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How do I disable GateKeeper to allow all apps to run in Sierra and later (up to Sonoma)?


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macOS Sierra and later no longer allow all apps to run by default. Instead, GateKeeper protection was beefed up and it now limits execution to apps downloaded from AppStore or AppStore & identified developers.



As such, some downloaded apps cannot be executed without triggering a warning and users may have to go to the Security & Privacy PrefPane to allow the app to run.



To change his and allow execution of all downloaded apps by default, type the following Terminal command:

sudo spctl  --master-disable

The restriction will then be lifted and all downloaded apps will be allowed to run.



I believe this info was 1st reported by Netkas.

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macOS Sequoia drops this ability to disable Gatekeeper at global level. New paradigm applies. See built-in manual pages.

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