the battery percentage properly showing - that is, going past 89% percent. If you ask nicely in the DSDT patching thread (and follow the guidelines set there), EmlyDinesh may apply his register conversions etc. for you when/if he has time. EDIT: I'm using a mix of EmlyDinesh's and 18seven's work now so that I can see the proper battery name (N--SL or something instead of the generic M3n) etc. of the battery in OS X.
  18. http://www.osxlatitude.com/edp/ I take it you don't have it installed then (since it's only offered here and in EDP, you would know if you installed it yourself). OS X's default behaviour is not to disable Turbo Boost when running on battery power, so if you don't have my kext installed, Turbo Boost will still be active on battery. You can install the kext by downloading Kext Wizard and using it to install the attached kext in the first post or if you just want to try it out without installing it, read post 7 in this thread
  19. If you set up your Hackintosh with EDP and enabled the option, you'll have this kext installed through it. Otherwise, the quick and easy way to check is by running sudo dmesg | grep "Turbo Boost". If you get results like "Disabled Turbo Boost" or "(Re-)Enabled Turbo Boost", the kext is installed.
  20. I've never encountered just the screen freezing in 10.8 and 10.9 DP2. In 10.8, I did get artifacts sometimes (usually at the login screen) but they were small and would go after five minutes. With 10.9 DP2, the only time I've encountered them (and lots of them, too) is when booting with Clover legacy (you can play with BusSpeedKhz to reduce them somewhat but they can still appear from time to time). With Chameleon, I'm yet to see any artifacts in 10.9. I don't know if it's because of the VRAM increase to 768 MB, which is something I never did in 10.8 (since the HD 3000 and HD 4000 are assigned the same amount of VRAM there), but it's probably not that if Clover still brings them out... EDIT: The VRAM size has nothing to do with it. The DP3 update reverted it back to 512MB. I'm injecting properties from a real MacBookPro8,2 for IGPU but that doesn't seem to make any difference (although DoiX [who I got the idea from] says he does it under ML to reduce the chance of seeing artifacts) and I'm also having AGPM loaded.
  21. 10.9 Read this guide fully first before attempting to perform the steps within, as you'll need to download the needed kexts etc. mentioned that are not attached and place them on your prepared OS X install USB drive. This is not also a detailed step-by-step: if you're taking the time to get a Hackintosh running, I assume you know how to use a computer. If not, then Apple sell computers ready-made with OS X running on them. --- Specifications Processor : Intel Core i7 2670QM Processor (can vary) Chipset : Intel HM65 Memory : 8GB DDR3 1333 MHz (can vary) GPU : Intel HD 3000 (& NVIDIA GeForce GT 635M 2GB [Optimus] -- useless in OS X) HDD : Hitachi 750 GB (Wi-Fi : Intel Centrino Wireless-N 1030 -- non-functional in OS X) Bluetooth : Intel Centrino Wireless-N 1030 LAN : Atheros Communications Inc. AR8151 v2.0 Gigabit Ethernet PCI-E Audio : Realtek ALC663 USB 2.0 : Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 Series USB 3.0 : ASMedia ASM1042 Touchpad : Synaptics PS/2 Webcam : ASUS/Sunplus Innovation Technology Inc. USB2.0 Webcam (UVC) Card reader : Alcor USB 2.0 (presents itself as a normal mass-storage device to the system) Monitor : Samsung SEC314B/156KT02-201 (1600x900 - can vary) Optical Drive : LiteOn Slimtype BD E DS6E2SH (Reads: CDs, DVDs, Blu-Ray; Writes: CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-RAM, DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-RW, DVD+RW, DVD-R DL, DVD+R DL) --- Compatibility What works: Turbo Boost using AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement Intel HD 3000 (Native 1600x900 resolution on the laptop's display panel, QE & CI [tested with Chess, BBC iPlayer]) along with PM by AppleGraphicsPowerManagment Sound Integrated microphone Touchpad with two fingers (three can be used for some things but is temperamental) Battery meter without downgrading AppleACPIPlatform.kext Play/Pause, Volume Up, Volume Down and Mute keys Brightness (also with the keyboard) Bluetooth (most of the time) Ethernet The USB 2.0 ports on the right of the laptop (although a workaround