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  1. @Jake Lo I may be talking nonsense but we agree that I need to keep these kexts enabled: -VoodooPS2Controller -VoodooPS2Controller.kext/Contents/PlugIns/VoodooInput -VoodooPS2Controller.kext/Contents/PlugIns/VoodooPS2Keyboard -VoodooI2C.kext/Contents/PlugIns/VoodooGPIO -VoodooI2C.kext/Contents/PlugIns/VoodooI2CServices -VoodooI2C -VoodooI2CHID And then, I install according to your advice?
  2. Is there a specific order to install VoodooSMBus & VoodooRMI ?
  3. I found this on github: https://github.com/VoodooSMBus/VoodooRMI Do you think it's related ?
  4. Hi you all, Finally, I have succeeded in an installation that is not yet 100% but almost. Shout out to @Jake Lo & @Hervé for your precious advices & technical helps. The only thing that is still not working is the trackpad which is quite basic. As soon as I touch the trackpad, the pointer goes to the left. I have to use a second finger to select something and a second Tap to open something. I tried various kexts (VoodooI2CHID & VoodooI2CSynaptics) but still no real working trackpad. Maybe there are still errors in my config.plist. I think I'm about at the same point as @denkteich is with his configuration. I'll keep looking on my side. If you ever think of something while checking my files, I'm interested HackBook-Latitude-5510.ioreg config.plist.zip
  5. @Hervé Yes I found a VoodooI2CSynaptics. Do I need to uninstall some kexts ? Or just add that VoodooI2CSynaptics ?
  6. @ Hervé Thanxalot for the info. So I need to uninstall the VoodooI2C kexts ?
  7. @Jake Lo I haven't found out what type of trackpad is on my Latitude 5510! I read on some forums that it could be a Synaptics. Is it possible?
  8. @Hervé Yes I got the Tackpad PrefPan . I enabled, disable and re-enabled Tap to click just in case but it's not working properly. There are another SSDTs from @Jake Lo folder I didn't installed yet: -SSDT-GPRW.aml -SSDT-USB-Reset.aml Do you think I need to install it ? I'm gonna try just in case. I will learn from my own mistakes I also see that I have SSDT-XOSI.aml in my ACPI folder and it is not in Jake’s folder. I will try to uninstall it to see if it has any impact.
  9. @Jake Lo I added SSDT-TPDX. Trackpad is working now but it's a bit strange. There is just the pointer who's moving but I can't select or open anything. I have to press the left button to select or open something. I added SSDT-BRT6 & SSDT SSDT-OCWork-dell from your EFI/ACPI folder too.
  10. @Jake Lo ok thanx I deleted all the uncheck kexts. I tried to enable VoodooPS2mouse and trackpad but no diffrerence. Trackpad still not working. I'm gonna check what kind of touchpad is it I still hope to find a solution Thanxalot for your help by the way? All your advices have been are absolutely awesome. You rule !!!!
  11. ONRA

    Hi you all

    I'm new here and very happy to see a nice hackintoshing community. I started to make some hackintoshes in 2009 and i like it. Since I never quite hackintoshing. Hope it's not gonna disappear with the new ARM M1 chip. Cheers
  12. @Jake Lo Yes I did. Maybe it's a dumb question but is it normal that some kexts are desactivated ?
  13. I still can't solve the trackpad issue Any suggestions ?
  14. @Jake Lo I made a new fresh install. I first installed Catalina with the OpenCore method. Then I upgraded directly to Big Sur with the AppStore. Then I used the EFI Latitude 5510 folder you posted. I had a compatibility concern with OpenRuntime r12, r11 was required. Then I remembered that @murkie posted different EFI.zip. I took the last one he posted. I mix with your files to find the good settings. After several tries, I managed to make an EFI file that works well. Everything works like a charm (Graphics, WIFI, Ethernet, Bluetooth, HDMI, Audio, Camera, Keyboard, Backlight, Hotkeys, Volume buttons, fn Key for brightness, Sleep/Wake). Only the trackpad does not work at all. It drives me crazy Ahahaha Latitude 5510 HackBookPro.ioreg config.plist.zip
  15. Hello Jake, Yes I tried it in the 1st place but no trackpad with it I got WIFI, Ethernet, Audio who's working with your files but the headphone input works strangely. The sound is extremely saturated. Now I tried to add SSDT-DGPU but my screen stay black after Big Sur start to load.
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