Hi there,
First - Thanks for all good advice's, tools, how to's and guides!
I'm trying to install osx on my e6220. Not very used to these things so no when I do not get things to work I guess I have missed something in the instructions, and do not know where to start..
what thing is it that don't work then: Ethernet...
I've tried install Mountain Lion, used the extras listed on the chart. Installed, worked OK, restarting first time and goes through the set up:
- choosing language OK
- Keyboard OK
- user account OK
- network set up - NOK
I use an airport extreme set to DHCP so I've tried set network to DHCP, and DHCP with manual IP-adress. Don't work. I get thrown back to the screen where I chose language/keyboard.
I instead try to set "no network" and can then finalize installation. But then obviously I can not get the network to function.,,
Any ideas? How can I enable network when boot is finalized and I'm in OSX?
Greatful for any advices!