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Everything posted by cNone
OK then, I don't have any tool that runs my CPU at max speed all the time but my SL installation (I am not sure but I don't run anything in background) (it is not a generic installation I have to admit that because I found some extensions those are not from EDP). And you cleared all things in my mind. Just one last thing. With Pstate you don't mean just the app right? I will try voodooPstate.kext (don't remember the exact name) If I can't succeed I will firmly hug my SL installation Thanks for your patient and kind support. I hope I didn't annoy you too much
Hmm, I've looked into S/L/E in my SL installation and found out I have installed nullCPUPowerManagement and SleepEnabler.kext from somewhere else. I've checked with HWMonitor and my cpu is at 2189Mhz constantly and the voltage 1.36V. What I want is move this stability to Lion installation. I don't want native speedstep, I don't want it at all. Just want to run my CPU at max speed. How can I achieve that on Lion? Is it possible and if it is, what will be the culprits? For example when back from sleep will my laptop shuts down prematurely? Because that is the only problem right now on my Lion installation. I understand you've worked out all issues with your hard work, and I don't disregarding your work done so far. I appreciate it. Thanks a million for this great forum and awesome EDP idea and execution
You are right sir, but I don't like the speedstep app that runs in background and adjusts the speed of CPU. I am running 10.6.8 edp'ed and removed theese without any problems. Can I use my boot.plist on Lion too?
Hello again, I have received my correct CPU (T7500 2.2GHZ) and installed without any problems. Now I am defintiely sure I have d630. Installed 10.7.0 after that configured the EDP and done the build with following settings: Changed the ps2 to voodoops2 Removed sleepenabler, nullcpupowermanagement and emulated sppedstep because I want to run my laptop at max speed all the time. Now everything seems working but when I close the lid laptop goes sleep as expected. But when I opened the lid again my hackbook shuts down immediately and resets all the BIOS settings to it's defaults. What am I doing wrong?
Well I don't know anything about NVRAM, can you point me a direction where to find information about it? Thank you
SOLVED: I removed the data (2D66202D 7600) from the line boot-args under NVRAM in nvram.44454c4c-0000-1000-8000-80c04f000000.plist file, that removed -f -v but added ''?B'' to boot arguments. Then I removed all the line boot-args completely and that done the trick. Now I have full high res start-up and nicer gray apple boot screen I used PlistEdit Pro BTW, and now I'm exploring ChamWizard. Thanks guys, you are doing great work.
I add the graphicsmode to boot.plist in extra.I will do some more tries with the latest chameleon and with cham wizard.I am doing the modifications with the champlist and manual text edit so far.Another question about chameleon;does the latest build works at1440x900 because whenever i switched larger release number than 2.0 i always lost thehigh res.I will try and come with the results later. By the way I am not talking about system resolution,boot menu resolution is my question.After booting process i have the 1440x900 resolution in system. Thank you for your great support
I tried it and that ddn't worked.Then I deleted the nvram.plist file that worked about the persistent flags.But for the graphic mode I always add the graphicmode flag but never worked before and not working at desired resolution right now too
Hmm, when I deleted the nvram.44454c4c-0000-1000-8000-80c04f000000.plist file from extra folder the arguments are gone. Is that file is a necessity? And I attach that file so you can point me out if there is something I should do in it. http://d.pr/f/ZI4K
OK I will try your solution, but for other question, how to use the bootloader at 1440x900? EDIT: Tried but didn't worked unfortunately.
