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Everything posted by aulbaer

  1. Hello Dr. Hurt, Release 5 is working fine Thank you for your hard work!!!
  2. Hello Dr. Hurt, with the 3 changed settings from post #306, side scrolling is disabled and now the whole size of the trackpad can be used. great!
  3. Here is my positive feedback on 5RC2: -On Dolphin the needed pressure is ok now! -2 finger scrolling works -Multitouch i don´t know - 1 finger scrolling on the right side is working! (side scrolling),the area where it works is about 2 cm width - I have the same issue with the correct size as kfiatos mentioned, the bottom is not recognized, (about 1.5 cm on the bottom ) one thing i recognized: on the login screen clicking is enabled, but when the desktop is loaded, i have to open the prefpane once to enable clicking. I am on Sierra 10.12.1 since today
  4. Hello Dr. Hurt, here is my report for Dolphina6: I don`t know if 3 or 4 finger Multitouch works, i don´t use it anyway (only 2-finger scrolling and clicking). In the modified Trackpad for Sierra aren´t any options to tweak for multitouch?! What should happen, when i use 3fingers? Version5RC1: is working too, but the sensitivity is very low, so i have to press really hard on the trackpad. I think that there must be changed any values in the plist, but I dont`t know which. I think with edge scrolling, you mean the small area on the right side, where yo can scroll with one finger in the y-axis in windows. this feature doesn´t work in both versions.
  5. Here are the console-values from Dolphin a6: Alps: fingers=2,bitmap=2 fingers=3,bitmap=3 fingers=4,bitmap=4
  6. Hello Dr. Hurt, Dolphin a6 is working! Thank you so much for your hard work!! No KernelPanics so far, 1 finger and also 2 finger scrolling is working well. I installed Sierra new today, so I have to tweak the Pref-pane again and i will look tomorrow if clicking and speed changing is working. PS: What do you meen with console app, so that i can look for the asked values?
  7. Hello Dr. Hurt, I installed Dolphin a5 in the clover kext folder. 1 finger moves the cursor smooth, but every time when i want to scroll with 2 fingers, it causes Kerrnel Panic. The Dmesg for ALPS reports: ALPS: GET AREA: x_bits=8, y_bits=1, x_max=448, y_max=0 ALPS: Found a V5 Dolphin touchpad with ID: E7=0x73 0x03 0x50, EC=0x73 0x02 0x02 ALPS: ENTERING alps_dolphin_get_device_area ALPS: GET AREA: x_bits=8, y_bits=1, x_max=448, y_max=0 ALPS: Touchpad driver started ALPS: alps_hw_init_dolphin_v2 ALPS: ENTERING alps_short_cmd_v5 ALPS: ENTERING alps_short_cmd_v5 ALPS: ENTERING alps_short_cmd_v5 ALPS: ENTERING alps_short_cmd_v5 ALPS: ENTERING alps_short_cmd_v5 ALPS: alps_request_v5 ALPS: ENTERING alps_short_cmd_v5 ALPS: ENTERING alps_short_cmd_v5 ALPS: ENTERING alps_short_cmd_v5 I don`t know if it`s important, I saw in the dmesg-report some Sandbox violations, are the Kernel Panics related to them??
  8. Hello Dr. Hurt, in the attachment was only the contents folder, NOT the COMPLETE kext, so I didn`t know how to install it. ?? I put the kexts in the clover kext folder "10.11" and "other". Today i am not at home, so I can test it not before tomorrow evening. Then I will get the needed informations in the terminal app.
  9. Hello Dr. Hurt, i tried Dolphin a4. The way of installation: I changed the contents folder from installed Dolphin a3 to the contents folder of the attached Dolphin a4, rebuild caches and permissions. After that, the machine boots, but after a while, it crashes with Kernel Panic. I think crashing was every time after testing 2-finger scrolling.
  10. Hello Dr. Hurt I tested Version a3 with the modified plist like you suggested a little bit: (fingerz=1, v/h scrolldivisor=0) -Scrolling is not working, even when i spread my fingers wide like a "V" and press more powerful on the trackpad. Only the cursor is moving. -3 and 4 finger scrolling does not make any difference. only cursor is moving -The clicking doesn`t work after restart, i have to open the trackpad pref-pane one time, i can see that clicking is enabled. without changing anything clicking is working after that.
  11. I got the pref pane working with loading a macOS Sierra patched trackpad pref pane. so I could enable "clicking", but 2-finger Scrolling does not work.
  12. Hello Dr. Hurt, thank you so much for your hard work. i have exact the same hardware as kitkim on my hackintosh Acer V3-771G! "Found a V5 Dolphin touchpad with ID: E7=0x73 0x03 0x50, EC=0x73 0x02 0x02" Changing the settings of info.plist of the a3 trackpad kext, (set v/hscrolldivisor to 0 and fingerz to 1) made the movement of the cursor smooth and speed is ok. Two-Finger scrolling is not working, the cursor is moving instead. Also there is no pref-pane, so that i can`t tune the settings.
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