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  1. Gents, Simply a stunning attack vector - when getting your Dell Latitude D630 Lappy, 'up-up-and-away' on OS X! Brilliant work, (and hat's off to all), for putting together such an amazing resource - across a well laid out, and beautifully presented 'Site. OK, having a red-hot-go at getting a Dell D630 Intel x3100 'Low Res', (read 1280x800), airborne on Lion v10.7(.5) (The '.5' is in brackets - due to my probable misinterpretation of the specific steps required to get from a fresh install of v10.7.2, up to v10.7.5) Here's what's happening right now; Upon booting via 'Boot Verbose' within Chameleon, tonnes of progression - until hitting the skids at 'Still waiting for root device'... How I got here; (and due to the obvious 'Uber-N00b-ality' of me, myself and I - I have listed every single exact step that has led to this current knotted-ball-of-string...) - Began by downloading 'myHack v3.3.1' onto my iMac, running Snow Leopard v10.6.8 - Within an Admin Account, placed a verified Lion v10.7.2 'InstallESD.dmg' onto the Desktop - Formatted a 16GB USB Stick as directed, ran myHack v3.3.1 and wrapped up the creation of the USB Installer, using the correct and already unzipped Bootpack for my Low-Res D630 - Configured my D630's BIOS Settings, (version A19), as directed - Booted from the newly minted OS X v10.7.2 USB Installer, and managed to progress to the 'Choose Langauge' prompt found within the OS X Installer - Selected Disk Utility from the Menu Bar and formatted the internal 80GB SATA HDD of the D630, as a 'Mac OS Extended (Journaled)' HDD, committing to the Erase with a write of zeros across the 'Drive, just to be safe-and-sure - Upon format completion, just to double-down with extra safety, selected Partition / 1 Partition / and within the 'Options' ensured that 'GUID Partition Table' was selected - Suitably convinced I now had a 'clean-tight-and-tidy' HDD, I then let the USB Installer off-of-the-chain and the installation of 10.7.2 went off without a hitch - As directed at the 'Generic Kexts' prompt, I successfully chose 'Use My Own' and located the appropriate 'Extra Folder' created by the initially downloaded and unzipped Bootpack file from Step 3, above - I hit 'yes' to every prompt regarding any extensions of concern, and once resolved - commenced to reboot from the internal 80GB HDD This is when the first issue arose... I couldn't get to the Create Account / Registration Process, unless I chose 'Boot Ignore Caches' from within Chameleon. Nevertheless, once this boot option was selected, I was able to complete the Create Account step, and proceed straight into a fresh, clean and new, Lion Desktop. By this point, I was feeling very, VERY impressed - at just how far the Hackintosh Community - as a collective - had made this entire process to this point, so easy for me. I really did feel as though I was standing on the shoulders of unquestioned greatness! Next move, obviously straight into EDP. - I configured my new Lion environment's Ethernet for all-systems-go, and immediately downloaded the 'Install_EDP_v6.zip' file - onto my new Lion Desktop - As directed, double-clicked on the unzipped 'Install EDP' icon and entered my sudo password at the prompt waiting within the Terminal Window - Without any hesitation, the installation concluded and with a selection of immediate launch, a fresh window opened - revealing the minty-lushness of the beautiful work put together by all of you Gurus, otherwise known as EDPv6. Simply breath-taking, gorgeous work. Stunning visuals, amazing layout - incredible vision! However, this is where the real problems began... - Instructions made it clear to 'refresh' the model database within EDP, so before anything else I updated via the 'Config Button' and chose 'Download EDP Updates' - Once complete, I then headed back to the 'EDP Button' and hit the 'Build from model database', but the list refused to reveal ANY systems at all, within the drop-down list - I re-attempted a 'Download EDP Updates', but still no joy within the drop-down for selecting ANY system at all... Attacking the Forums, I discovered a few others were having the same issues - EDP v5/6 refusing to populate the drop-down. Within this Topic - https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/7126-cannot-download-bootpack-d630-x3100-low-res-missing/?hl=d630i_lores_10.7.5_tuned_pack&do=findComment&comment=42126 - somebody was having the same problem as me, and somebody else, gave the option of downloading the files for my D630, that EDP needed as a 'Ready-to-Go-Pack' So, needless to say - I grabbed the same Pack as well. Upon downloading it, I noted that it said that it was for v10.7.5 - not v10.7.2 - and this is where everything starting to go all-fuzzy-and-wild... Indecision, turmoil, uncertainty - what to do? You guessed it - because I was in a new Lion v10.7.2 Desktop - (and not v10.7.5) - I stupidly moved the 'MacOSXUpdCombo10.7.5.dmg' over - and applied it. Now that the UpdateCombo for v10.7.5 has had it way with this installation, at the Chameleon boot-loader - immaterial of whether I choose 'Boot Ignore Caches' or not - there's simply no more OS X Login Prompt for me... Selecting 'Boot verbose' instead - as stated at the beginning / at the top - progresses until 'Still waiting for root device'... So, there it is - I haven't managed to locate a solution within the Forums - so Help(?), and go easy on an Uber-N00b! Thanks in advance.
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