Hi, need help here
I have the same DW1560. My BT works with BrcmPatchRAM2.kext and BrcmFirmwareRepo.kext. Can detect and connect to any devices, can switch it ON and OFF properly.
But the problem starts after sleep. BT shows up on system preferences, system Information, and IOreg, and i can see on the system info that the correct BT firmware is uploaded as well. Everything seems fine, but the problem is I cannot turn ON the radio properly, i need a sleep-wake after pressing the "Turn Bluetooth On" button to make it work. After a sleep-wake i can see my BT turned ON, can connect to devices. But when i press the "Turn Off Bluetooth" button, i will not able to make it ON again without another sleep-wake process.
Any help for this?
BT Logs.zip