i think i'm a littlebit further DLinkOZ.
i let it working for further 15 minutes after the last console output, but nothing happens. does anybody have an idea what it could be?
the last line is caused by pluggin an external mouse
I tried a new flash stick, and now i see the loading screen, the apple logo and the loading spinner, but at that moment, nothing happens. I let it spinning for maybe 15 min.
What could be the problem, i dont copy the mbr files.
I do net get to this steps. i'm stucking at point 13. i selected the boot stick and then only boot0:GPT ... is printed to my console.
there is not that much to fail.
Format the Stick
Load Mavericks on the stick via myHack
Load extra folder from E6410 zip
Copy the Post Installation to root of boot stick
Thats all i thought
I have to check the log of myhack if something gone wrong
But do anybody got an other idea?
i meeant the hard drive, not the usb stick. i had formated the stick in Mac OS Extended (Journaled) Format.
i still booted from usb stick but the online thing displayed are the boot0:GPT ... things, no keyboard interaction were possible anymore. What did you mean with KP?
do you installed it from scratch ?
did you copy the MBR files to your installation stick?
which format did your hard drive got? fat32 / ntfs ?
nearly the same here,
last night i tried to install mavericks using your guide and everything looks great till i booted from usb stick.
i only get this prints on my consol right after the selection of my mac boot stick:
Then nothing happens and i saw that the usb stick isn't loading anything. I also got the 104% of loading.
I also tried the MBR copying method, but still the same. Do i have to format my old drive to a special format or something like that?
Okay, good ideas. I think for the first time, i'll go with the additional hdd. So i can try out without risiking my win partition.
I'm glad to read you guide
i'm an it consultant and i'm using a lot of editors and programming tools. furthermore my windows 7 is a companie image with a lot of security policies and some certificates to vpn and email encryption. so it's not possible to reinstall windows. sure, the most important things are backuped, but this would only save me some hours but let me still stay on some days.
it is possible to split my drive into to partitions. then i can intall osx on the second one and let my win 7 partition where it is. to get my mbr table back, i would use a windows recover cd and select my first partition. after that i would install chameleon.
is something near to this possible?
Hi patel4prez,
thanks for you answer, but one question stay open.
Is it possible to run both OS's (OSX & Win7) on one maschine without having to much hacks to get it work?
i'm tense to read you install guide and get my Latitude Air running
Hi everybody.
I'm using an e6410 for working and studying. At the moment i'm running windows 7 but i want to try out the new and now free available osx 10.9 mavericks.
does it supports everything of my e6410 especially wifi and pointing devices? audio ect., and can i run it on an seperate partition, parallel to my windwos partition?
i'm new to this stuff and hope someone get me started!