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Everything posted by mikeguru

  1. I have no experience using "MyHack" with the Inspiron 17-3721, so I can't offer any advice or tips on that method of installing. That said, if you are successful using MyHack to install OS-X, then please post all the details of your install process here, as I'm sure others who are following this post would be very grateful for any tips/suggestions you can give them (me included!) I'm running Mavericks (10.9.3) on one, but have yet to solve the NO WEBCAM issue. It works on my 10.8.4 boot disk (external USB), but since I'm still unclear on which Kexts the built-in WebCam uses, I haven't been able to solve the problem. (I tried copying the Apple_iSight.kext file from the "working" 10.8.4 disk, but it didn't enable the WebCam in 10.9.3. That's why I suspect there are more files "in play" for getting it working on Mavericks 10.9.3 than just that Kext alone...)
  2. Paul; If I give anyone advice on hardware updates/modifications, I always try to "err on the side of caution", and assume they may NOT have the necessary experience/knowledge to safely do the work. That's why I gave you the detaled instructions for avoiding ESD damage in my post - better safe than sorry! (GRIN) There is normally no problem updating the memory AFTER any Mac OS-X install - unlike Windows, the Mac doesn't require special configuration (like BIOS setting updates) when RAM amounts change - it just USES IT! I find that no matter how many times I do one of these installs, be it on a desktop "tower" or a laptop, I always learn something new. This is especially true when I do an "incremental" system update (like going from 10.9.2 to 10.9.3) - it almost always "breaks" something, which I have to figure out how to fix. That example is DEFINITELY a learning process"! Good luck!
  3. Paul; Unlike Apple, Dell seems to understand that customers don't want to have to "throw away" their factory-installed RAM when they choose to upgrade it - Dell used a single 4 Gig module in my Inspiron 17-3721, leaving the other memory slot EMPTY, so it was a simple matter to buy a "matching" 4 Gig module and install it. Here's what I'd recommend you ADD to your Dell 17-3721: http://www.amazon.com/Kingston-1600MHz-PC3-12800-Notebook-KVR16S11S8/dp/B008CP5R8K/ref=sr_1_5?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1401894693&sr=1-5&keywords=pc3-12800+1600mhz+ddr3 Of course, if you want to go beyond 8 Gig, then you would need to sell/recycle the factory-installed 4 Gig module. NOTE: Memory installation is a SNAP, as there's a dedicated compartment in the bottom for accessing the Dell's memory slots - just remember to use a wrist "grounding strap" for the entire process, including removal of the new RAM from its packaging. Solid State devices like memory modules are subject to damage from ESD (Electro-Static Discharge), and can be damaged/destroyed by improper handling. This applies to other circuitry inside most computers as well. Good luck!
  4. For those interested - I have also successfully installed 10.9 Mavericks on my main "tower" Hackintosh system, which is a Dell Optiplex 760 (about $350 - check eBay). I added 6 Gigs of RAM and an ATI Radeon 5450 video card (512Meg). It is one of the easiest cards to configure for both dual-monitor support and QE/CI. (Does require editing some Kexts, but if you've been working in the Hackintosh world for any length of time, this should already be part of your "skill set". If not, search this and other Forums for how-to instructions). I'm running 2 Dell 2001FP 20" monitors on it at 1600x1200 resolution. This card costs around $35 if you shop around. Try NewEgg or eBay, and don't worry - re-branded cards work just fine, as long as they're "based on" the Radeon 5450. Dell Optiplex 760 Mavericks Install - UPDATE (10.9.2 install via Software Update Breaks QE/CI) I previously mentioned how I had a Dell Optiplex 760 fully working in Mavericks 10.9, including QE/CI. I need to install 10.9.2 so I could then install various App & Mavericks Security updates. I decided to do a "live" update via Software Update/App Store. All went well, but when I restarted, I had lost QE/CI. I figured since I had a working copy of the (previously) edited ATI Radeon 5450 Kexts backed up on another drive, it would be a simple matter to