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D630 El Capitan Installation work, but first boot stuck with error messages


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Hi All,


I have a problem after El Capitan installation process, means, after copying the Extra folder (from USB) to the root directory of my HD and a reboot, I get the failure message:

**** [IOBluetoothFamily][SearchForTransportEventTimeOutHandler] -- Missing Bluetooth Controller Transport!
ConsiderRebuildOfPrelinkedKernel prebuild rebuild has expired

I followed Herve's D630 Installation Guide (with D630 Boot Pack & Vanilla Kernel) and also ammend all recommended BIOS Settings to my D630 with NVIDIA GPU. Previously I had Yosemite onto the D630 working like charm, so I got some minor experiences with hackintosh. So I started to think about El Capitan. I got the USB Installer up an running after some smaller problems (D630 Boot Pack not extracted in the right folder). I finally run through the El Capitan Installation process. But as you see above, I have problems to proceed installation process.


What I also did to maybe fix the issue was, but it didn't worked:

  • rm -f /Volumes/"NameofPartition"/System/Library/PrelinkedKernels/prelinkedkernel
  • touch /Volumes/"NameOfPartition"/System/Library/Extensions
  • kextcache -u /Volumes/"NameOfPartition"
  • exit

Can somebody please tell me, why I have these problems?




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I guess you did not follow the guide to the letter, did you? You're either missing the correct permissions for the /L/E folder or not booting with the right boot options.


Provided you've got the full pack in /Extra with DSDT +  SMBIOS/boot/kernel plists + Extensions folder with all necessary kexts, you should be able to boot with the following flags and options: KernelBooter_kexts=Yes CsrActiveconfig=3 -f -v


Once you've booted to EC, you can copy the kexts from /E/E to /L/E, repair permissions, rebuild cache and boot without KernelBooter_kexts option.

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Hi Herve,


thanks, your suggestion (to use this flags and options) make it work! Perfect!


Two questions:

  1. Why this flag & Option wasn't in the guide? (just asking...)
  2. Can I do an update from 10.11.2 to 10.11.3 without any problems?


Many thanks for your help!




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These options are already contained in the files provided in the pack (CsrActiveConfig is in the boot plist and KernelBooter_kexts is in kernel plist) so I guess you did not follow some of the steps of the guide… The guide makes a very specific mention to these parameters and their use.


You can do all the OS updates you want with your eyes closed. As long as you've placed all add-ons in /L/E, your D630 will keep on working.

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Hi Herve,


I checked again my USB Installer and both files are there with the right flags and options. But for some reasons, it didn't worked. I also just checked the Boot Pack again, to make sure, that maybe I missed/lost/delete those files, but I haven't. Strange!


Thanks for your help again.




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