I can get SL installed on my D630 using method #2 http://www.osxlatitude.com/creating-a-usb-pen-with-osx-installation/
It can't shutdown or reboot (i.e. just hangs with a black screen when tries to do that from the installer)
It doesn't see my wired ethernet (I expected it to not see my wireless, intel abg), but no wired ethernet makes it a pain to get stuff onto and off of the laptop.
when I reboot into the OS via the USB it works, but when I then go to install EDP 1.9.1 (i.e. 1, 7 for D630/Nvidia) and Chameleon (via the EDP (think this is 3, then whatever option is for Chamelon). I still can't shutdown, but on reboot, chamelon is there, so I can boot via the HD. However, I can no longer get into the machine (i.e. it boots, but pops up the message that the machine has to be powered down and rebooted, but doing it doesn't cause the message to go away on next boot). I don't know if this EDP or chamelon.
I'm running the A17 bios. I tried the hacked bios listed here, but that kills my USB (literally, if anything is plugged into USB on boot, the machine hangs, I had to boot via a CD and reflash to A17 to get it working again).
I'm new to this, so if anyone can point me in the right direction, that would be appreciated.