re-install them (using Kext Utility, of course!) STILL NO GO! After much research and several days of frustrating trial-and-error, I final figured out that more was needed in 10.9.2 than just the 2 modified Kext files mentioned in all of the online "guides"! Here's what it took to get QE/CI working again: Dell Optiplex 760 - Mavericks 10.9.2 - Installing Video for QE/CI Manually (ATI Radeon HD 5450) You will need 2 programs and an edited set of Kexts to complete the steps outlined here: Chameleon Wizard (from insanelymac.com) (Download HERE) Kext Utility (from insanelymac.com) (Download HERE) EDITED ATI Radeon Kexts (Download HERE) STEP 1: INSTALL the following (Edited) ATI Radeon 5450 Kext files to S/L/E using Kext Utility: AMD5000Controller.kext AMDFramebuffer.kext AMDRadeonVADriver.bundle AMDRadeonX3000.kext AMDRadeonX3000GLDriver.bundle AMDSupport.kext NOTE: Kext file versions are all 1.20.11 STEP 2: DELETE the following ATI files from S/L/E: ATI5000Controller.kext ATIRadeonX2000.kext ATIRadeonX2000GA.plugin ATIRadeonX2000GLDriver.bundle ATIRadeonX2000VADriver.bundle STEP 3: Open Kext Wizard Click on “org.chameleon.Boot†at the top Ensure the following items are selected: Under “Boot Flagsâ€: Ignore boot Cache (-f) GUI Kernel (mach_kernel should show in the box below that) Under “Miscellaneousâ€: SMBios.plist: (/Extra/SMBios.plist should show in the box below that) Restart Fix Under “Graphicsâ€: Graphics Enabler Ati Config (Select “Eulemur†from the pop-up list below that - works on most ATI Radeon 54xx series cards, but YMMV) Graphics Mode (I have 1920x1080x32 set in mine, but it may need to be set to some other value, depending on the monitor(s) you have connected) NOTE: I have 2 Dell 2001FP 19†monitors, connected via VGA and DVI ports - I have not tested the HDMI port yet PCIRoot=1 NOTE: Under “Device Properties†is where the “string†is listed (unique to my setup) that enables the App Store to work - this string enables the Ethernet network configuration, but I am not including those instructions here, since these instructions are ONLY about enabling QE/CI with an ATI Radeon 54xx series video card… Now RESTART. After restart, the video card should be working, along with QE/CI is now WORKING.
  5. Hard to advise you without knowing more about the type of installation you're trying - are you installing OS X ML or Mavericks ONLY, or are you installing a dual-boot system with Windows as well? In either case, I was successful only when I RE-PARTITIONED the hard drive, re-installed Windows CLEAN, and then installed the Mac OS on it CLEAN. My install, based on hibernian56's work, is for an MBR (Master Boot Record) install ONLY. A lot of guides have you partition the drive as if you were installing on a Mac - using the Mac "GUID" partitioning scheme, which MAY NOT WORK for installing OS-X on the Dell 17-3721, and will DEFINITELY NOT WORK on any dual-boot setup, as Windows REQUIRES an MBR partitioning scheme. If you're only planning on installing Mac OS-X ML or Mavericks ALONE, then you should STILL RE-PARTITION THE DRIVE. One final note on dual-boot partitioning - I discovered that it is important to be SURE of the partition sizes you want beforehand, as an MBR partitioned drive CANNOT BE RE-SIZED afterward, like a GUID partition can (in Disk Utility). If you need to later re-size the partitions for some reason, you will have to RE-PARTITION/ERASE THE WHOLE DRIVE, and then re-install everything FROM SCRATCH. (There may be a utility in Windows that can be used to re-size "Hackintoshed" partitions without destroying existing ones and/or losing data, but I haven't researched or tried it on a "DUAL-BOOT HACKINTOSH" yet...) I hope this info is helpful for you!
  6. I have no experience with that card. Also, it seems like a lot to pay, especially when you consider that the card I recommend, the AR5B195, was selling on eBay for about $8 bucks, and is PROVEN to work...
  7. The $25 card from NewEgg should work fine. I'm running both 512Meg and 1 Gig cards, in 2 different Optiplex 760s, and they both work fine. They are different "brands". As long as it's based on the ATI Radeon 5400 "series", you should be fine. Of course, editing the Kexts as outlined elsewhere on this site is the key to getting it to work, including enabling "QE/CI" and dual-monitor support, using the SVGA and DVI connectors.
