Hey..somehow i fixed it..
As far as i can remember the steps i took was..Enable again CSM on BIOS, which used to destroy the Resolution and added to the config.plist on EFI, Devices-> SetIntelBacklight=>true and System Parameters -> BacklightLevel=>1.0.
For the video Card i have set
IntelGFX => 0x04128086 and ig-platform-id=>0x0a260006 which used to work and recognize the Intel HD4400 1536MB graphics card, but not anymore.
For this i had to set the resolution of the screen manually for the configurator at 1366x768.
During boot i used -v to show up some debugging notes and i noticed that ACPIBacklight and IntelBacklight reported as not found, i don't really worry for that as my brightness has come up again, though i can not control it somehow (have installed shades and brightness slider, nothing works but don't care).
Now i have to fix the audio, remains a problem, and the video to work again...any ideas? Am i missing any kexts?