like Jettison is preferred since "device not safely removed" prompts are common when putting the laptop to sleep with a USB mass-storage device inserted) The USB 3.0 ports on the left of the laptop SD card reader (natively: with Apple's USB card reader driver) Sleep (also when the lid closes) Shutdown & Restart Fan speed displayed by HWMonitor (thanks to Jingu) The external subwoofer What kinda works: DVD Playback with Apple DVD Player - works if you're on AC power... Webcam - works if you install iGlasses (thanks to TimeWalker75a) or run CameraControl before running FaceTime/Photo Booth What doesn't work: Optimus. This laptop does not allow turning off the HD3000 and having the NVIDIA chip drive the display, even with an unlocked BIOS. HDMI. Note: I've not tested this myself, but according to one user it doesn't work. The HDMI port might be connected to the NVIDIA GPU and if this is the case, I imagine it getting it to work in OS X will be very hard, if not impossible. VGA. This worked in 10.8 for me when I tried it but in 10.9 it does not according to one person. I don't have a VGA monitor available myself any more to test/fix. Wi-Fi - it's unlikely that the Centrino will ever have support for OS X. You have two choices here: Buy a supported USB Wi-Fi adapter. The one I had, with a Ralink 2870 chipset, would've been almost-perfect, were it not for the Ralink Wireless Utility software letting it down. It sometimes would not show configured profiles and it would sometimes connect to the nearest open Wi-Fi access point, ignoring configured profiles. No USB adapter appears to OS X as a native AirPort device, so bear that in mind. Buy a card with an AR9285 (the AR9287 is also supposedly supported in OS X - try getting one of those if you can instead of the AR9285 as they're faster) off eBay and replace the Centrino. This is a quick process as the Centrino is inside the bottom flap on the reverse of the laptop. The Wi-Fi works OK (it heavily underperforms compared to the Centrino, though); however, its Bluetooth abilities leaves something to be desired. Again, the Centrino did much better in this regard. The DSDT has already been patched to support the Atheros Wi-Fi, but you will need to install IOath3kfrmwr if you want the Bluetooth to work. Note that you can't turn the Bluetooth off in either Windows or OS X with this card. Despite what OS X tells you, it also does not support Wake On Wireless LAN, unlike, again, the Centrino. What's not been tested: DVD burning Line in/Microphone port Anything I've not mentioned (read: forgotten about) --- Some notes: Although the N55SL supports UEFI booting, Chameleon is used, because UEFI booting is broken on the N55SL (I reported this to Asus a year ago and never saw a resolution so f*** them): trying to put the system to sleep causes a hang in both Windows 8 (even with the proper ASUS ACPI etc. drivers installed) and with Arch Linux install media (booting the same USB and environment in MBR mode lets sleep work fine - and it's a very, very minimal environment in the first place).As far as I know, Windows will not install to a GPT-partitioned drive unless it is installed in UEFI mode (or you mess around with a hybrid GPT/MBR setup), so I also have OS X install to a MBR-partitioned drive. This means that you cannot create a Mac recovery partition, which means Find my Mac cannot be used. Clover legacy/CloverEFI is not used because it causes much more graphical glitches with the HD 3000. The SSDT and SMBios.plist are designed to closely match a 15" MacBook Pro with an i7 in it. If you're using a N55SL with an i5 or an i3 instead of the i7-2670QM, you will need to generate a new SSDT (it is talked about later) and you may also wish to change the system definition inside smbios.plist to get a closer match to your processor and screen size. If you do this, do it before you install FileNVRAM. Chameleon Wizard is a great utility to help you generate the smbios.plist. Don't use its generated serial numbers, however. Start with this guide to create an accurate serial number. EveryMac lets you see what processor a serial number corresponds to. http://www.macrumors.com/2010/04/16/apple-tweaks-serial-number-format-with-new-macbook-pro/ tells you how to parse a 12-digit serial number. If your resolution is 1366x768 or less, bear in mind that the DSDT sets the AAPL,DualLink property inside IGPU so take it out if this is the case. --- Getting Started BIOS modifications You can use the modified BIOS I've posted here which has quite a few benefits. Flashing a BIOS does come with its risks - READ THAT THREAD FULLY - so it's not for everyone. If you do not want to flash the BIOS, you will need to remember to patch AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext so that it doesn't try to write to 0xe2 and cause a kernel panic. You will need to remember to do this for every OS X update. Since I patched the BIOS, I don't know the most reliable way of patching the kext, so you will have to look for yourself. Setting aside space for the OS X partition If needed, make sure you've shrunk a partition on the target hard drive to make space for another. Use the free space to make a partition of type FAT32, NTFS etc. so that it shows up in Disk Utility when you're installing OS X. Parted Magic is very useful for this sort of thing, but Windows' Disk Management is sufficient enough. Preparing the USB stick to install from The USB shall be created by hand, without tools. This is largely based on mnfesq's 10.8 guide. Sign into the App Store with an Apple ID and download Mavericks. Open a terminal and type “cd “ Open a Finder window for /Applications and drag “Install OS X Mavericks.app” to the terminal window. You should see something like “cd /Applications/Install\ OS\ X\ Mavericks.app”. Press Enter to cd to the folder and then type “open Contents/SharedSupport/InstallESD.dmg” Open Disk Utility and partition your target USB with 1 partition, name “USB”, formatted with Mac OS X Extended (Journaled) in the Master Boot Record partition scheme. Click “USB” from the left and select the Restore tab Set “/Volumes/OS X Install ESD/BaseSystem.dmg” as the source Make sure “USB” is selected as the destination drive and hit Restore When it’s done, on the OS X Base System volume (which is now your USB), open System/Installation and delete the broken Packages alias. Go back to the mounted Install ESD volume and copy the Packages folder from there to the Installation folder that contained the Packages alias we just deleted. Look at http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/files/file/145-mavericks-mbr-patch/ for instructions but download "Mavericks MBR patch 10.9.2" from Other Versions as this file is newer. These files are needed to install to a MBR-partitioned drive. Use Pacifist and open System/Installation/Packages/BaseSystemBinaries.pkg and extract mach_kernel from in there to the root of the USB drive, OR if you don't want to use Pacifist then do the following in Terminal (thanks to bcc9): cd /Volumes/OS\ X\ Base\ System/System/Installation/Packages pkgutil --expand BaseSystemBinaries.pkg x pax -0jr < x/Payload ./mach_kernel mv mach_kernel ../../.. rm -rf x Install Chameleon to the USB drive. Place the Extra folder to the root of the drive. Inside it, create a new folder: Extensions Using Kext Wizard, set the target to the USB (OS X Base System) and install the following kexts to /Extra/Extensions: FakeSMC.kext - Download the latest binaries DMG VoodooPS2Controller.kext AtherosL1cEthernet.kext: Look inside Some10.9Kexts.zip If you don’t have an i7-2670QM or you’re not using a patched BIOS, delete ssdt.aml, ssdt-1.aml and delete DropSSDT from org.chameleon.Boot.plist and also install NullCPUPowerManagment.kext to /Extra/Extensions. Place Kext Wizard on your USB stick along with the kexts themselves as it will be used for installing the many kexts that we will be installing. Booting the OS X installer Turn the computer fully off first (this is to ensure that the Bluetooth firmware will not be loaded, which prevents the OS X installer from continuing until you connect a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse) and boot the 10.9 installer from the USB with the -f option. Erase the temporary partition we created earlier in Windows using Disk Utility and format it with Mac OS Extended (Journaled). Install OS X onto the newly-formatted partition. Setting the active partition back to Windows' Boot into Windows using your OS X USB and run diskpart Next, run the following commands inside the window: list disk select disk (number being the no. of the disk that holds your Windows partition) list partition select partition (number being the partition no. of your Windows partition) active exit Booting into OS X for the first time Use the USB stick to boot OS X for now. When doing so, use the -f option so that you actually have a desktop to get to. Do the initial setup. Naturally, don't sign into iCloud yet and do not register your "Mac" (duh). Open System Preferences->Energy Saver and turn off the option to put hard disks to sleep, for both the battery and the power adapter. While you're there, open Security and Privacy and allow applications to be opened from 'Anywhere'. Getting the built-in Ethernet card working Install thecandle’s and Shailua’s AtherosL1cEthernet.kext from the kexts zip. This kext has been built from 1.2.3 sources in Release mode against the 10.9 DP2 SDK. Even if you don't plan on using Ethernet, this must be installed to ensure you can connect to iCloud. Getting sound working For 10.9, VoodooHDA is used because: A script running in the background that runs say every 10 seconds (to prevent the awful popping sound that happens when the ALC663 gets taken out of low power mode) isn't really desirable when your computer has a battery IOAudioFamily is required to be patched so that sound works when resuming from sleep. Apple do not immediately release the sources for their open components when a new release of the OS is out so you're stuck using an older version of the kext until it happens and someone patches the newest version. I don't have the time to wait around. Not true anymore admittedly - TimeWalker75a wrote a standalone kext that resolves this. Recent versions of VoodooHDA have yet to cause a single KP. Ignore what you hear on the Internet, it's been very stable now for a long while (although, yes, AppleHDA does produce much better sound - try a bass-heavy song with VoodooHDA, for example...). VoodooHDA is easy to install - just install VoodooHDA.kext from the kexts zip. This VoodooHDA has been fixed to work with the subwoofer by m-dudarev. To get the subwoofer working after installing VoodooHDA, follow these steps (thanks to mnfesq again): Open Audio MIDI Setup Click the plus/add button in the bottom-left of the window and create a Multi-Output device Set the Master Device to be Speaker (ATAPI) and tick Speaker (Yellow Rear) while unticking SPDIF-out Set the volume levels of both speakers as desired Right-click Speaker (ATAPI) and click "Play alerts through this device" Open Sound Preferences and select Multi-Output Device as the output and you should hear sound simultaneously playing from both the subwoofer and the laptop's speaker. The downside (this happens on real Macs, too) is that volume cannot be controlled using the hotkeys on the keyboard and nor with the volume control in the status bar without going back to just having Speaker (ATAPI) as the output. As a workaround, you can use the PTHVolume status bar app to control the volume for each device individually or just open Audio MIDI Setup each time. Having a working mouse and keyboard Install the latest release version from https://bitbucket.org/RehabMan/os-x-voodoo-ps2-controller/downloads using Kext Wizard. Sometimes, however, in rare cases the mouse fails to respond: read the media keys section and set up the Fn keys driver to allow you to press Fn+F9 twice to have the mouse driver reload. Fixing OS X's native brightness control (using EMlyDinEsH's backlight driver)... To enable proper brightness control using the Asus backlight levels, install EMlyDinEsH's ASUS backlight driver. Inside the kext's Info.plist, set the self-explanatory BrightnessAtBoot parameter to a value between 2-11. I like 9, personally. Next, create /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.rehabman.delete-boot-args.plist with the following contents: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>Label</key> <string>org.rehabman.delete-boot-args</string> <key>RunAtLoad</key> <true/> <key>KeepAlive</key> <false/> <key>ProgramArguments</key> <array> <string>/usr/sbin/nvram</string> <string>-d</string> <string>boot-args</string> <string>-d</string> <string>backlight-level</string> </array> </dict> </plist>Set permissions on the file accordingly: sudo chown root:wheel /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.rehabman.delete-boot-args.plist ...OR: Fixing OS X's native brightness control (using OS X's native backlight