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Posts posted by chasmataz

  1. i have an E6400 booting Lion 10.7.2 from external usb drive with windows7 on the internal drive.

    the osx system is my backup drive from my latitude d630 using edp2.1.

    i used no boot flags except "-v" and it booted with no kp what so ever, like it was a mac.

    i guess i'd start there to get her running and then fine tune things like bluetooth etc.

    the windows7 boot recognized the mac os and i didn't even need to install chameleon

    so basically i'd follow the guide for the d630/intel. unless your 6420 has the nvidia card, then of course choose that.

  2. ovi1,

    this is the guide and boot files i used to get my 630 bootable and running (sorta): http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=256729

    no matter how i installed lion, i had to use a usb keyboard the first time to get to registration. (DON'T REGISTER!!!)

    only after that did i run edp 2.1 (it's obviously geared to the 630).

    then i rebooted with the usb Again! all the way to the install page, ran Disk Utilities and repaired permissions/disk.

    then quit the installer (restart) with the usb one more time. install chameleon (the one that comes with edp works with edp) and wala!!

    my 630 w/intel 3100 graphics is running sweet! i haven't found the right hda version for it for some stupid reason, but for my money; it's one sweet macbook pro.

    i haven't updated to 10.7.3 yet, (i'm waiting to see what gets broken in other people's machines first, before i decide to break mine) but 10.7.2 is working fine.

    thanX to everyone who ever wrote a guide, or helped a newbie, or patched a driver or paid forward for that jerk in the rearview mirror a cup of coffee; you're all good people in my book.

  3. my 2 cents worth, swap the CPU and the lid. as far as not having access to a real mac, i'd guess you're pretty much stuck using a distro (i think) good luck with that, they can be a real pain but i've had to use them with my 630 to do lion. but however you get there, run edp 2.1 before you reboot from the install. then boot with your install image until to get to the utilities menu, open Disk Utility, repair the disk as well us update the boot sectors, repair permissions. quit the installer, reboot with your installer, pick you freshly repaired install verbose and wala!

    install chameleon and you should be good to go.

  4. just wanted to say thanx to everyone who has ever posted a "how-to" on the boards.

    i'm proudly running 10.7.2 on my D630/intel x3100; SWEET!!

    had a few crashes with edp 2.1 until i booted w/usb and ran Disk Utility to repair permissions/disk.

    runs perfect now.

    thanx again.


    OOPS!!! spoke too soon; don't have sound. does voodoo hda need to be in extra or S/L/E?

    and which version do you recommend for 10.7.2?

    thanx again..

  5. wow, what a nightmare! if it's not using the close lid-sleep trick it's no sound.

    what a mess i have here, i'm surprised it boots at all!

    i tried your package on my 630 to no avail; it worked great with my 420s, but it's been no go on the 630.

    got it running 10.6.3 using iFail (i know, it's a distro and it's slow as molasses booting but it got me there).

    first boot ran slic's 3100 pkg. ran and booted better.

    so i updated to 10.6.5 one combo update at a time.

    everything cool, booted fine then i updated to 10.6.6 combo.

    now it won't boot with anything except pirate_efi in safe mode. (oh and a "-v -x arch=i386")

    tried running multifail with a dsdt made from dsdtgui, no go.

    anyway, i'm not so newb i didn't make a timemachine backup for each step along the way, so i have a goofy question.

    in safe mode only the most basic kexts or whatever are loaded right?

    well wouldn't THAT be the most efficient as well as fast system for these hacks?

    so if a guy was to b/u a safemode boot and restore it via timeline, wouldn't that be the best build for that particular machine?

    i don't know very much about the technical stuff, i'm just thinking out loud.

  6. ok, here's a really stupid question...

    i've been trying to update my latitude 630 to minimun 10.6.6 so i can download lion, but i just can't get it to go past 10.6.3, it's either a black or blue screen no matter what i try. so i'm trying to follow your instructions to create a usb boot pen thing but i'm confused about the "extra" folder.

    when you guys say "4. Extra the extra.zip to the root of the USB drive (attached to post)" do you mean i drop your extra folder inside the extra folder chameleon creates or replace it?

    see i told you i was a newb.

    thanx for any reply.

  7. well i have to admit i had my doubts about your package.

    i'm a noob with a capital n and i created my first osx86 machine a year ago using leppy's disk on a D620.

    talk about a walk in the park, i was floored.

    anyway this year becoming frustrated with adobe's drop of support for the PPC macs in flashplayer i decided to dig out leppy's disc and build a netbook out of a D420 that they were throwing out at work.

    anyway it went pretty smooth until i updated to 10.6.6 combo pack. it'd boot but there was a boatload of little issues like wifi not working even though i installed a 1390 card and booting took forever, there must of been 50 pages of kexts not loading yet it would boot.

    i just ran your 1.9 package on it; everything works including the 1390 card. it boots in a fraction of the time and there's no pages of errors.


    nice job gentlemen.


    ok, goofy question, what the heck is that remote disk in my finder window?

    it only shows up on the machines i've ran edp on.


    oops, this should go into feedback, sorry about that.

  8. is there a safe way to clean out all those kexts in S/L/E without destroying my install? man! i did a CCC clone last night to a usb thumb and it took 5 hours! now looking through there i know i don't need all those drivers and it's got to speed up booting etc if it didn't have to load all that extra crap it doesn't use...

    any thoughts gentle people?

  9. what flags should i use to get a 410 to boot to the installer?

    i've tried leppy's disc; i've tied your boot disc, i've tried iFail S3; i'm abit fustrated.

    should i just give up trying to boot snow leopard and stick to booting leopard (which hasn't been any more successful)?

    thanx for any replies in advance.

  10. wow. you guys are WAY over my head.

    i'm just trying to keep my dells working so far i have a D420 running 10.6.6

    and a D630 running 10.6.3

    broadcom cards are in the mail to test wifi, using hawking N dongle in the mean time.

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