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tswujcik last won the day on July 31 2016

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  1. Whoa, How did you accomplish this? Using legacy or UEFI? Were you running into the same issues I had been? I would still like to complete this for my system as well.
  2. Here is the zip you asked for. Thanks for all the help man. I really appreciate it. origin.zip
  3. Is something supposed to happen on screen when I hit f4? When I press f4, nothing seems to happen on the screen. So I booted without cache. And same error. I will check the folder you suggest in a few mins.
  4. Still same issues it seems.
  5. Also, I don't have a compatible wifi card installed at the moment. It's in the mail. I assumed it wouldn't affect the install, but could that be having an affect?
  6. This is with the gpusensors.kext deleted. I doesn't have the same errors, but hangs up just after the Bluetooth error. This is with and without nv_disable=1.
  7. Ha, I see the forum auto corrects some to the names from other sites. I edited my post because I thought my phone did it. Lol. I guess I will delete that setup.
  8. So I thought I would try unifail installer from tonycrapx86 to see if it had the issues ironed out. Still no difference. It doesn't say the GeForceSensor error, but it still crashes after the IOblutoothfamily error. Could it be that I am using the modded bios and uefi? I also read on the tony Mac site that it could be because I am using a usb 3, and should try a usb 2. Any thoughts or suggestions?
  9. I tried adding "gpusensors.kext" and "gpusensors" into the "block kext" option in clover options since my Mac is in the same room my wife is sleeping in. I'm assume this is the same, but I will try removing it tomorrow as typing that did not help.
  10. I have attached a pic of my screen right before it crashes. Is this enough info?
  11. Okay, not sure what happened on my first couple attempts, but I was able to use space bar and boot without cache. It didn't make a difference. I also tried to add the nv_disable=1 to the boot args in the options menu.
  12. Okay, so I finally attempt this tonight and was not successful. I followed the guide exactly using UEFI/GUID. I used the EFI_clover along with the E6220.zip. I copied the contents of the E6220 to EFI-clover/clover/. I deleted the DDST/SSDT files as per the post. (I forgot the first time so I tried once with and once without). Then I renamed it to EFI and copied it to the EFI partition of the drive. After I boot into the clover boot loader and select install OS X El Capitan, it starts to boot, but when the bar reached 100%, the white circle backslash pops up and it doesn't proceed. F4 doesn't seem to get me into an option menu to select "boot without cache", and I am not sure where to add the nv_disable=1 at this point. Thanks
  13. Awesome. Thanks for the info. I will be attempting this within the next couple of days. I'll keep you posted with the progress. Thanks
  14. So I've purchased an OS X OOB compatible wifi card and I modded my Bios. I still cannot disable the NVidia gpu, but I can't imagine that's a big deal. The guide I followed to mod my bios was: http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/l502x-modded-bioses-download-gpu-voltages-and-more.635536/ Is there a better mod, or will this one be suffice? I noticed in the guide that I would need to use clover in legacy mode since my laptop did not support UEFI. I have the option to enable UEFI, so would this be better? Secondly, I noticed that I would have to format my usb stick to MBR instead of GUID formatting - unless I had a modded bios. Since I have the modded bios, what is the best option? Thanks
  15. So my wifi adapter is in fact Intel, so I will need to install a new one. Is there an optimal adapter that I should purchase for easy configuration and best performance with OS X? Should I research a modded BIOS to disable the nvida GPU when using OS X? I have read that without disabling it, it is possible that it is always drawing power which would add heat and decrease my battery life. Thanks
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