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ASUS A72F-TY229V - Problems installing


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Hello everyone!


I have a problem when installing Mac OS X 10.9 on a laptop (Previously installed this same version on a desktop satisfactorily)


The problem that occurs is: With these flags the system boots until you see a white screen with stripes (not going there)


-v -f -x npci=0x3000


If I disable the graphics with the followings flags:


-v -f -x npci=0x3000 GraphicsEnabler=No


An error in the system and get stuck.


IOBluetoothHCIController][searchForTransportEventTimeOutHandler] -- Missing Bluetooth Controller Transport!


On the contrary, if I run the next execution of flags:


-v -f -x npci=0x3000 GraphicsEnabler=No IGPEnabler=No


I skip the following error…


“Still Waiting for root deviceâ€


What solution would you give to this issue?


(I've tried multiple combinations from PCIRootUID/different NPCI/Legacy...)


Model: ASUS A72F


Processor: i3-350M


Chipset: Intel HM55 Express


RAM: 4096 MB


Graphics: Intel HD 4000


Thank you very much in advance for the possible help given.



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Thank you very much for the link, I've been testing and I still have the error. I always get this error (both with IntelCapriFB as with InjectIntel-ig)

 kernel[0]: Backtrace 0xffffff80006b982e 0xffffff7f81b900e1 0xffffff7f81b9afe2 0xffffff800069297f 0xffffff800069253f 0xffffff800068e119 0xffffff8000693093
 kernel[0]: Kernel Extensions in backtrace:
 kernel[0]: com.apple.driver.AppleIntelHDGraphics(8.1.8)[CA277D41-793F-3665-8F67-04A8B906142B]@0xffffff7f81b72000->0xffffff7f81c31fff
 kernel[0]: dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.8)[447B4896-16FF-3616-95A2-1C516B2A1498]@0xffffff7f808ba000
 kernel[0]: dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily(2.3.6)[38E388A5-92D6-3388-B799-F2498E582287]@0xffffff7f81170000
 kernel[0]: IOMemoryDescriptor 0x2645cb662c368207 prepared read only
 kernel[0]: Backtrace 0xffffff80006b982e 0xffffff7f81b902db 0xffffff7f81b9afe2 0xffffff800069297f 0xffffff800069253f 0xffffff800068e119 0xffffff8000693093
 kernel[0]: Kernel Extensions in backtrace:
 kernel[0]: com.apple.driver.AppleIntelHDGraphics(8.1.8)[CA277D41-793F-3665-8F67-04A8B906142B]@0xffffff7f81b72000->0xffffff7f81c31fff
 kernel[0]: dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.8)[447B4896-16FF-3616-95A2-1C516B2A1498]@0xffffff7f808ba000
 kernel[0]: dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily(2.3.6)[38E388A5-92D6-3388-B799-F2498E582287]@0xffffff7f81170000

But there are some codes (Such as IntelCapriFB = 4) it shows me the error code "Still waiting for root device"


(I have to argue that the USB device has the latest version of Chameleon)


What could be the cause of this problem and its solution?


PD: Use the installation system myhack 3.3


Thank you very much for everything and sorry for the inconvenience.



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