  8. Derrick; As stated before, I am using a dual-boot system, so my process for creating the installer USB stick modifies it so it will install on an MBR formatted drive. (Do a Google search for how to perform this mod). If you didn't perform the steps to modify it for an MBR install and you're trying to install to a MBR formatted hard drive, that might just be your problem. Conversely, if you DID modify it for an MBR install, but you are trying to install to a GUID formatted hard drive, that won't work either. As for the CPU and GPU, you have the correct ones.
  9. I hope this is OK to post here - In a previous post, I mentioned how to "Edit Kexts" to get QE/CI working on a Radeon 5450 HD video card. Attached is a "zipped" (RTF format) text file with the instructions... Editing Video Kexts for QE-CI-ATI Radeon HD 5450.rtf.zip
  10. Pran, Derrick, Not sure if I understand your problem - are you getting a black screen using the USB installer? If so, then try using the boot flag -f, which turns off the Kernel cache. Of course, -x. which is "Safe Boot" should work too. I just tested my Mavericks USB installer - it boots my Dell 17-3721 just fine, and goes to the Mavericks Installer screen. IMPORTANT NOTE: I have modified my USB installer to work on an MBR-formatted drive! Since I'm running a dual-boot (Windows 8 and Mac OS-X) system, this was required for my particular setup. (YMMV) As part of this setup, a couple of files ("OSInstall.mpkg" and "OSInstall") on the USB drive are REPLACED. (PM me, and I'll send you a link to how it's done. I don't want to break any Forum "Rules", as these instructions are found on MacBreaker.com, a site that some have alleged allows "Warez") ALSO FYI: I always plug in a USB or RF mouse during these installs - trackpad problems can occur until you get all the post-install Kexts loaded and working. I've attached a "zipped" copy of the "Extra" folder from my USB Installer (this folder is normally "hidden") - I used the "ShowHiddenFiles" utility to make it visible - you will have to do the same with your USB installer, as "hidden" files/folders cannot be overwritten/replaced. Once it is visible on your USB installer, drag it to the Trash, EMPTY the Trash. Then un-zip my provided Extra folder and copy the un-zipped folder to the "Root" level of your USB Installer. After that, be sure to run the "ShowHiddenFiles" utility again, and click on "Hide Special Files". If the Extra folder remains visible, this is fine as it will NOT affect its operation. Good luck! For those interested - I have also successfully installed 10.9 Mavericks on my main "tower" Hackintosh system, which is a Dell Optiplex 760 (about $350 - check eBay). I added 6 Gigs of RAM and an ATI Radeon 5450 video card (512Meg). It is one of the easiest cards to configure for both dual-monitor support and QE/CI. (Does require editing some Kexts, but if you've been working in the Hackintosh world for any length of time, this should already be part of your "skill set". If not, search this and other Forums for how-to instructions). I'm running 2 Dell 2001FP 20" monitors on it at 1600x1200 resolution. This card costs around $35 if you shop around. Try NewEgg or eBay, and don't worry - re-branded cards work just fine, as long as they're "based on" the Radeon 5450. I've even added a FireWire 400/800 PCI card, which works without any additional Kexts, OOB! For WiFi, I'm using an $8 Airlink-101 USB "n" wireless adapter - best to download and install the latest OS-X drivers from Airlink's site. FYI: This USB WiFI adapter works on the Dell 17 laptop too... Extra.zip
  11. Thanks, hibernian56. I'm sorry you're having trouble with 10.9. I have the "luxury" of an external USB hard drive to install on "clean", as opposed to trying to "upgrade" an existing install. True, it's a lot more work to re-install everything on the Dell's internal HD by doing it this way, but it seems to work best. Once I get everything working on and can boot from the external HD, I then back up the User account data from the Dell 17's internal drive, ERASE IT, and then use Carbon Copy Cloner to make an exact copy of the working EXTERNAL HD onto the Dell 17's internal drive. Of course, before trying to boot the Dell 17 after the "cloning" is completed, it's important to run the Chameleon installer to update the UEFI partition on the Dell's internal HD FIRST. The only post-install "tweaks" I had to do were for the WiFi/Bluetooth and "App Store Error", as outlined in previous posts. One final "caveat" - I still don't have SLEEP working on my Dell 17. Instead of just closing the lid on it, I shut OS-X down before closing the lid. (If I don't, the screen goes dark, but the computer continues to operate). Since I have a dual-boot system, that minor "operational deviation" allows me to boot into either OS when I open the lid again. For some folks, this may be "unacceptable", but for me, it works just fine. Good hunting!