driver) If you don't want install EmlyDinesh's driver due to preferring the backlight levels that OS X provides, then find the latest ProBook Installer and use it to install (and it only) RehabMan's blinkscreen workaround to enable all the brightness levels. Enabling brightness control with the keyboard and the media keys Note: if you're using EMlyDinEsH's AsusNBWMI, remove /System/Library/Extensions/AsusNBFnKeys.kext first. I have forked the last open-source version of EMlyDinEsH's AsusNBWMI and added in PentiumPC's server-client daemon code to provide better and more specialised support for the N55SL - namely, more function keys work. The Fn keys that are enabled are as follows: Standalone Power4Gear key & Fn+Space: Opens/Closes Launchpad Brightness Up/Down Toggle touchpad (Fn+F9) with RehabMan's PS/2 driver Play, Next Track and Previous Track keys (both standalone and ones attached to Fn keys) Volume keys Stop button launches ~/.local/app/Stop.app Camera (Fn+V) launches Photo Booth Weird S thingy (Fn+C) launches ~/.local/app/S.app Calculator (Fn+Enter) Fn+F2 turns on/off the Wi-Fi natively. It also fixes the power key only working once in Mavericks. If you want to turn this off (no point in using this if you're running Mountain Lion or if you miss being able to use the power key shortcuts [Ctrl+Shift+Power etc.]), then pass --disable-power-key-interception to AsusHotKeysClient. It will also lock the screen when Fn+F7 is pressed and the screen is turned off. If you don't want this, then pass --remain-unlocked-on-screen-off to AsusHotKeysClient in the plist file. To install, do the following: If you're using EmlyDinesh's backlight driver, then set UsingAsusBackLightDriver inside AsusNBKeys.kext's Info.plist to true. Install AsusNBWMI.kext with Kext Wizard Run EDITOR=nano sudo visudo and insert the following into the file (needed for Fn+F9 functionality to work!) and save: %staff ALL=(root)NOPASSWD:/sbin/kextunload /System/Library/Extensions/VoodooPS2Controller.kext/Contents/PlugIns/VoodooPS2Trackpad.kext,/sbin/kextload /System/Library/Extensions/VoodooPS2Controller.kext/Contents/PlugIns/VoodooPS2Trackpad.kext Put pk.qwerty12.AsusNBWMI.plist inside the $HOME/Library/LaunchAgents/ folder After restarting, you may wish to head to System Preferences->Keyboard->Shortcuts->Display and turn off the two shortcuts that are there. Getting the USB 3.0 ports to work Install the excellent GenericUSBXHCI driver from here. If your USB 3.0 ports are already malfunctioning under Windows and/or Linux (you're seeing really slow transfer speeds, repeated disconnections...) then the firmware of the USB3.0 controller needs to be updated. After getting your Hackintosh working, go back to the BIOS modification section of this guide and read the linked thread for the BIOS mod for details on how to upgrade the USB controller firmware *properly*. Enabling the battery meter Download the latest Release version of RehabMan's driver from here and install with Kext Wizard. Battery reporting works without having to downgrade AppleACPIPlatform.kext thanks to RehabMan's battery patch for Asus laptops which brings back the retrieval of the battery status and properties like the battery serial number in the cleanest possible manner. Setting up KextPatch-O-Matic KextPatch-O-Matic is a script I wrote for the N55SL that will automatically do the things you would have to do when an update is installed (patching SNB, FakeSMC for the latest SMC version) on every shutdown. *You may have to restart again after an update for the changes to take place. Because the script checks to see if changes are required first, it won't make shutdowns longer unless they have to be. To set it up, do the following: sudo mv <Wherever Some10.9Kexts was extracted to>/KextPatchOMatic/rc.shutdown.local /etc/rc.shutdown.local sudo chown root:wheel /etc/rc.shutdown.local sudo chmod 755 /etc/rc.shutdown.local Installing FakeSMC Run kozlek's HWSensors installer to install netkas' FakeSMC along with kozlek's HWMonitor. FakeSMC is needed for OS X to actually start. NOTE: Avoid HWSensors.5.2.724 as it breaks sleep. Versions prior to or newer than that version work fine, however. Don't bother installing: LPCSensors, GPUSensors. Installing the bootloader Note: unmount the boot USB first! Download the installer for the latest Chameleon boot loader and run