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EM7455B It is detected but wont connect


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Hi I finally made macos big sur install and boot 
wifi works rest wat should work does 

Except the EM7455 (Dell DW5811e) reflashed and programmed to show as generic EM7455B
Os even sees the sim in it and show the ISP from the sim but it wont conenct 

i am using the legacyQMI kext from here 

Saw some ting aout chaging some thing in cellphonehelper but i can even with csrutil saying sip is disabled 

any help would be appriciated 

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-> Moving to WWAN hardware support, this is not related to a 7000 series per sé.


From memory, the legacyQMI kext in question applied to a specific vanilla kext from an older OS X or macOS version; I'm pretty sure you would need to make it up for your current version, i.e. Big Sur so that it matches the dependancies of the vanilla kext. It's basically just an injector matching the syntax of the vanilla kext of the hosting OS. With Big Sur, Apple introduced some significant changes in the security of the OS and you can no longer (easily) patch kexts in /S/L/E. But you should be able to either make your own injector or -and your may find this easier though the aim is identical- inject/add your patch in FakeSMC or VirtualSMC (see here and you'll find a sample of injection through FakeSMC here).


You may also look at these threads and draw your own conclusions:




Unless you have a dedicated SIM card for mobile computer data, such cellular cards are kind of deprecated today since it's much easier to simply pair a computer to a cell phone through Bluetooth or hook it by USB cable.

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Personally I have kind of given up on this thing, I can't even get it to show anything in Settings. Wonder if FakeSMC injection can actually do anything. 

Otherwise, if you have an Android phone @sojab0on, HoRNDiS works well on Sonoma. It's for USB tethering, so it's a bit more convenient than WiFi hotspot in some situations.

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