  12. Hervé is correct - Hibernian56 is the one who actually started this thread - I just "added my 2¢" in the hope that I might add some information that would be of help to other Dell 17-3721 owners. Since I have been able to get 10.9 Mavericks working on mine, I thought others who read this thread and this Forum might benefit from my experience. BTW: I have found the Atheros AR5B195 on eBay that was from sellers right here in the USA - no need to wait on the "slow boat from China" if you shop carefully. NOTE: My 10.9 install is a "DSDT-free" installation. It greatly simplifies the entire process, FWIW...
  13. Here's the Kexts (in Zip format) I used to get BOTH WiFi AND Bluetooth working in 10.9 Mavericks, with the Atheros AR5B195 combo-card installed in my Dell 17-3721. Bluetooth 10.9.0 Fix.zip NOTE: My Apple "MagicMouse" works perfectly including both vertical and horizontal scrolling, but my Logitech V470 is very "jumpy" - seems to be too sensitive, even with the tracking and scrolling set to their lowest levels...(?)
  14. I never mentioned that card. As mentioned in previous posts, I have used the AR5B195, about $8 bucks on eBay, in no less than THREE Dell 17-3721 laptops with COMPLETE SUCCESS on the WiFi function. And in my last install (OS-X 10.9 Mavericks), with a specific Kext "patch", it also fixed Bluetooth problems I encountered during earlier installs with this card. (More info. to follow). SO, you can't go wrong with the Atheros AR5B195 card.
  15. Excellent guide: https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/3079-guide-osx-mavericks-109-dell-optiplex-780-760/ I haven't been able to get it working on my Dell 760 with an ATI Radeon 5000 (512Mb) video card. I have gone through a CLEAN INSTALL and all of the steps 4 times, and I am always able to get to the initial Mavericks setup screen after install by booting using the -f boot flag. I install Chameleon and install the provided Kexts, but when I try to reboot, no matter what boot flags I use (-x, -f, -v), it halts at the message "the IOUSBFamily was unable to enumerate a USB device" error message. Please note that I have a separate partition with 10.8.3 installed on my HD, and everything works PERFECTLY - QE/CI on two monitors (using the video cards' VGA and DVI connectors), Sound, USB, App Store, WiFi, Bluetooth, etc. I also have Mavericks running well on a Dell 17-3721 laptop. Yet, I cannot seem to get to the Desktop on my Dell 760 using your instructions. - What Kext(s) might be causing the "IOUSBFamily was unable to enumerate a USB device" error message, and can you tell me a fix to try? (It may boot to the desktop once I get past that error). Thanks!
  16. Since Apple recently released OS-X 10.9 "Mavericks", I decided to see if I could get it working on my Dell 17-3721. Since this had been done successfully by "hibernian58" and myself with earlier versions of OS-X, I'm not going to re-hash that info. here. As mentioned in previous posts, my only hardware change was to replace the Dell 1704 WiFi/Bluetooth module with an Atheros AR5B195. Instead, I will tell you that I have successfully installed Mavericks on an external USB hard drive, and then subsequently "cloned" it to my Dell's OS-X partition (using CCC), after I had first BACKED UP all my data to another external USB HD, also using CCC. As outlined in a previous post, I am running a dual-boot setup of Windows 8.1 and Mac OS-X. In order to ensure the least amount of problems, I COMPLETELY ERASED my Dell's OS-X partition and did a CLEAN INSTALL of Mavericks on it, using an 8 Gig USB flash drive prepared using Uni-Beast. NOTE: This did NOT require me to disturb my Windows 8.1 install in any way! Since I have a dual-boot system partitioned as MBR format, I could not use the Uni-Beast USB drive without first modifying it to work on that Partitioning scheme (see link on how to modify it to install to an MBR partition HERE). Once the MBR patch was applied, I was able to install Mavericks on my OS-X partition using the modified Uni-Beast flash drive. NOTE: After installing