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DW1830 (BCM943602BAED)


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Correct. I removed it, rebuild permissions. Only difference Magic Keyboard, Mouse and Trackpad.are working now.


No kextToPatch in config.plist. BrcmFirmwareRepo.kext and BrcmPatchRAM2.kext are installed.


Airdrop - works both ways
Continuity - partially working
Universal Clipboard - not working
Apple Watch auto-unlock not working
Hotspot - working

find My iPhone works until restart


DW1830@BCM943602BAED require less patching. Same functionality as I had with dw1560. Ehh...  



Sierra updated to 10.12.3, same problems

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Hello Everyone,


BCM943602BAED installed on e7470. macOS Sierra 10.12.3 with latest Bootpack for e7470 (Sierra). 


Kexts installed to /L/E and loaded:






Bluetooth is working fine, but no WiFi, should be working OOB...


I try to install FacePCIID_Broadcom_WiFi.kext and it was loaded, but still no WiFI.


I tried to add kext to patch for 5hgz for Poland region, but still nothing.


my e7470 cannot boot when I have lagacy boot option on in BIOS. If I disable it I can boot to Mac normally, not sure if it's related?



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hanks for reply Hervé. 


FakePCIID.kext removed, now only BrcmPatchRam2.kext and BrcmFirmwareRepo.kext are in /s/e, but still no Wifi after rebuilding permissions. 


Could it be a DSDT problem? If I run ssdtPRGen.sh there is no error, but when I put SSDT.aml to /EFI/Clover/ACPI/Patched I got kernel panic during boot.


From config.plist removed all patches related to Bluetotoh, Handoff, 5hgz patch and bcm94352z ngff.

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Difficult to say. The generated SSDT is for CPU power management and bears no relation to wireless services and/or equipment.


The DSDT would only impact the card if it's previously been patched for another model.

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A problem with DW1830 is solved. Jake Lo prepared E7470_v1.15.4_alternate bootpack. New DSDT/SSDT fix problem with WiFi. 


Airdrop - working

Continuity - not working or working slowly like tabs in Safari

Universal Clipboard - not working, it worked once


Apple Watch auto-unlock not working, get the pop-up unlocking with apple watch, but after a while it ask for password.

find my iphone - can be enabled and it's working until restart- it's disabled again after restart


I looked for BCM94360 replacment. I found BCM94360CS2 Card To NGFF(M.2) Key A/E Adapter https://goo.gl/images/giwTWH

BCM94360CD fit to it, but it's not recognized in BIOS/Windows or macOS. Also antenna connectors not fit and I'm NOT sure if I could close the down cover properly with screws,- card with adaprter is quite big.

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