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my installation steps in E6500 nvidia


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FORCE copy AppleAzaliaAudio.kext and VoodooHDA.kext in S/L/E then Kext Utilty run once, reboot, IDT works


Force copy new AppleACPIPS2Nub.kext and ApplePS2Controller.kext in S/L/E then Kext Utility once, reboot, Integrated mouse works.


How ever, Mr. Mariusz's INTEL82566 and Bluetooth, VoodooSDHC do same, no dead, how ever, they did not work.


That is the latest news. I hope someone can give me a kext for my Intel 82567 LAN. Thanks a lot. Have a good weekend.


Lion 10.7.2 is almost near ready on E6500

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dear Mr.Mariusz,

China Great Firewall Blocked 1.95 Version e1000e.kext website, I just checked. can you mail it here? or saphireli@yahoo.com ? And one more, how2 check my lion in 32 or 64 bit working? i just found install from usb pen with i386 faster than x64.

anyway I will try iwn4965 for my wifi5300, in FreeBSD, wifi5300 use the iwn4965, today I am lucky. finally I will write a full description of my recording. why I cannot upload my picture or files here?

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Thanks a lot.

I remember when I try to install os out of Microsoft, it is impossible to be driven in Solaris/Linux/FreeBSD, so I post in forums.freebsd.org and a higher level staff guided me to download intel firmware to write in dos, I follow then LAN nic can be driven in all system, in FreeBSD it's name em0, Linux maybe e1000, different with 82566, so I guess it will be ok next Monday.

For Bluetooth and sd reader, it is not important for me, I want2 develop iOS program only.

How ever, now dell kb and mouse, sound works.


wish you have a good weekend. dear Mr.mariusz!

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Guest saphire

Dear Mariusz:


today I met same problem, because no nic is working for me.

AppleIntelE1000e.kext is not working at all.


After I found your bootpack-e6X00.zip and upzip to /Extra, of course, produce new serial no. to test, it is 1st good for me that keyboard, blue mouse integrated, and touchpad working well together. Before this pack, my mouse only blue working well, and touchpad is alway random jumping.

I just keep the bootpack-e6X00.zip unziped dsdt.aml.


How ever, what Mr. Mariusz's VoodooHDA.kext for IDT is not working, actuall it will make 5 nation lanague, so I boot from USB pen and rm -rf /Volumn/lion/S/L/E/VoodooHDA.kext then it can be boot from USBpen then continue boot from HDD inside normal.


How ever Intel82566 and E1000 is not working, I chked it is real 0x10F5 which AppleIntele1000e should be including support.


I have a question, if I get myself E6500 dsdt.aml from the my debian system ? Or is there something to modify the dsdt.aml

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I download it, and run in Mac Lion 10.7.2, need Java, so I download Java for Mac Lion fm Windows platform and transfer, it cannot work until reboot lion.


I also check the AppleIntelE1000e.kext, it real has key 0x10f58086 under ich9 inside.


Because it is too many contents in the dsdt.aml from I get it in Debian, of course I can use vi to fast search, same in DSDT editor.

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