Mavericks, It is necessary to re-boot with the Uni-Beast flash drive inserted, and then run Multi-Beast, which I downloaded and copied to the Uni-Beast drive, prior to beginning the install. This is necessary in order to be able to Boot from the OS-X partition. (You could probably get it to boot by just installing chimera (chameleon, stolen and rebranded) at this point). You may also have to perform the steps outlined HERE to fix the "boot 0 error" problem. When I ran Multi-Beast, I did not change any of the "Default" settings, since I planned to use the "Extra" folder from my previous ML install on this Dell. (This was done to save time and to see if the files from the previous ML install worked, including the custom DSDT files and misc. Kexts provided by hibernian58 - THEY WORKED, with some minor changes I'll elaborate on later). After I ran Multi-Beast, but BEFORE I re-booted, I copied my entire "Extra" folder from my ML backup to the OS-X Mavericks HD. (I have attached Zipped versions of my entire Extra folder and the MODIFIED Kexts from my S/L/E folders to this Post, in case someone want to try using them - NO GUARANTEE THEY'LL WORK FOR YOU, but it might save you some time/hassles). NOTE: If you're going to install ANY Kexts in your S/L/E folder BE SURE to always do it via Kext Utility! Bad things can (and will) happen if you try installing them by "drag-and-drop" - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!! (NOTE: I customized a few of the files in the Extra/Themes/Default folder so I get some "Star Fleet" graphics when I boot up - you can edit these as you see fit...) Here's what WORKS: - Ethernet (after installing RealtekR1000SL Kext) - WiFi (after installing IO80211Family, IOath3kfrmwr, IOBluetoothFamily, and IOUSBFamily Kexts) - WebCam (only tested in FaceTime at present - worked without installing/modifying any Kexts) - USB - Trackpad (I can FINALLY disable the stupid "tap-to-click" feature, which I DESPISE!) - Sound (after installing VoodooHDA 2.8.2 "Patch" - see attached file) - Battery in Menu Bar (after installation of VoodooBattery Kext) - App Store (after performing "Fix" outlined in attached file) Here's what DOESN'T work (yet) in Mavericks: - Bluetooth - SD Card Reader - HDMI Out - Sleep Since I have several USB mice, it's not a big deal that Bluetooth doesn't work - this will be solved in the near future, if not by me, then by one of the other clever folks here. I also have plenty of external USB SD Card readers, so this isn't important to me right now either. I haven't tested HDMI out with an external monitor yet, but it didn't work in ML, so I assume it's still not working in Mavericks. Sleep (the screen shuts off when I close the lid, but it is not really going to "Sleep" - will fix later). If you have this Dell laptop, let us know when you install Mavericks, and what problems/fixes you encountered. Extra.zip S_L_E Extensions.zip VoodooHDA 2.8.2 r86 32_64bit & Optional VIA VT 2021 5.1 Patch.pkg.zip AppStoreFix.rtfd.zip
  17. SIDEBAR: When I listed the system Specs. for my Dell Inspiron 17-3721 laptop, I forgot to mention it has BIOS version A05. Although there are newer versions available, I am reluctant to update to a newer version for fear of "breaking" my current install and/or having to use a different set of DSDT/SSDT files. Thanks!
  18. Dell Inspiron 17-3721 Laptop. I am planning on using the files you create for me with OS-X (ML) 10.8.5. Here are the specs on my system: - Intel Core i3, 1.89GHz - 4 Gig 1600 MHz DDR3 RAM - Intel HD 4000 Built-In Graphics - Atheros AR5B195 (AR9285) Combo WiFi/Bluetooth Module (in place of factory Dell 1704 module) - Built-In Sonix Tech. CNFB194 WebCam - Built-In Realtek RTS5179 SD Card Reader (USB 2 Bus) - Realtek RT8102E PCIe Built-In Ethernet - USB 3 - HDMI Out (I included the IORegistry file in the Zip file I sent) I have 10.8.5 installed, but there are a few problems, which I included in the e-mail accompanying the files I sent you. Thanks for any help you can offer (I think the service you are providing is invaluable!)
