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  1. Specs: I7 4800mq 24gb ram firepro m6100 240gb ssd(windows) 500gb HDD (mojave) I used frackenstien's efi folder. We change to macbook proo 11,5 because of an Imessage problem. Problem now is when the computer goes to sleep, either after some time of inactivity or when i press sleep from the apple menu, everything goes dark. the hard the hard drive led lights up and flickers for a while. then the computer shuts down. if i press a key on the keyboard it pretty much just shuts down right away. i used ssdtPRGen.sh to generate a ssdt.ami file. I placed it in efi/clover/acpi/patched. The thing is that there was no ssdt.ami file there already. there was a ssdt-cpu.ami file. Is that supposed to be deleted?
  2. thank you @Jake Lo. I think I may be golden now
  3. Precision m6800. I used @Franckenstien efi folder but because of a problem with imessage I switched the smbios to a macbook pro 11,5. Now the camera is not working. It was working with the old smbios I just couldn't log on. Do i need a different kext?
  4. Thank you so much for your help @Hervé. You are awesome. I called apple and they unclogged whatever was clogged on there end. It's working now!
  5. this is what it says in system report under ethernet cards: Intel I217LM PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet: Name: ethernet Type: Ethernet controller Bus: PCI Slot: Internal Vendor ID: 0x8086 Device ID: 0x153a Subsystem Vendor ID: 0x1028 Subsystem ID: 0x05cd Revision ID: 0x0004 BSD name: en0 Kext name: IntelMausiEthernet.kext Location: /Library/Extensions/IntelMausiEthernet.kext Version: 2.1.0d5 Is there something else i need to check?
  6. nevmind @Hervé I figured out how to use the debug debug_15361.zip
  7. Hi, thanks so much for your help. I tried both of those configs and I am still getting the same message. i am a noob when it comes to hackintosh. I noticed that the serial number and the board serial number are different in the configs you posted. should they be the same? (aside from the last five digits)
  8. Fairly new. Although I did try with my kids apple ID. That one is a little older. I can try my apple ID on a real Mac I guess and see what happens
  9. Specs: I7 4800mq 24gb ram firepro m6100 240gb ssd(windows) 500gb HDD (mojave) I used @frankenstein efi floder. I changed smbios following tutorials online. config.plist is set to imac 14,2. I checked the serial on "every mac" and "checkmycoverage" as instructed by the tutorials. Ethernet is en0. The message I am getting is "cant connect to imessage on this mac at this time". What am I doing wrong? clover folder attached CLOVER.zip
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