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Everything posted by sirkingchase

  1. Writing this post from my D630 with a freshly install Mountain Lion! Thanks, everything is working except Two Finger scroll! Iev installed your kexts, and its enabled in settings, is there anything else I need to do? If I can get two finger scroll working this thing would be perfect. Thanks again
  2. I have D630 with Nvidia 135, can I get hardware acceleration with it? More importantly, Is there any guide for how to install Mountain Lion? Or is it the same way as installing Lion? EDP is compatible with both. I got a solid state drive coming in so I am going to give it a try. However without a guide or advice I doubt Ill be successful. I got Lion working on D630 by using the pinned Lion topic in this forum and just recently did a successful AMD install on my GA-990XA-UD3 using the AMD guide on the site as well. Needless to say Im a huge fan of this site.
  3. How do you apply dsdt fix for Device (PCI0). I have this same issue and it happens at random. About every 3 reboots I get stuck at [pci configuration begin]. I have set kernel flag to npci=0×2000. I am doing alot of iphone development for college and need a stable machine, I keep getting "Couldnt register "com.yourcompany" with the bootstrap server" in xcode and the only way I have found to fix this bug is to reset the computer ( the guys at stack overflow said that was the only solution), it is extremely aggravating to get stuck. I wish I was rich I would just buy a damn mac. Just got that stupid error in xcode again, about to reset, sure hope it doesnt hang!
  4. That would be awesome for the house but I need something mobile. What about Apple Magic Mouse? Will it work with our bluetooth? My d630 didnt come with a bluetooth module so dont know if it is even supported.
  5. Any word about the scroll? Am I the only one who cares? Also anyone have the effects working like an an actual man i.e. muiltitouch gestures????? I followed this guide a few months back when it first came out. Its hard to believe these problems have not been solved since then. My battery icon works fine and I have never had any problems.
  6. What sound kext is everyone using? My sound messes up every hour or so of use. When I restart it starts working again. Has anyone else ever experienced this problem before or know how to correct it? Also scroll on touchpad is still not working
  7. I have D630 with Nvidia graphics. My installation of lion was not as easy as the posters here. I have just about everything working EXCEPT scrolling on my touchpad!nmy ITS DRIVING ME CRAZY! Also the track ball and the two buttons on the keyboard would also be nice to have working if it is possible. I have tried this tutorial for leopard but no success - http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=88811 None of the PS2 configs in the EDP 1.9 work for me. It leaves me with a none working touchpad AND keyboard. ExtrasI had to install to get semi full compatibility with my the system - Sound (EDP nvidia version does not come with one?) - VoodooHDA Trackpad (non working scroll) - VoodooPS2Controller NOTE: EPD package did not work as well as any .pkg I found. I had to use kext utility for it to work Restart ( was completing non-working, resulted in hang everytime) - OpenHaltRestart I also was getting Hibernation time out errors on boot. The sleep and hibernation fixes in EDP solve this. EDP bootloader would not work at all for me. It actually corrupted my windows boot record and I had to completing reinstall windows. I had to install the bootloader provided in multifail 3.8.0 package now it works with windows and mac but no linux support. I hope this helps anyone
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