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  1. Herve, it impressive that chameleon can act like clover/refit i see that it has fixrtc also means it also can patch acpi, right ? what patches kext or acpi that enoch bootloader can do as clover do. i am missing that information. Like patch dsdt on the fly, add dtgp method, fix shutdown, plugintype=1,Renaming ACPI objects,Removing methods,Redirect and Replace,Rename and Replace,Code value patching (like mutex non zero). So verbose will works on sierra / high sierra, but not worked at el capitan?
  2. Thank you Herve. But If using r29xx then the verbose will be missing right? I saw the AppleHDA for your ADI soundcard patch also. Do you use it with DummyHDA kext ? Which one better, using fly patch for AIUCPM pr patched already AICPUM in L/E ? ============= Update: After trial, it works. 1. your kexts.plist is corrupt if opened by plist editor. there is misaligned in AppleHDA patching. 2. It is placed on /Extra not at /Extra/Extension 3. The personalities wifi ar9285 made hangs.freeze. I removed and investigating. Maybe it not needed dsdt patches ar9285 4. Glitches disappear! Bur also the verbose since using new enoch 29xx boot loader
  3. you could use lilu.kext and applealc.kext get dsdt patch to layout id 3.
  4. Yeah, me too. on u36sd. cant shutdown. eventhough got native cpu
  5. I heard enoch has capability of the clover to patch in the fly kext. How to use it? i cant find the manual regarding this? any examples? like yhis patch, courtesy of lisai9093 and ceckpawon (insanelymac), will lessen the severity. Comment: Boot graphics glitch, 10.10.x/10.11.x (credit lisai9093, cecekpawon) Name: IOGraphicsFamily Find: <01000075 17> Replace: <010000eb 17> in clover config.plist : tin <key>KextsToPatch</key> <array> <dict> <key>Comment</key> <string>Boot graphics glitch, (credit lisai9093, cecekpawon)</string> <key>Disabled</key> <true/> <key>Find</key> <data>AQAAdRc=</data> <key>Name</key> <string>IOGraphicsFamily</string> <key>Replace</key> <data>AQAA6xc=</data> </dict> </array> how to practice this in enoch?
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