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Everything posted by TimST185
Hi ChAntoine, Tonight, while I was messing around with an Inspiron 1520, I managed to find why "MAYBE" EDP breaks my D630 install......... It seems that the T9300 2.5 C2D CPU I have needs some different kext's than EDP installs for all the other C2D CPU's..... ..... I found some info here on tonycrapx86 quite by accident ....... http://www.tonycrapx86.com/viewtopic.php?f=170&t=26283&start=30 I have run out of time tonight to test this out but I have swapped out the CPU from my D630 into a 1520 I have here at the moment and I will continue to look into it......... Have to say though, this 1520 started as a 1.6 Celeron @533 FSB and now its a 2.5 C2D @ 800 FSB and geez it's fast loading VISTA of all things Hehehehe......... Sorry if this is confusing to peeps reading but the 1520,1525,D630 are so alike and I installed Lion onto a 1525 with ease that this D630 just Bugs the heck outta me right now ! Can't wait to test on OSX but I need to sleep........... ....... If anyone can clarify that the T9300/T9500 has issues with Lion, then that would DEFINITELY help me as to where things are going wrong for me.
Hey ChAntoine, long time no speak ...... How's things my friend ? Like you, I also took a break from my D630 ------- And then spent another week at it hehehe........ OK, so the route I followed to get Lion to install was from a "How To" made for a Dell 1525 that I bought some months ago and is currently loaned to a friend......... The guide is here ......... https://sites.google.com/site/nozyczek/home/hackintosh/how-to-install-lion-10-7-0-on-dell-inspiron-1525 The problem I had before was that no matter which boot disc or memory stick I used to install Lion from, the install either never even made it to the setup screen, OR, it made it past than then failed at about 30% into the install........ How I managed it was this.......... 1. I had already an 8gb memory stick installed with Lion using unifail installer from tonycrapx86.com 2. I installed nozyczek Dell 1525 installer over the top of the unifail Install. 3. Booted from the memory stick and Lion installed for the first time. 4. I then followed the instructions that Mariusz posted but I put the 1440x900 DSDT in the EDP 2.2 Pack BEFORE I installed EDP. My D630 is about 90% functional at the moment in Lion I would say....... Not as perfect as Snow leopard but it does kind of work......... Nozyczek's method allows the machine to boot in about 20 seconds in x64 mode......... It's REALLY FAST, but the display is limited as we know. When I install EDP Pack and the 1440x900 DSDT, it takes forever to boot and only run's in 32 bit mode. I DID try the MyHack method BUT the version I had of Lion was refused by MyHack as it was downloaded from a torrent. I DID find this though..... Depending on which DSDT I use, it makes a difference when installing, as to which USB port I install from........ My Best success was installing from memory stick when the memory stick was plugged into the REAR usb port that is CLOSEST to the Modem (RJ11) and ethernet (RJ45) posts on the rear of my D630. EDP Pack for Lion seems to break our 1440x900 mind because it take forever to load but Bronxtech from here is working with the author of MyHack to include the kext's we need into the proper folders instead of having them in the "Extra" folder........ This is something that Nozyczek managed to do a while back which is why I always liked his install's.
Finally !!!!! ........ Lion roars on my D630 with 1440x900..... Sadly, with the release of myhack 3 things have changed somewhat since the initial post BUT, with a few tweeks, it is possible..... BIG THANKS TO Mariusz for the initial guide ...... As always, proof is in the pic (Excuse my mess) !!!!
I'm working on this project again........... I needed a break as it was taking up FAR too much of my personal time but I have installed ubuntu on the D630 and extracted the DSDT and am working on the needed patches to inject the hardware so that many of the kexts are not needed in the Extra folder as per "nozyczek" method that was so fantastic on a 1525 I did. It's all a bit new to me tho so you'll have to bear with me - Not sure if I can make it all work but I know for sure that DSDT route is the way to go with this 1440x900 screen now. Gonna start with Simenoff's DSDT as that actually does work on SL 10.6.3 and see if I can get to 10.6.8 and then move onto Lion if I can. If anyone's interested, this is just one of the guide's I am following http://aserebln.blogspot.co.uk/2009/07/20.html
Hiya Chantoine, Today I went back to basics to try and eliminate any "Silly" mistakes..... I made a new 10.6.3 USB install using my trusty D620. I re-installed 10.6.3 to my D630 from USB and then installed EDP 1.9.2 but used Simenoff's DSDT and org.chameleon.Boot.plist and smbios. After doing this (And NOTHING ELSE, no updates etc, nothing) my D630 was broken - It didn't resume from sleep, the USB's were playing up etc). ..... looking thru the log files for EDP updates in the WIKI section, I can see that Simenoff had some input into how EDP was made for the D630 with X3100 and the changes that are documented seem to be only for the standard 1280x800 display. I'm just wondering if he managed to extend this work to cover the 1440x900 display as well, or if it was only patched to allow for the basic resolution. About the same time, I can see that Slice seemed to be involved as well and the only time I managed to get Lion to work on my D630 was by using the DSDT that Slice posted for the 1525 - At least it booted into Lion with it (The Audio was wrong as the 1525 has HDMI out) and it was a bit "Jerky" but I expected problems as they are not entirely Identical machines. As for the "Bad Day" - I appeal against the penalty fine - and await to hear the result from the city council.
