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Everything posted by doctorultra

  1. Hi, I´ve started the update of catalina from mojave on my 7470, but the update hang on the current screen, do sth know what can it be?
  2. Hi, my monitor u3415w works perfect, but the sound doesn´t work, which kext shall I use? Thx in advance
  3. My bluetooth doesn´t work, it´s activated, but nothing will be find? Do you have the same Problem or is the bluetooth integrated in the wifi card? I figured out, why it doesn´t work Known Issue & Workaround: HDMI-Output works but if connect HDMI-Cable the local Display goes off and never recovers. I had tried different configurations but none panned out. Here's a workaround: Close the LID until you see the HDMI display becomes the primary display, then open the LID. It'll switch LCD as primary and HDMI as secondary. NOTE: Workaround is only needed on clean boot, no issue if system has gone through a sleep/wake cycle as long the power cable is plugged in the laptop the screen is black, if i unplug the power cable, then the work around works?
  4. no i tested always without dock. Could it be the different bios version? do you mean, if the efi has been built from vanilla?
  5. I replace the ACPI patched folder and the config.plist, same problem The last chance, could i get the folder kext/other, maybe it´s a kext problem? What I think it could also be the bios, which bios do you have? Only for my information, with you config my mouse and keyboard doesn´t work on my docking station, but without docking station, the keyboard and mouse work correct?
  6. ok, could I get your config.plist, because I would like to test with your config?
  7. Ok, but after a restart you will have the problem again, won´t you?
  8. HDMI to DVI the resolution of the monitor ist 1680 x 1050 Yes if i put the system to sleep, then connect the cable and wake it, then it works. Ok, but when i close the cover then I have the issue again and after the reboot too Do I have this problem with a miniDP as well?
  9. no the same behavior, if i close the cover both displays are black, if i open the cover, still both covers are black ? I don´t understand what could it be?
  10. yes the external monitor goes dark as well, that means internal and external go dark. After that I cannot do anything, because I cannot see anything of any displays. I have to make a hard turn off?
  11. What do you mean with LID, if you mean the cover from the notebook, then I tried to close the cover and opened it and after I closed the cover neither the external monitor nor the notebook display showed anything?
  12. thx, regarding 1, how shall i use this workaround, shall I let go the notebook in the sleep modus?
  13. Ok, now it works. I can start without the stick, perfect. But one things are still open, if I connect my external monitor the screen will be shown on the external monitor, but it isn´t possible to activate the laptop screen as well. 1. Which kext shall i use for the external Monitor via HDMI? 2. Wich Wificard can I replace, so that wifi will be recognised? 3. Is it possible to use the touch id of my del system?
  14. ok, I executed the kextupdate und removed the igfxvesa, after the reboot my dell has a Mac OS X bootmanager entry in bios, with this Mac OS X Boot Manager Entry you couldn´t start anything, there was always shown a error (Windows 10 Bootmanager couldn´t find a OS). So I deleted the Entry in the bootmanager and created a new with the destination /efi/.../boot64.efi, after that the Clover Bootmanager has been started, but It doesn´t start and I got a hang on again. Maybe someone could help me? Thanks in advance.
  15. I don´t understand exactly, I have already this problem during the booting of the installation of mojave. The installation hang on the position, what you can see on my pic. Which boot flag do you mean?
  16. Sorry I´ve removed already the VboxHFS from the config and after that I have the problem on the screen, nothing happens on the screen the installation hang up. What do you mean with "arg until installation is complete"?
  17. I´ve solved my problem but now I can boot from the stick but it freeze at the position you can see on the picture
  18. the mojave partion of my stick will not be shown with the config.plist, that means I cannot choose the installation. With another config.plist, the installation will be shown? config.7z
  19. ok thx, what does the below mean? 2) Enable this patch in Config.plist under KextsToPatch if you have: LiteOn, Plextor, or Hynix NVMe Hynix NVMe patch 10.13.x (Bit swap block size 0x10) -Syscl
  20. Hi, is there an efi for 7470 with mojave compatibility available, or can I also use another efi? Thx
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