It seems I've hit another wall trying to update to El Capitan. Using my working Yosemite Clover EFI I am running into a graphic error again. Freezes with an audio or bluetooth error depending on what bootflags im trying. I will try to keep future posts better documented/organized. Seriously just confused more than anything lol.
To clarify: this is happening when trying to boot el capitan installer.
I grabbed the audio kext in the archive u shared and installed with kext wizard and now it looks like everything is working 100% I just need to check VGA/HDMI which i will do right now.
EDIT: VGA works. HDMI does not.
That's all I'm missing at this point! Getting there!
This is my EFI on my SSD.
After installing reinstalling OS X and installing Hackintosh vietnam I added bluetooth support, wifi support, trim support.
I have working keyboard, trackpad, SD reader, battery readout, just no sound
Awesome! Everything is working now but the battery readout. I get battery when install fake SMC but then i lose my integrated keyboard and trackpad support. Any ideas for battery?
Im assuming I do have full gfx acceleration, i'm not seeing any latency and no visual errors. I will try the faking kext. Any suggestions for audio? Also trackpad and keyboard work ok. Alt key acts as CMD key; windows key acts as alt key; and trackpad is very sensitive/jittery when moving it slightly. None of the keyboard/trackpad issues are a big deal, but bluetooth keeps nagging me about finding wireless inputs.
Figured out how to dismiss all the nagging stuff. Literally all i'm stuck on is the audio. OH, and now my battery readout is missing again.
Hey everyone,
Over the past few days everyone has been helping me get this thing running. I just wanted to say thanks again for that. That being said:
Processor: i3 2328m sandybridge
Graphics: HD3000
Lan - UNKNOWN - non working - will update with more info
AUDIO: 92hd93 - non working
1X HDMI - non working
1X VGA - working
1X SD - non working - will update with more info
Just combined the kexts i left out by mistake into the clover file! I'm on the install screen thank you guys so much. my bad on the oversight. here is my final clover config.CLOVER
Thanks Jake. Here is the clover i built with your generic efi and and the bootpack you just linked. I just want to make sure I'm putting everything together correctly.
And now I'm getting this: