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Usman156 last won the day on January 31 2018

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  1. @kobelaciousYeah I had a kernal panic similar to that before, if your able to boot up again try creating a backup of your hackintosh using carbon copy cloner, it will save you a lot of time rather than installing all over again.
  2. So should i remove the ssdt.aml from the patched folder? Also from the little menu in clover config theres a list of disabled aml's there are three for me, *SSDT.aml *SSDT-XCPM.aml *SSDT-PluginType1.aml I'm going to remove the generated SSDT.aml file and set the plugintype to 1 like you said. Im just curious as if i should enable any of these disabled aml's
  3. Ok so I enabled both Osid and osi in clover config, and generated the ssd.aml using ssdtprgen.sh from pikers alpha, the brightness keys still don't work but the fn+b does, I will have to test the laptop at full charge for the power management.
  4. I get 2-3 hours of battery life on my hackintosh, where i usually get 5-6 hrs on windows, I heard this can be fixed by making an ssdt.aml, I was trying to follow a guide, but my only fear is that i might mess up a perfectly running hackintosh, Another problem i have is that the brightness can only be altered by pressing Fn+s or Fn+b to make them darker or brighter, instead of using the traditional f11 and f12 buttons.My clover folder is attached CLOVER.zip
  5. Ok so I ended up reinstalling which didn't take too long, but the ethernet did end up working, Thank you so much for helping, I feel stupid for not checking it before
  6. Ok, it turned out being disabled, I was following some other guide and they told me to disable integrated NIC and I had no ideas that it was Ethernet, but after that I ran into another problem, the cache rebuild is not letting me boot back into my setup, if this is an easy I'll try to do it, but if it doesn't work. I might just reinstall
  7. Yes and the Ethernet still doesn't show with the new changes
  8. Ok here's what I've got: Usmans-MBP:~ usmansohail$ sudo kextcache -i / Password: / locked; waiting for lock. Lock acquired; proceeding. KernelCache ID: 03DA53C66CF8C3DB33EFD33F068B74DB Kext with invalid signatured (-67062) allowed: <OSKext 0x7fecf4c1adc0 [0x7fff9b9018e0]> { URL = "file:///System/Library/Extensions/RealtekRTL8100.kext/", ID = "com.insanelymac.RealtekRTL8100" } Kext rejected due to improper filesystem permissions: <OSKext 0x7fecf4d01a80 [0x7fff9b9018e0]> { URL = "file:///Library/Extensions/RealtekRTL8100.kext/", ID = "com.insanelymac.RealtekRTL8100" } Usmans-MBP:~ usmansohail$
  9. I don't know it just doesn't work, I brought all the files back, but it there's no Ethernet detected in system profiler, and when I added usbinjectall.kext that made the USB ports output less power, so I just removed that one specifically.
  10. Ok so I copied them to my EFI/ Clover/ kext/ Other folder and there's no change, should I use Kext Utility to install it? It's not showing ethernet in Network settings, Would it matter if my Mac is running Mojave instead of Catalina
  11. I do have the same specs but, I'm not sure why it isn't working, I got the audio to work however by adding the AppleALC.kext to the kext folder in Clover, I configured the .plist file to boot with the argument alcid=3 and both audio and microphone work fine. On the other hand the Ethernet is not working at all, i think it has the Realtek RTL8111G-US but im not certain, i tried adding the RealtekRTL8111.kext with no luck, i'm currently using a USB tethered connection to use WiFi on the laptop, but i still want Ethernet functionality. config.zip
  12. I know the wifi card won't work but i'm trying to get the ethernet and sound working at least until i get a broadcom ngff card.
  13. I have a dell Inspiron 15 3558 i3-5005u Dell a10 bios intel hd graphics I'm trying to install Mac OS Mojave I tried making a bootable usb by using terminal on Mac and installing clover bootloader and after I was done I tried to boot from usb but I have nothing but a blank screen, I can't even get to clover I used this clover file from one of your previous posts Inspiron 3558 Catalina.zip
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