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Everything posted by cuppscakes

  1. So... from the "really...?" department: my 1510 Dell mini wireless card arrived in the mail this morning. I popped it in (and, since I had it lying around, swapped out my SATA drive for a Samsung SSD) and reinstalled OS X using your guide again. This time, natural wireless works, sleep works and shut down/startup went from taking upwards of thirty seconds either way to a couple seconds. This. Is. Fantastic. Thanks for all your help this past week; I know in most cases I was throwing out symptoms that didn't always make sense. You're awesome, and this setup is sublime.
  2. Hmm... I tried mixing and matching, and even tried using his entire "Extensions" folder and rebuilding Extra. Still nothing. I hit sleep, the screen goes off, but then it just sits there, fans churning. Nothing responds, I can't get it to come back, it never fully sleeps and eventually I just have to reboot. Is there anything that can/needs to be tweaked other than the Extras folder? It seems like it tries to sleep, but it doesn't take. Grr... I can handle needing to work on getting the dock to work, but sleep is the one last thing really keeping me from being able to to use this full-time. Hmm...
  3. Got the keyboard swapped to my liking. Reboot works, albeit slowly. Shutdown gets to a black screen and stops. And sleep just turns off the display and gets stuck until I power off. I don't have NullCPUPowerManagement, and I *do* have AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement... the patched one, I think. Could I get a zip of your current setup (is it identical to your thread)? Also, how do I update cache? Just doing the myfix? Or something else? And the laptop has one HDMI and one VGA port. The HDMI port works on its own. The dock at work provides two DVI ports, only one of which, plus the native display, are recognized when docking. And when docked, the HDMI port doesn't appear to work.
  4. Yeah... I was stuck for a bit, but I reinstalled Windows 8 and then reinstalled Chameleon from OS X (booted via USB). Boom. All three OSes living together on a single drive. Now I'm just pouring over some of the other threads related to sleep/restart not working exactly and using my dock for work (dock works with power, ethernet and ONE monitor, but it doesn't seen the second). Still working on it, but definitely better off than I was a day ago. I see some other threads talk about the dock with the nVidia card... either of you have any luck using the dock with just HD 4000? And do I need a special kext for restart/sleep to work. Doing any power-related tasks (sleep, reboot, shut down) seem like they start the process... and then just sit at a dark screen until I manually power off. Also, on a much-less-of-an-issue note: is there a way to change ALT as my option key? Would much prefer the Windows key being the equivalent of option (or command).
  5. Still ironing out some kinks (can boot into OS X and Linux, but Windows is being a butt), but overall super happy with it. One more little thing: did you ever get sleep working? It took for me once, but can't get it to work reliably, and even shutting down usually just hangs on a black screen after awhile.
  6. Awesome, thanks a ton to you guys for sticking with me here... I know I kinda went bananas with the last couple posts. So I'm at a point where my system boots in OS X consistently (seem to so far), using -v -f PciRoot=0 at boot. However, I still have a few things not working: *Keyboard/touchpad not recognized (found a kext on the MyHack guide for this, I think). *Camera *Audio Screen looks great, and HDMI out to another monitor works perfectly. Battery was picked up. And sleep seems to work. Also, and this may be my noobiest question of all: how do I install further kexts and such after install? Do I just keep updating the Extra/ folder and then re-run myHack and reinstall that Extra folder? Or is there another way? EDIT: Not sure if this is the appropriate way or not, but I basically ran myHack and reinstalled Chameleon and Extras with a few other kexts I found and now a)it boots quickly and without any flags (not more partition table error either). Touchpad/keyboard work too! Sound works too! I'm using a USB wifi adapter for now, which works, and should have the rebranded wifi card coming soon.