Hello; I have 10.6.8 EDP'ed SL installation on my D630. I have some questions about the boot. 1. I used chameleon bootloader screen at low resolution till yesterday. I didn't remember what did I do but somehow my resolution gone up 1440x900 at boot menu. I was trying to figure out the boot issue I have. 2. Boot issue for me is every time chameleon boots in -v -f flags. I've checked the boot.pilist but there isn't a boot flag. But when I hit a button at boot menu I can see there is boot flags that's already written. My system: D630 with X3100@1440x900 Everything works as expected. Thanks in advance fellas
I was using my build of SL 10.6.7 for a long time. But every software wants it to be 10.6.8 minimum. So i decided to update my system to 10.6.8. I have updated without any problem, what's my only concern was sleepenabler.kext because I haven't found a proper one so I decided to give EDP a go. EDP installed all the necessary things except pstate along with the nullcpupowermanagement.kext which I don't like to use. Now my system runs very smoothly, everything working other than trackpad ( I didn't bother myself for installing kexts because I don't use the pad ever ) Now my CPU is 7200 which you said a d620 is up and running both cores and HWMonitor reports 35-36C at 1.990mhz and 1.362v. I have a question about it tho, how accurate HWMonitor? Is this info reliable? Thanks and please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about my little FrankenDell.
Thank you, I bought the cpu, I hope it wasn't burnt tho I will come again and give you headaches about installing Lion on my laptop. Thanks again for this great site and awesome EDP See you soon fellas...
Hmm then I am going to buy the T7500 that I am looking at now My RAM modules are 667mhz, is it going to be a problem with the T7500? That is my only concern. If it is not a problem, I am going to buy the CPU. Thanks for your efforts again BTW this d630 runs SL without any problem.
As I said before, I am sure my laptop is d630, just the CPU replaced with the one from d620 (just a guess, but I am sure it is T7200) I have setup Lion now I am going to try just tscsync to get rid of speedstep and use native speedstep instead.
Performing a clean install again, I will post the results. Thanks for your helps
My CPU is replaced in the service, laptop is D630 but only the CPU is from another laptop. What should I do? Tried deselect all things in CPU/Power page but that gives a KP too.
I have done a fresh install, nothing modded yet. My CPU is T7200, What exactly to do when doing a fresh EDP to use the native speedstep? I have used native speedstep on my previous SL installation. And for the BIOS settings I have A16 BIOS and setup as in the post here.
What to select / unselect to use without speedstep. I want to use my d630 with full performance all the time. Pstate gives me poor performance. I tried to unselect the emulated speedstep but when I do that EDP gives KP.
Thanks, I did a fresh install meanwhile. Installed the update before doing anything. But when I tried to do a system build with EDP it KP'ed with the loginwindow service. I am now installing a fresh copy, I will try to EDP the system and then reboot then update then re-run the EDP with the settings you said. I will post results on other topic because I see this is a guide, not a discussion. Apologies for writing in this topic so far.
Thanks for the prompt reply sir. Yes I did the EDP system build before upgrading to 7.5. Now I have updated the system and do a system build again before the restart. But I have selected the anv-slice. If I do a system build again, is EDP going to change it to voodops2 or should I do a fresh install the system from scratch? And when I try to open the lid after closing and sleeping the system, the BIOS settings reset. Is that happened to someone or covered before?
Hello again, long time no see I am trying to install the Lion on my laptop. Installed successfully but I have some questions: When I close the lid, the system goes to sleep but when I try to open the lid, system goes off instantly, like the power is gone (HD stops with a sound as in lost power). And second question: If I want to update to 10.7.5 where can I find the sleepenabler.kext? Can you point me the right direction. As of now I am dloading the combo update. BTW, touchpad seem to behave erratic, I don't use the pad so often bur when I need to, the pad performance is low, I mean it doesn't feels all of my movements. Thanks for the tutorial and millions of thanks for the EDP. Specs: d630 with intel x3100 1440x900
gone diggin' then
tried that one.. it's working but i am referring the istat menus application.. not the widget ;)i am not using dashboard, frankly dashboard is too much useless for me and i've turned off. if there is a way to istat menus battery to work please share.. thanks in advance
ah, i see.. thank you for your reply. and now i have to ask you the obvious: where can i get the fix? or better: which lines do i have to add to dsdt? thanks again;)