Hi JD, I can see you have things working now but can you please confirm if your system is a 1440x900 one ? The reason I ask is that if you can get Lion working on A16 Bios, then that maybe the cause of some of my own problems with my D630. Thanks, Tim.
D620 Kernel Panic on boot after installing EDP 1.9 - Snow Leopard
TimST185 replied to donkeykong's topic in The Archive
Any news ? - Did you get it working in the end DK ? -
I'm going no-where with it either For the second time I tried a different method to upgrade from 10.6.3 to 10.6.8 and it worked again but after about 3 mins of booting into 10.6.8 the D630 just locks up again and I have to Hard-Power it off by holding power button down for 5 seconds. That was using EDP 1.9.2 as a kext pack with Simenoff's DSDT. At 10.6.3 and EDP's package the D630 is as stable as anything and not even one KP. I hear what you are saying about speed issues mind - I have now got 10.6.3 onto a second hard-drive that plugs into the module bay where the CD/DVD rom would normally be so its a bit faster to re-install when it all goes wrong. (Like yourself I also had an idea about the speed of USB so have now switched to the module bay hard drive solution) - I accept that many people won't have access to one of these though. The furthest I ever got installing Lion was about 40% installed before the D630 locked up (That was in 64 bit mode with a 64 bit PS2 driver I found on the net somewhere) and no other drivers apart from FakeSMC in E/E. I'll keep at it - There has to be a solution because if people can get this D630 to work with 1280x800 then surely it can't be that difficult to make it work with 1440x900. I'm still convinced the solution lie's with a better, more patched DSDT but I have no knowledge of DSDT so it's difficult for me to make any changes there. Anyhow - I'll try and find some more time today and keep on trying. Regards, Tim.
ChAntoine --- I will swap the lid of my 630 today to a 1280x800 one, do a new install of 10.6.3 and see if I can get the 10.6.8 combo update and EDP 1.9.2 to work with it..... .... If it works, I will swap the lid back to the 1440x900, change the DSDT to Simenoff's one and see if it still works. ..... I'll report back later so long as there's not too much work in at work ! Regards, Tim. .... So much for testing ..... I had the WORST day ever ! I dropped the battery for my 620 this morning and it cracked at the thin corner where it locks into the laptop - It now fails to lock properly as a small part of it is missing. I walked outside to the car to goto work and the front tyre was as flat as a pancake, so flat in fact it would not inflate - I had to change for the spare wheel. I (Finally) got to work and turned on one of my 3 test PC's and it failed to start - The motherboard developed a fault and it would not post. We re-flowed the on-board graphics chip and it started once every 3 times but is not reliable so had to be binned, As I was late for work, I could not park anywhere except in a 2 hour limited zone - I returned to move my car within an hour and a half to find my car had been towed away to the pound ! It cost me £7.00 to catch a cab from work to the pound and £140 to get my car released !!!! Not sure if it could in fact get any worse but I am not attempting anything at all on my D630 tonight apart from posting this !
ChAntoine answer is correct. You just need to add into your org.chameleon,Boot.plist the section about Graphics Mode and 1440x900x32 as below : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>EthernetBuiltIn</key> <string>Yes</string> <key>Graphics Mode</key> <string>1440x900x32</string> <key>Kernel</key> <string>mach_kernel</string> <key>Kernel Flags</key> <string>arch=i386</string> <key>SystemType</key> <string>2</string> <key>Theme</key> <string>Default</string> <key>Timeout</key> <string>2</string> <key>USBBusFix</key> <string>Yes</string> <key>Rescan</key> <string>yes</string> </dict> </plist> Do NOT change the spelling of anything or the Lower and Upper case letters in the name of the org.chameleon.Boot.plist It may also be shown on Dell's website in the "My Configuration" section - If you goto Dell.com and then find the support section, put in your service tag from the bottom of your laptop and then goto the configuration section it may list it there as well.