  19. Hervé; Yes, of course I have. But there is little or no information for our specific model of Dell Inspiron (17-3721) anywhere to be found. As I stated in one of my first posts, "hibernian56" is the only Forum Member to have successfully installed OS-X on this specific model. Since I am by no means an "expert" at this stuff, I have little knowledge about things like "DSDT" files nor how to edit them. Wish I did, as that would probably allow me to solve all three of the remaining "issues" I have on my 17-3721 in OS-X 10.8.5 - Bluetooth, WebCam, and SDC Card Reader not working. (Any assistance you could offer would be greatly appeciated by BOTH of us!) - I replaced my WiFi/Bluetooth module with an Atheros AR5B195 - WiFi works OOB, Bluetooth doesn't. - The "factory" built-in SD Card Reader is a Realtek RTS5179. Although Realtek has a Mac OS USB Smart Card Reader "Patch" available, it does not fix the problem. (It dates from June 2011). Also, installing "AnyCardReader.kext" didn't help. - The built-in WebCam (Sonix Tech. CNFB194) has no Mac OS-X drivers available that I can find. I've tried using a variety of "tools" to try to get it working, including the installation of "AnyiSightCam.kext", which didn't help. It DID WORK in 10.8.4, but I have no idea what "changed" between that installation and the update to 10.8.5. (I have a bootable external USB HD with 10.8.4 for this model of Dell that was my original Install - that's how I know it works in 10.8.4). Keep in mind that I'm using many of the Kexts and DSDT files originally uploaded by hibernian56 as the "++Tools.zip" attachment in his original Post...
  20. Attached is the list of Kexts from my system you asked for a couple of days ago. NOTE: Today, Software Update showed OS-X 10.8.5 Supplemental Update was available, so I installed it. Didn't seem to "break" anything, but then again, it didn't "fix" anything either. (GRIN) Here's the post-install Version info. from my system: Software OS X 10.8.5 (12F45) Still can't get Bluetooth, WebCam, or SD Card Reader to work.... mikeguru Dell 17-3721 Kexts.txt
  21. If you figure out which Kext(s) control Dell's built-in WebCam, please let me know. I'd like to try to "copy" them from my 10.8.4 HD, as the WebCam WORKS GREAT when booted up from that HD. I downloaded some WiFi/Bluetooth Kexts for my Atheros AR5B195 from OSx86.net, which were "alleged" to work in 10.8.5, and installed them. They conflicted with myHack, so I moved the myHack Kext out of S/L/E. When I re-booted, the USB mouse didn't work, but Bluetooth showed an icon with all the usual options in the Menu Bar! Unfortunately, I was "freaked out" about the loss of the USB mouse function (Trackpad still worked but was sluggish), so instead of trying to configure a Bluetooth Mouse, I reversed the changes I had made to get the USB mouse working again. Now, no matter what I try, I cannot get the Bluetooth functions to come back in the Menu bar, even though there's a Bluetooth icon present. When selected, it shows the following text (dimmed out): Bluetooth: Not Available. I am MYSTIFIED.....I tried going through the exact same steps as I did the first time, when I had the brief "working" Bluetooth Menu bar item, but I could NOT get it to re-appear. I would considering going BACK to 10.8.4 until someone in the "Hackintosh community" figures out how to fix these problems in 10.8.5, except my 10.8.4 HD doesn't have working Bluetooth OR Trackpad - I'm afraid to mess with it for fear of "breaking it", and losing the working Webcam function it has! It's a "Catch-22" situation right now....
  22. I forgot that I replaced the Dell 1704 combo half-card with an Atheros AR5B195 - it is BOTH WiFi AND Bluetooth! (This was done per hibernian56's recommendation, and it DID fix WiFi. Once it was installed, it just WORKED (for WiFi, that is). Now all I have to do is find a Kext for it for BLUETOOTH...) In lspci, it comes up listed as: "Network Controller [0280]: Atheros Communications Inc. AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI Express) [168c:002b] (rev 01)" I should mention that I have installed myHack - if I remove the myHack Kext from S/L/E, it breaks USB. (WebCam is also still BROKEN in 10.8.5, but it works in 10.8.4) Sure wish I knew more about how these Kexts work....
  23. I appreciate your efforts and tips. Most of my troubles are due to the fact that I upgraded to 10.8.5 - aren't you still running 10.8.3? I booted from my 10.8.4 external backup USB HD, and the WebCam opens right up in FaceTime AND PhotoBooth. My Bluetooth isn't working (in 10.8.5) either. So here are the 3 things that need fixing in 10.8.5: - Built-In WebCam - Built-In SD Card Reader - Bluetooth I hope these are only Kext issues, and that I (we) can eventually find the ones that work in 10.8.5 Still haven't figured out why I can't turn off "Tap-to-Click" on one Dell in 10.8.5 but not the "cloned" one....
