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Lion Apple thumbrive and Myhack


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I am new on this forum, but I have to say it's the most helpful forum I've found so far when it comes to hackintoshism. Congratulations!


I am trying to install Lion, using myHack, but from a Lion Thumbdrive that I purchased from Apple. Tried to Google to see how can I extract the "installesd.dmg" from the thumbdrive in order to use it with myHack, but no success. All the guides are for how to do the opposite.


So my question is simple, how to make myHack work with an USB Lion thumbdrive in order to create the myHack Lion installer USB drive?



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Hi, simply point to your Lion thumbdrive when prompted for your Lion media. I guess it contains the Lion installation app, just as if you had restored a dmg image. MyHack will work with a restored image, a .app installation media or the installESD.dmg.

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