The error message means nothing to me bud .......... Hopefully Bronxy can help there. I can help with replacing your wireless card for a Dell 1390 one if you need it tho.... It's just 3 screw's to remove, slot the new 1390 WiFi card in and clip the plastic bezel back down........ I can post up detailed pics of the removal/replacement procedure if needed. The 1390 one is native to Apple's Airport and solves huge amount's of problems at first. The guide I posted was for a STANDARD A17 BIOS, maybe it doesn't work for the customised one (I don't know, as I have no wish to use a custom bios on this D630 of mine) ........ (Main reason is I want to be able to dual-boot with WinXP if/when I can get it working to 10.6.8). All I know so far is that the 1440x900 D630 is a mission and even the Great Mr Google has few answers Good Luck - Keep us posted Tim.
Hate to say but still no luck at all with this and a standard A17 BIOS...... (I know the guide is written for custom BIOS but I hate to change to custom stuff as I can see people have had problems in the custom Bios forum) SO....... I started to enable stuff back in BIOS and got to the point where everything was enabled again but still it would not boot into the installer (Keeps failing with either a KP or just locks up) If I boot with -v -x (and everything enabled) I can get to the installer where I select the language but the best I managed was to get to about 30% of installation and then the D630 just locked up again. If I boot in 64 bit mode the Whole boot process is EXTREMELY FAST ! - But it all fails again so is no better. (It just fails at the same point at a faster rate) hehehe So..... I went back to trying to get it upto 10.6.8 and have actually managed to get there by using a DSDT written for the 1525 (Which I did on my 1525 just last week with no issues at all). Honestly - the D630 with 1440x900 is a mission and a half to work with - All the others have been VERY easy compared to this one Totally lost with this one at the moment but at least I have a working 10.6.8 d630 1440x900 now which I didn't have before.......... ........ every step is a small one and it looks like a looooooong road ahead LOL Speak soon, Tim.
Hi nac....... I had another crack at this today. I double checked my 8GB USB install of Lion was good by installing it onto my D620 with the 1440x900 Lid and it all worked First time (As Everything always does on the D620) So......... I took the lid off my D620 and put it back onto my D630, used the same USB stick but with the D630 bootpack and Simenoff's DSDT and EVERY TIME it failed. It just would not even get to the welcome screen where you put in "Use xxxx for the main language" (No Pun intended on the xxxx by the way) ;-P After about 10 tries with various SMBIOS's I decided to go back into my A17 Dell BIOS and DISABLE EVERY SINGLE THING I COULD apart from Dualcore and ACHI. ........... Guess what ? It's booted into the "Choose your language" screen........... It's late here now, and I have to work tomorrow so I need to turn it all off without testing any further to find out what part of Bios is stopping it from loading the initial setup. I'll report back tomorrow if I can find an hour or two spare at work to investigate. Regards, Tim.
Still learning myself (A lot) hehehe, but most of the time I found when I was installing if I got errors it was down to a bad installation disc or the DVD Burner not reading the disc correctly. Took me ages to find a reliable DVD Burner for my 630 that could read Dual Layer DVD's fast. Once you get the installation onto USB, all that will stop though and everything happens much quicker. Hope this helps, Regards, Tim.
I gave up in the end last night Bud.... I ended up switching my 1440x900 lid onto my D620 and it works without a hitch. Which SMBIOS.plist did you use ? The one from OSX Latitudes EDP Package ? (I tried both the one from EDP and the original one from Simenoff's boot CD mind) Would you be able to post your Extra folder to the net so I can download it and give it another try ? - I think I have a spare 1440x900 Lid at work I can throw onto my D630 and continue testing another day when I have more time. Regards, Tim.
