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E6220 Sierra - HDMI output trouble


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I have an E6220 i5 running with Sierra per Hervés guide with Enoch, everything running smoothly (except the need for a reinstall every couple of months 😋), but the HDMI output. When I connect an second display (monitor or projector), then Sierra can identify the second display but only shows a white screen on it.

Any ideas what to do?

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Strange, HDMI video output has always worked OOB for me. Only HDMI audio required the SNB framebuffer patch. I'm now running High Sierra and with Clover on the E6220. Maybe you should switch to that. I know it was done quite late for the version but I recently updated the guide for High Sierra too.

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On 9/13/2019 at 10:55 AM, Hervé said:

Maybe you should switch to that. I know it was done quite late for the version but I recently updated the guide for High Sierra too.

Many thanks for the hint! I just started to do that and ran into a problem right away. After using

sudo /Desktop/Install\ macOS\ High\ Sierra.app/Contents/Resources/createinstallmedia --volume /Volumes/HSInstaller

to create the USB installer I got the answer

/Desktop/Install macOS High Sierra.app/Contents/Resources/createinstallmedia: command not found

I'm not sure what went wrong here. The installer app has only a size of 23MB, though - am I using the wrong one?

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Obviously the High Sierra installation package did not download properly since it should be about 6GB if memory serves me right. It happens sometimes for reasons that elude me. You could double check your SMBIOS settings and renew your serial numbers before retrying through the AppStore or maybe Google for those download scripts/line commands to get the package directly off Apple's repo.


Anyway, this is getting off-topic so let's close this thread and re-assess situation in a new and more relevant one.

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