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  1. Hello, I have a dell Inspiron 7359 and my trackpad has only basic features. For now, I am using the latest from this post as it is the only one that works. https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/9070-a-new-voodoops2controller-for-alps-touchpads-on-sierrael-capitan-1011410115/however, my trackpad isn’t an alps, it’s Elan and when ever I try the ApplePS2SmartTouchpad kext, it kernel panics. I tried the SmartElan one and only the keyboard works. I will attach an problem reporting files if needed. Thanks
  2. Hello, Ive got an inspiron 7359 and I put the terminal command in the get this when using Dr Hurt's PS2 kext: So it is not an ALPs touchpad. But the only trackpad kext that works for my device is an old 2016 ALPS kext with basic movements. In the bios, it says something about PS/2 so i put the command in log show any help? thanks
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