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  1. i installed OsX(disk0s4) after win7(disk0s6) but osX is on erlier partition. actually there was windows 8 partition which i had deleted and then created new paritions and installed osX there.... i got boot0 error so i resolved it with boot1h file...but now the problem is very weired BIOS is on legacy mode Scenario1:when i start machine it automatically starts windows7 but to start chameleon i have to press F9 and i have to select "Note Book Harddrive" from boot options(see attachment) then chameleon opens. it is showing all drivers . when i selected win7 it unable to boot and gives me error as "an operating System wasn't found "see attachment . Scenario2: i followed this guide: http://jonsview.com/fixing-mbr-table...le-boot-setups then i have also manually edited entries of MBR table and toggle bootflags and tried come combinations. In this case when i set boot flag to EFI partition it won't boot chameleon but bootmgr gives bcd error status: 0xc0000225. i tried to repair with Win7 bootable disk but it didn't detect windows partition. edited MBR table is as follows again i edited MBR table as previous one. my partitions now(scenario 1) are as follows: also output by rEFIt is follows: *** Report for internal hard disk *** Current GPT partition table: # Start LBA End LBA Type 1 2048 821247 Unknown 2 821248 1353727 EFI System (FAT) 3 1353728 1615871 MS Reserved 4 1615872 741072895 Mac OS X HFS+ 5 741335040 966615039 Basic Data 6 966615040 1069015039 Basic Data 7 1069015040 1376212991 Basic Data 8 1376215040 1902827519 Basic Data 9 1902829568 1953523711 Basic Data Current MBR partition table: # A Start LBA End LBA Type 1 1 1953525167 ee EFI Protective MBR contents: Boot Code: Unknown, but bootable Partition at LBA 2048: Boot Code: Windows BOOTMGR (Vista) File System: NTFS Listed in GPT as partition 1, type Unknown Partition at LBA 821248: Boot Code: Windows BOOTMGR (Vista) File System: FAT32 Listed in GPT as partition 2, type EFI System (FAT) Partition at LBA 1353728: Boot Code: None File System: Unknown Listed in GPT as partition 3, type MS Reserved Partition at LBA 1615872: Boot Code: Unknown, but bootable File System: HFS Extended (HFS+) Listed in GPT as partition 4, type Mac OS X HFS+ Partition at LBA 741335040: Boot Code: Windows BOOTMGR (Vista) File System: NTFS Listed in GPT as partition 5, type Basic Data Partition at LBA 966615040: Boot Code: Windows BOOTMGR (Vista) File System: NTFS Listed in GPT as partition 6, type Basic Data Partition at LBA 1069015040: Boot Code: Windows BOOTMGR (Vista) File System: NTFS Listed in GPT as partition 7, type Basic Data Partition at LBA 1376215040: Boot Code: Windows BOOTMGR (Vista) File System: NTFS Listed in GPT as partition 8, type Basic Data Partition at LBA 1902829568: Boot Code: Windows BOOTMGR (Vista) File System: NTFS Listed in GPT as partition 9, type Basic Data Plz help out me....i m really frustrated after all tries. i m not understanding that what is exactly hapening...
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