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  1. how i can get this work with my dell e6220 does it work !? what i need the product all information
  2. i bought an usb wireless for the wifi TP-LINK WN725N her is . https://www.tp-link.com/us/download/TL-WN725N.html . and it's work very smooth on High Sierra 10.13.5 and has solved the wifi problem i take it from the FAQ . thanks to all member and manager for they HELP and hard working from this great forum .
  3. aha thanx i download them i don't understand the patch thing i got installl ilu and the graphic should i pot them to system/library/extension or library/extinsion ?
  4. i didn't find it where is that on config files i didn't have it ????
  5. just reinstall it it's work for me just fine on e6220 Q- can you tell me how patch the bluetooth pls?
  6. ohh thank you again i will try it ride away thanks so much for your suggest and help
  7. thank you so much for your reply where pot it the kext in EFI folder or other place? the wireless is intel yes ok i will buy an external one wiche one is good if you know? third i didn't understand could you simple it ? or there is a solotion for color depth 24? and thank you again !
  8. i have success install high sierra 10.13.5 on my dell latitude e6220 i have some issue not solved with me 1- trackpad 2- wifi 3- the color depth is 24 instead of 32 before was in sierra 32 color no 24 any suggest for those problem pls help will be thanksfull > here is some photos pic! 24 color depth the trackpad issue the wifi also not showing ever
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