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  1. wohoo it worked on my Asus A55VDas well...!!! without need to repatch DSDT
  2. i cant seem to find the MSR thinggy at my bios so if i install this will this effect any of my current ssdts and dsdt? afraid it will create kp on boot
  3. finally i can make it work but only normal touch no multi touch wat so ever...did i miss something?
  4. well i dont understand the term "old élan touchpad kexts" its that include appleMultitouch.kext as well?and i dont have appleps2keyboard or voodoops2controller.kext
  5. @toper55 did u delete the kext on extra folder also or just the one in S/L/E?
  6. Well I am booting thru chameleon.i did not boot using usb..can u list out what did u do to make it work??
  7. i have installed the élan v 2.1 final but gets a kp on it....i have deleted the files as stated but i cant seem to find the elan old kext and also the voodoops2 kext i only have appleps2controller and also apple acpips2nub the rest i have not found Here is the pic
  8. i am using chameleon...so the steps of installing is all the same asthe front page?just delet the 4 kexts rite or there are addiditonal steps?
  9. so meaning its working now?u just delete the said kext then install only 2 kext from the front page?
  10. hi guys is there any user of asus a55vd(i5 3210m) succeed in applying this mod?as i have kernel panic everytime i boot up
  11. do u mean u must boot from usb each time?or just once just to install the kext
  12. yeah i already email-ed u my later dump...my email is [email protected] than for the help....i have stated what i need to be helped on the email thanx again....very very much
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