it. Make sure to install FileNVRAM too so that iMessage works. If you need to install the MBR (you know yourself if you need to - if you're not sure, leave it): fdisk440 -f /usr/standalone/i386/boot0 -u -y /dev/rdisk0 Next, place the *contents* of the Extra folder (you don't want to get rid of the FileNVRAM module, e.g.) from the attached Extra.zip into /Extra. The theme is Chameleon's Standard/default but with a black background and ran through ImageOptim. The "Legacy Logo" option is on inside the plist; if you don't like it, remove it. The DSDT was initially patched by EMlyDinEsH. If you don’t have an i7-2670QM, look here for a script that will generate an SSDT for you. When restarting, turn off the computer and boot into the OS X installer again with -f using your USB flash drive. --- Completing the boot loader install This must be done, or you won't actually see Chameleon (and will be taken straight into Windows), meaning you won't be able to boot into OS X. Making sure you're booted into the OS X installer running from your USB flash drive, follow the instructions below, replacing “disk0s2” with the disk and partition numbers of your OS X install and "OS X" with the name of your OS X partition. Disk Utility/mount/diskutil list can tell you this. Open the terminal, and run the following: cp /Volumes/"OS X"/usr/standalone/i386/boot1h /private/var/tmp/ umount /dev/disk0s2 dd if=/private/var/tmp/boot1h of=/dev/disk0s2 Reboot and you should be able to boot off your hard drive without specifying any options! Having your hard drive go into power saving mode without causing your whole system to hang I have butchered hdapm and made it so that it sets APM level 128 when running on battery (Windows' default according to hdparm) and level 254 when the AC adapter is plugged in. The source can be found here. If you don't have a Blu-Ray drive in your laptop then don't bother with this and just enable the HD PM options in Energy Saver. To install, do the following: Put pk.qwerty12.BatteryHDAPM.plist in /Library/LaunchDaemons and set its permissions correctly: sudo chown root:wheel /Library/LaunchDaemons/pk.qwerty12.BatteryHDAPM.plist sudo chmod 644 /Library/LaunchDaemons/pk.qwerty12.BatteryHDAPM.plist Put BatteryHDAPM in /usr/local/bin/ and set its permissions correctly: sudo chown root:wheel /usr/local/bin/BatteryHDAPM sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/BatteryHDAPM Stopping the Bluetooth mouse/keyboard prompts on startup Open the Bluetooth Settings, click Advanced and turn off the options to automatically bring up the Bluetooth Setup Assistant if no keyboard or mouse was detected. When your laptop keyboard and mouse works, this is annoying. Getting a proper keyboard layout, if you need it If your N55SL has a British keyboard, use Liyang HU's PC105-alt keyboard layout from here. If your N55SL has a Portuguese keyboard, then use cbmoon's layout from the thread for the modded BIOS. Saving sleep state to RAM instead of the hard disk On a platter-based HDD, this speeds up going to sleep by many orders of magnitude. On an SSD, you won't really notice, but you'll be saving your SSD from useless writes. Run the following in a terminal: sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 0 sudo rm /private/var/vm/sleepimage --- Optional Stuff Disabling Turbo Boost on battery power Controlling sleep on lid close: NoSleep Stop iTunes from launching when the Play button is pressed SmoothMouse: mouse acceleration that doesn't suck Some10.9Kexts.zip Extra.zip
  22. Do you happen to have Xcode installed? I think the problem is that I built it against the 10.8 SDK, but if I wanted to build it for Lion, I'd have to install Lion and I have neither the space nor the time to do so, sorry
  23. Dump your DSDT from Windows and upload it; I may know what your problem is. EDIT: Also upload your current /Extra/DSDT.aml from your installation medium.
  24. qwerty12


    Assuming you mean Dashboard widgets, I could never get the debug-mode method to work in 10.8 but there seems to be another method here: http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-run-widgets-on-your-desktop-in-mountain-lion-mac-os-x/ (http://db.lcs.mit.edu/madden/WidgetRunner/ if you'd rather skip the blog, although it does have a nice HOWTO on using it.)
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