I tried a few more times tonight, but still no luck. I'm not able to *install* after applying the replacement Extra folder to the myhack installer. On boot to the flash drive i get a few EBios read error's and it just sits there. If I go with a plain myhack installer, I can at least get osx installed but back to where I can only boot into safe mode.
What I tried was installing using a plain myhack installer, then applying the new Extra folder and running the myfix from the terminal as suggested. Everything looks to run ok and prompts to reboot. Not much changed in that I cannot boot without the flash drive and I can still only boot into safe mode.
I have the same cpu, i7 3720QM, but my screen resolution is only 1366x768. I updated the chameleon boot plist in the extra folder with the proper resolution but it didnt make any difference.
I'll keep hacking away to see if I can get some sort of combination working. Thanks again for the help.