Update : I gave up trying to get it all working on my 630 with 1440x900 .... The lack of DSDT support means that it's all just not worth the time. In the end, I took the entire lid off my 630 complete with 1440x900 LCD and transferred it onto my 620 Nvidia ..... Booted the 620 with it's installed 10.6.8 and all was normal except with the bonus of 1440x900 resolution as standard and with NON OF THE PROBLEMS that the X3100 chipset presents. NO CHANGING of DSDT's, nothing at all to edit.... Easy as pie Sadly, my 620 can't take my nice 2.5 C2D 6m cache 800 Mhz CPU that my 630 has in it, as it's a different socket....... ..... But, I'm posting this on my 2.0, 4m cache, 667 Mhz 620 which currently out-performs the 630 by miles so I am happy with that. I'd strongly suggest from the last 4 weeks of hard work that 1440x900 D630 owners concider a D620 Nvidia over a D630 Intel. Regards, Tim.
Been trying all ways to get this 1440x900 past 10.6.3 but with no luck Bronxy. It's stable as anything on 10.6.3 using Simenoff's DSDT but I cant even get it to 10.6.8 let alone to Lion without major KP's yet my 620 and 1525 were easy and done in 2 hours. I'm going to swap the Lid and LCD next week to a normal 1280x800 and fit the 1440x900 lid to my D620 and see how that goes - the 620 seems to be faster than the 630 anyway even tho it has a slower CPU so if all goes well I may even just swap my 2.5 C2D into it as well. I currently use the Myhack method with generic kexts and boot off a CD which is custom for each model I work on and it works fine, every time. I bought a couple of new 8GB sticks to try with Lion but nothing seems to work. I have to work today but I'll be around later and post some more see if we can't figure it out. Regards, Tim.
Sad to say I had no joy at all with this method and the A17 BIOS. I tried with dynamic acceleration=ON and OFF but both ended in failure (No KP's mind) - but just a lock-up. Loading in verbose fails at : USBMSC Identifier (non-unique) {Loads of numbers} 0 0 AppleUSBCDC: start - initDevice failed 0 0 AppleUSBCDC: start - initDevice failed 0 0 AppleUSBCDC: start - initDevice failed and the whole process just stops. Maybe the key is your custom BIOS ? - Did you try this on any other occasion with the A17 BIOS Bud ? Regards, Tim.
Hey Bud ! Been working on my 630 with 1440x900 all day trying to get it upto 10.6.8 in readyness for Lion but with no success I have been using Simenoff's DSDT but only a standard Dell A17 BIOS. do you think the risk of flashing the BIOS to a custom one is the way to go with Simeonoff's DSDT ??? Could you post up how you got your D630 to 10.6.7 or 10.6.8 please ? I have done the 1525 and 620 to 10.6.8 with no problems at all but this X3100 1440x900 D630 is causing me no end of pain......... Hoping you can point me in the right direction, Kind Regards, Tim.
The thought had crossed my mind bronxy I do have a slot loading pioneer drive here that I could fit into it to make it a bit more authentic but the keyboard would need modding as the power button is part of the keyboard It won't hang around long anyhow as I'm working on my 630 again as I type....... Gonna give a Lion install a go if I can get my 630 to 10.6.8 reliably.
......... And an update on the 620 install this evening ........ 10.6.3 via USB stick (I bought 3 new 8GB sticks today so I could do more testing without wrecking previous installs...) Combo update to 10.6.8 - DO NOT RESTART. EDP 1.9.2 (Had a few errors mind - Voodoo Pref pane error was first) and then chameleon wouldnt install on the first try and came back with an error but on the second try (without re-booting) worked and installed ok. Re-booted and had even better sound than my 10.6.3 on my trusty 630 !!! Everything "seems to work" - Magic mouse is working, FrontRow is spot on, wireless connected 1st time and USB mouse works as well....... I have no LID or LCD on this 620 and it's just connected to a monitor running 1650x1080....... but I put it to sleep from the apple menu and it wakes up just fine (Very fast too and way quicker than my 630 currently does) Getting a bit more used to this EDP thing now....... OSX Latitude ROCKS :) BIG HUGE thanks to all the Admin team for this valuable Forum. Whole process from Nothing to USB install made AND OSX 10.6.8 up and running on my 620 - aprox 2 hours not including any downloads as I transferred the 10.6.8 combo update to a spare partition from a spare 2gb memory stick. And the proof as they say is "In the Pudding" .........
