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  1. Ive enabled FileVault a time ago and since that I have the problem that it takes 1:20min to get to the preboot UI where I can type in the password. After I typed the password it takes again time to boot. I don't mind the latter booting part but I would like to figure out why it takes over a minute for the preboot UI to come up. Any ideas? Opencore 0.7.6
  2. What do you mean? I dont have any hardware modification or something plugged in. They are listed as express cards - I dont know why. Odd, in comment #109397 me replies to your answer were deleted??
  3. Haha I thought my kext did something but how could it if it is disabled .. Thank you for trying but it seems that booth SSDTs did not work. Added the SSDT + added to config but when I connect the USB-C LAN adapter it is still not recognized at runtime. About the I2C Ive disabled the VodooPS2 and added the I2C + I2HID but the keyboard / mouse stopped working. Does the IOReg changes with a different EFI or is it captured at low level and is always the same? Edit: Rebooted with XhciPortLimit = off but everithing is the same. 7410.ioreg OC_no_firmware_and_airport.zip
  4. I know but compressed it is above 26MB (allowed on this forum is 19MB). If I remove the Intel BT files bluetooth wont work and I've added them for other people to get them faster on track. Did a compare. EFI from 1.st post is working. Ive added "igfxblk" and a USB kext generated by hackintool. Removed the firmware so I can upload. OC.zip
  5. The device does have 4 Ports (2 USB3 Ports on the right and 2 USB-C ports on the left). At the time of the IOReg 2.1 export there were devices connected (don't know if that matters / helps). On the right side two USB Keyboard / Mouse dongles - on the left side one USB-C LAN network adapter and a Thunderbolt dock (DELL TB16). The forum does have a file limit - please take the EFI from the first post as this has been compressed by 7z (I used a different computer for this as it is not available on my mac). Attached IOReg. Thanks! 7410.ioreg
  6. USB-C hot plugging is not working. As far as I know only thunderbolt is having this problem.. Is this normal?
  7. Ah well... It is a "PM991a Samsung NVME"..
  8. Small (or big?) sucess. It freezes because of the SSD! Ive attached an external USB3 SSD and it sucessfully installed it on the drive.. Problem: Freezing of the installation Cause: NVME SSD (AHCI in BIOS) Solution: Unknown yet.
  9. openCore: REL 069 2021 05 03 so latest version. Removed XhciPortLimit but no change - still freezing Thank you. Ive already followed this guide this morning. All it does is it results in a kernel panic.. Switched to MacBookPro16,1 with no change.. Edit: Ive noticed that device-id is something different that the platform id! Tested with device-id but still in both configs (config from the guide -> KP; my config -> no change) seems to be not working.
  10. I was looking for that but I wouldn't let me "complete my profile" without a photo. Added to Signature. Thanks!
  11. I was able to install Big Sur 11.3.1 on a Latitude 7410. Notice: If the installation hangs / the computer completely freezes it is very likely that the hard disk is not supported - you need to switch it out! Status: Incomplete / work needed GPU (seems to work) Touchpad (no multitouch -> switch to I2C needed) WLAN (sometimes won't connect and need to be toggled on / off) Audio (Output / Input) Bluetooth (connected to keyboard successfully) ? Sleep ? USB (seems to cause micro system hangs?? anyone an idea?) ? Thunderbolt ############################################################# ############################################################# ############################################################# Dell Latitude 7410 Big Sur Status: Not working + no working config found I am trying to get Big Sur installed on a Dell Latitude 7410. I am able to get to the installer and to start the the install but at 16min it is completely freezing (mouse not moving - no kernel panic). Installers last step is: Extracting /Volumes/Shared Support/com_apple_MobileAsset_MacSoftwareUpdate/36615... Any ideas? Edit: WhateverGreen is disabled in config. No change when enabled. OC_5_23_05_2021.7z
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