Ok, i have a Latitude D820/ Precision M65.
I say a 'D820/M65' because it is actually a M65 motherboard part number and GPU (has the FX350M silk-screened on the actual GPU chip; but has the NVS120M video BIOS of a D820 installed; with a 'hack' to install the M65 video BIOS it would be a 'FX350M' GPU... but there's not really any reason to do so...).
I've been using this OSX machine with nVidia graphics for over three years, now, on Snow Leopard 10.6.0 that I installed using the 'Leppy700m' boot CD found at
and with CentOS 6 dual-booting (was Fedora 12, then 13, then 14, and finally C6, all with the same OSX install sitting there).
I'd like to transition this machine to using EDP, but without a reinstall from scratch. Any thoughts? Would it be as simple as installing MyHack, using the /Extra from the D820 nvidia bootpack in 'Use My Own' and overwriting the previous /Extra and Chameleon? I really don't want to have to reinstall, but at the same time I know I need to update to 10.6.8 or beyond, and since I'm using EDP on my Inspiron 9400 (using the D620 Intel high-res bootpack and EDP; the EDP and bootpack listed for the 9400 doesn't work, but the D620 one does, but that's a separate thread).
I do have a SuperDuper! image backup of the root filesystem, so I can restore it if need be.