  7. Apologies for re-posting to my own topic; I'm just try to sorta document my process. Been at this non-stop for a couple days, and showing no signs of being able to boot. So the "no boot device found, press any key to reboot" message is coming from my BIOS not seeing a bootable partition. I installed Windows 8 (machine's been exclusively Linux prior to this little experiment) and installed the latest BIOS (A11), but that didn't change anything. The BIOS has secure boot (disabled) and is UEFI (set to legacy), so I don't think those settings should be causing problems. When installing Linux previously, I used to keep my boot partitions on LVM with the rest of my system and use GRUB2, but with this machine the BIOS won't see those boot partitions, so perhaps that's related? Then again, it could simply be needing to install Chameleon after the install. Is there a way to hang in the installer before rebooting when it's done? Otherwise, as stated in my previous post, I'm not sure how to be able to run myHack, as I need safe mode to get a working USB mouse/keyboard in the installer. And beyond that, I'm still concerned, since I can't boot into the new install using the USB stick to get to a boot menu. Lastly, the only other real thing that sticks out to me is that every guide related to my e6340 shows that the install should "fail" towards the end and then you reboot. But everytime I install, it completes without issue. Runs the install, I drop in the Extra folder, click to delete a couple files and then it finishes without a hitch. Scratch all of that. So I found a 10.8.4 image (instead of the 10.8.3 one I was using) and the installing portion worked perfectly. I could boot into the OS X install with just -v, it failed at the end, and after booting into an Ubuntu live CD to fix the boot0 error, I can now boot into Chameleon and pick my OS X install! YAY! Problem is OS X is still failing to load. It shows the gray screen flashing various files loaded, and then just goes dark. So still looking into that issue (and seeing if I can get a screenie of what's going wrong). EDIT: So, I tried to get some snapshots when things go awry. Apologies for quality. This image is the last normal thing that loads before the screen gets wonky during boot (same for regular, -v or -v -f -x). This image shows what happens next: the left side of the screen gets filled with garbled characters. This image shows where is ends. It just sits here. The last thing loaded appears to be "SyncFamily", though I don't know if that's the actual problem or not. Worth nothing: it's not frozen. Normally, I have to long-press power to kill the machine, but here a simple tap and it powers down. Damnit... I'm so close. This whole process is additctive. EDIT #2: On a whim, I tried booting with -v PciRoot=1 and got to the welcome screen! But my USB mouse/keyboard weren't working. So I rebooted and tried again with the USB plugged in... bupkis. Grrr... though in subsequent attempts I don't know if PciRoot=1 helped or it was just a fluke. EDIT #3: IT WORKED! I'm in OS X! I used -v -f -x PciRoot=1 (or 0, not sure), sacrificed a goat and somehow it worked! The local keyboard and touchpad don't work, so I'm using USB right now. But I'm guessing those are just extra files I need?
  8. Since I can't actually boot into my new install, where/how can I install it? Seems my only option would be to go into the OS X Installer, open MyHack, and install Chameleon onto my existing install and then reboot. Problem is, my USB mouse/keyboard only work when loading the installer in safe mode. And in safe mode, I can't use MyHack from within the installer (and the touchpad/keyboardon the laptop simply don't work in the installer at all). I'm kinda stuck. EDIT: And for what it's worth, even using the USB key and then selecting my installation results in either a)an immediate kernel panic booting normally, or "allocate kernel memory error" ten to twenty seconds into the boot using safe mode. Not sure if installing Chameleon suddenly makes those problems go away...
  9. So I've attempted a couple installs, all of which appeared to work, but cannot get into the installed OS. So I format the hard drive, GUID and the first partition is for OS X. Install runs, I choose the Extra folder from the USB stick, and choose yes to delete each file. It finishes successfully, but on reboot I get "Invalid Partition Table" followed by "No boot device found." If I throw in the USB stick to get to the menu, and then choose my OS X install, it starts and the kernel panics quickly. Any ideas what I missed on the install? EDIT: If I use the USB stick and then boot OS X with -v -x -f, I get to "Allocate Memory Error" before it crashes out. Though I'm not sure if *that's* my actual problem, or there's something prior, because I'm still getting an error like above, suggesting the BIOS isn't see it or something.
  10. Awesome, thank you. I knew I was missing something obvious. So it kicks off the installer, but my touchpad and nub mouse aren't working, so I can't do anything from there. But hey, progress! EDIT: If I plug in my USB mouse (using the left-side 2.0 for the installer, so I have to plug the mouse into one of the 3.0 ports) the installer freezes. EDIT #2: I tried the USB "roll back" kexts from this post, and added them to my Extras and reinstalled the Extras folder via myHack. Still no mouse during install. And the keyboard works insofar as I can hit the brightness function key and change the brightness... but can't seem to say, hit enter to select English during the installer's first window. ... and EDIT #3: Got it to finally pick up my USB mouse during the install (used -v -f -x, and added the USB kext from your original guide), though still no touchpad yet. Partitioning and installing now. Woot!
  11. Hey guys, So I attempted to Hackintosh an older laptop once before (maybe a year or so ago, using tonycrap's methods, I think) and got it installed, but was never able to get video working correctly. Anyways, I've got an E6430, which appears to be working well based on some threads I've seen here. My particular laptop is rocking the following: *i5 3320M @ 2.6GHz *Intel HD4000 (1600x900) *8GB RAM *Waiting on a 1510 to be delivered, for now still using the stock wifi chip. *Tried this with an image from 10.8.3 and 10.8.4 so far. I started by following this thread, referencing this guide to get myHack setup. I've attempted this with the Extras folder from that thread, as well as the EDR bootpack for the E6430 with HD4000, and neither has allowed me to boot into the installer yet. After setting up the USB stick and making sure everything in my BIOS (A09) matches the thread's setting, I reboot, and set the -v flag. Then, I get the same screen flashing for a brief second before the screen goes dark and just sits there: http://i.imgur.com/hzYxjIn.jpg I found another thread where I think a user ran into this same issue here, and a simple rename of DSDT got them past that screen. Tried that, and still no luck. I'm making sure to use the USB 2.0 port on the left. My process has been install with MyHack > install Extras folder > myfix. Reboot, and then I've tried -v, -v -x, -v -x -f and a couple other random options I found when Googling the BootCache and CPUPower Management portions from that screen to try to find the error. If anyone could lend some insight to someone still pretty novice at the whole Hackintosh thing, I'd be greatly, greatly appreciated. Thanks so much!
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