  24. On the second Dell 17-3721, I was able to get the Trackpad working, except unlike the first one I did, I can't seem to get rid of the "Tap-to-Click" feature! I used your "SmoothMouse" Kext in combination with the okTrackpad.prefPane. With them both installed, when I click on the Trackpad in System Preferences, it gives me ALL of the standard Trackpad settings one would see on a "regular" Mac, except on the second Dell 17 the "Tap-to-Click" feature can't be turned on & off - it CAN be on the first Dell 17. Weird! Of course, I'm not as smart on this stuff as many of the folks who've figured out how to get "Hackintosh" systems to work, so I'm not knowledgeable on all of the Kexts that affect the Trackpad and other I/O devices. Also, when I open "System Configuration, both of the Dell 17-3721's show "iMac early 2001". I know this is related to the SMBIOS file. Question is, should I try to change it so it shows "MacBook Pro" with some "vintage" (year) or leave well enough alone? Have you tried installing a different SMBIOS file? I have another problem - I didn't test it before now (MYBAD) but my WebCam isn't working either! When I open FaceTime, I get a window, with the camcorder icon with the diagonal line through it. RATS!
  25. Yeah, the Trackpad was too sensitive at first. I tried installing "SmoothMouse", and it helped with the sensitivity a little, but there was still no way to shut of the annoying "Tap-to-Click" feature. Since I prefer to use a small travel mouse with my laptops, I can live without the Trackpad working "perfectly". (See below for what seems to be a Trackpad "fix"). I just did a second Dell 17-3721 Dual-Boot system (Mac OS-X & Windows 8). I decided to make it easier to do the Mac install, so I "cloned" my other Dell 17's Hard Disk using CCC (Carbon Copy Cloner). I couldn't get it to work at first - it wouldn't show the chimera (chameleon, stolen and rebranded) Bootloader! Then, I went back and performed the steps from your Guide shown here titiled "Final Step - Remove boot0: error" and PRESTO! It worked perfectly. When installing a Dual-Boot system with Windows 8, it is best to use Disk Utility to create 2 partitions, with the first being formatted for "DOS", and the second being formatted for "OS-X Extended (Journaled)". Then, Install Windows 8 to the first Partition, as Windows 8 creates 2 Partitions during the Install - the first one (only about 250Mb) is labeled "System Reserved", and is the actual "UEFI" Partition, and the second is the Windows 8 "Primary" Partition. This is important because when you install OS-X, it uses the UEFI Partition for chimera (chameleon, stolen and rebranded) - that's where it "lives". Interestingly, when all is installed properly for both Systems, the chimera (chameleon, stolen and rebranded) Boot Screen shows THREE icons: "System Reserved", "Windows NTFS", and "OS-X". In order to boot to Windows 8, you have to select "System Reserved". (That's where Windows 8 writes its "Bootloader" info.) If you select "Windows NTFS", it doesn't "crash" or do anything bad, it just loops back to the chimera (chameleon, stolen and rebranded) Bootloader screen. The OS-X selection will actually be labled with whatever you chose to label your Mac OS-X Partition. Since I had successfully installed the 10.8.5 update, I labeled mine "OSX 10.8.5". (NOTE: I downloaded the "10.8.5 Combo-Update" and ran it, then ran the chimera (chameleon, stolen and rebranded) installer again BEFORE re-booting, just to be safe. That said, on re-boot, I found it had "broken" USB - see fix below). SIDEBAR: When I installed the OS-X 10.8.5 update, it "broke" USB! In order to fix it, I had to use the VERY SLUGGISH (at this point) Trackpad, to re-install your provided USB Kext(s), by dragging them to the "Kext Utility" icon on the Dock. (I keep it on the Dock during these installs, as it is necessary for the proper installation of the many Kext "patches"). After re-boot, USB was back to normal. Another interesting and WELCOME "side-effect" of updating to 10.8.5 is that it seems to have "fixed" the Trackpad - it now has a much more "subdued" speed, and that pesky "Tap-to-Click" feature is GONE! (Before the 10.8.5 update, the Trackpad "System Preferences" Pane showed "No Trackpad Found". Now, all of the controls one would find on a "regular" Mac are there. TWO-FINGERED SCROLLING WORKS TOO). I have not thoroughly tested the USB 3 ports to see if they're really "running at USB 3 speed" - I just know that whatever I plug into them seems to work fine. (USB 3 peripherals are still somewhat rare anyway).
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