Mobo: Latitude E7450 (Clover)
CPU: 2.9Ghz I7 5600U
Graphics: HD 5500, 1920 x 1080
Ram: 16GB DDR3
- The Trackpad functions don't work natively, although, it allows me to connect an Apple Trackpad. When I did get it working with (w/ ApplePS2SmartTouchpad.kext), it slowed the mouse way down to super slow speeds, and nothing would happen when I changed mouse speeds in the system settings.
Instead, I am using Karabiner Elements and Smartscroll, as @Jake Lo states to use on his amazing e7450 Guide. So, i guess this is the only option still?
Kexts & Drivers I'm using
Kexts Not Using
My config.plst & EFI Folder is attached
These are the kexts from @Jake Lo's tutorial @ e7450 Guide.
I had trouble with boot when i had the ssdt's on my EFI. Does anybody know why, and what i'm missing by not using them. And also the kexts, i use that Jake does not have listed, are they helpful? Thank you!!