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Posts posted by Jagster

  1. Thank you for reply @Jake Lo


    I was able to enable debug, although it is still cryptic. i followed dortania debug page but had to remove buffer specs in boot command line, otherwise the boot gets stuck after 1-2 pages of log.


    Looks like a long way to go. The behavior did not change yet (boot -> install -> boot -> stuck now instead of looping)


    However i managed to collect logs. Still don't have knowledge to decipher what it complains.


    I did saw some lines last night on the screen about wifi card 

    and also saw some lines unable to write further the nvm boot log. Funny thing, all log files (of different retires) sized 262KB.


  2. Hello @ancan


    I found your post and thought to give it a try. However hit a snag, would you be able to help out? I'm pretty new to this stuff.


    So i recently acquired a 5530 and tried to install it using the repo pointed above. First i executed without a change. So it shows install ui, takes around an hour to complete, then reboots, then on 3rd reboot continue to reboot showing ETA 29 minutes. Was not able to grab the issue so deployed a debug oc 0.8. Now the stuck loop at the start shows message for some time i could take a shot.




    - I did not understand the issue as to what should be changed to move forward

    - most opencore videos shows when you boot up, shows a text based menu, mine shows up graphical with 2 options

    - i still don't have dw1830 wifi card, did you replace the card in order to go forward?


    Thank you for checking this out


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