I'm a new user w/ newly hackintosh'd UX303LA, which I believe has a focaltech touchpad.
Grateful for the kext.
Having trouble getting used to the touchpad behaviour, and just checking if anyone has advice on getting basic pointing/clicking & two-finger scrolling to behave more like a macbook. Pointer seems a little sensitive and very easily moves when I try to click if I'm not very careful. I seem to be accidentally closing Chrome tabs all over the place. I'm getting used to continuous scroll, but fling/inertial scroll (quickly moving fingers and releasing) doesn't seem to carry any speed. I have increased the inertial scroll level to some-but-minimal effect. Also, having tested a few versions, 4.5 seems more stable/predictable for my touchpad, at least (vs 4.6, 4.6.5, 4.7b5)
Again, grateful for the kext, just hoping I can tweak the responsiveness so that it doesn't feel too different from my Macbook. Hoping someone has some tweaking advice for my UX303LA.