I tried to plug headphones on the front jack. Strangely the headphones are detected by the system (I can see them in the Preference Pane) but no sound comes out.
Concerning the HDMI, my Optiplex has no HDMI output (only Displayport, USB and line)
EDIT : I am facing another problem with that Hackintosh. As soon as I am trying to connect to iCloud with my apple id, I got a message that says that my account is locked for security reason and I have to change my password. Have you ever faced a problem like that ?
EDIT2 : Found the solution about the iCloud problem. I needed to update the config file with clover configurator. SmUUID in SMBIOS and ROM in Rt Variables were missing ! I used this solution : http://www.hackintosh-montreal.com/t6180-apple-id-verrouille-resolu
To repair iMessage: Clover Fields must be completed
We will use for this clover configurator SMBIOS -In "Board Serial Number", paste your "serial number" followed by 5 characters in capital letters. (Add 5 characters anything: C02LK5RFDNMP004RT) -Open the Terminal and type "UUIDGEN", confirm with the "Enter" key, the terminal gives you a sequence of characters: 445CBFC1-EC35-4E7E-85C6-9EFC2CA66866. - Put it in the "SmUUID" field Rt Variables Copy your Board Serial Number (17 characters) Click the Rt Variables tab on the left. In MLB, paste your Board Serial Number. Click "Calculate" and copy the contents of the ROM field into the top ROM field. Save Restart.