Hello again all Just to say that I have moved around a little from the 630 I started with hehehe........... It's still my day to day hackbook and still only running 10.6.3 and I DO INTEND to finish the guide but I bought a 1525 and converted that to a hackbook last week - Got it upgraded to 10.6.8 with no issues and it's currently out on loan ! Now, I also have a 620 with Nvidia graphics and I'm currently trying to get that to 10.6.8 I also bought an Apple magic mouse (What a truely awesome piece of kit) and that works with the 630 and 620 out of the box with the standard bluetooth. One thing mind - You HAVE TO enable bluetooth in a windows enviroment with Dell's Quickset utility.... If Quickset has disabled bluetooth then OSX will see the bluetooth but it won't connect to anything. ..... Easy way to spot this is that if the "Blue" bluetooth light is not lit on your 630 and STAYS lit when you power it on then quickset has disabled it at some point in the past..... Boot into windows, enable Bluetooth via quickset and shut down - Your 630 will remember it's enabled and work fine for-ever after. ..... If you want to be able to turn off Bluetooth then you need to go into bios and set the wireless switch to control the Bluetooth ONLY....... You can turn off airport manually in OSX and use the wireless switch on the left side of the 630 to turn on and off the bluetooth only (To save power on battery) etc. I have tested this ONLY in 10.6.3 mind and it works - If things change when I complete the guide AND do an update to 10.6.8 or to Lion then I will let you know. Regards and I'll try and keep this updated sooner........ Tim.
Have a couple of the Nvidia models at work at the moment but I am sure they are all 620's......... Once I get the 630 1440x900 guide up I will swap the lid from my 630 onto an Nvidia one and see how that goes......
Update : My original install works 100% perfect - Sleep, wake, USB etc all work 100% BUT....... I am trying to document it and it takes time to do all this using a spare Hard-Drive so I don't break my working version. I did some more testing tonight and was hoping to include the extra folder WITHIN the USB install procedure by specifying to use a custom Extra folder added in at the end of the myhack procedure but for some reason, I can only get it to boot from USB Image by using the -V flag if I do. I will edit, and change the guide again and go back to the original way I did it as that worked for sure. (Trying to run before I can walk here) - Should have kept to the original plan but then if you don't try thing's, you never know if they work I suppose ! As you can see, it's VERY much a "Work in Progress" kind of guide so if anyone can help make it better, then please, let me know. Hope it helps for now, and I am sure it will all change again if/when I try to do any combo updates Hope to complete the guide over the weekend if I can find more time. Regards & good luck for now, Tim.
OK, so here, as promised is the way that worked for me........ The version of Snow Leopard I was installing was 10.6.3 RETAIL (I cannot say for sure that this way will work with the 10.6.0 version so it's important to start with the right one) Just to re-cap on my machine spec's: . I have the 1440x900 LCD on my 630 with X3100 Graphics. . I had already swapped out the Intel wifi for a Dell 'Broadcom' based one. . I have 4GB of Ram (2 slots of 2GB each) . My Bios is Version A17 . SATA operation in BIOS is set to AHCI (F2 at startup, expand Onboard Devices group, scroll to SATA Operation and set it to AHCI - Save changes and exit BIOS setup) . My DVD Rom/Burner can RELIABLY read Dual Layer DVD's (most important as it takes ages if your optical drive is worn out and will lead to a failed install if it can't read the DVD) . I have the optional Dell 360 Bluetooth module and it's enabled in BIOS And the Requirements: Access to a Windows Machine and CD/DVD burner (To burn the BOOTCD and download stuff for the post install) An 8GB Memory Stick (The faster the better) - To make the Bootable USB Drive. Any old other Memory Stick to transfer the other stuff to our Hackbook - 1GB is big enough. A USB Keyboard and a USB Mouse to connect to our 630 for the initial stages. OK, so here we go - In at the deep-end as they say....... Be prepared for a steep learning curve and it helps to have a BIG BOX of patience to tap into !!! The first hurdle to cross is to make a bootable USB Drive (It will save HOURS of time re-installing, belive me) ! A... On your Windows machine, Download this BOOT CD that Simeonoff (A Member from this forum made) ...... CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD It has a working DSDT that is setup for the 1440x900 screens and will allow us to get a working Mac environment so that we can make our bootable USB Drive. Use ANY burning software you have to burn the ISO to a CD. Imgburn is a good freeware that I use CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD Write 1440x900 BOOTCD on this disc so you don't mix it up. B... While your on your windows machine, download myhack from HERE.... C... and download Chameleon installer from HERE.... D... and Download the "Bootpack" from HERE.... E... and Download Kext Wizard from HERE.... F... and download multifail from HERE.... G... Copy those 5 downloads over to your 1GB stick as we will need them soon (For now, don't worry about the format's of the files, un-zipping them, or the strange file-names etc) Stage 1 - The Initial Install. 01 .. Connect the USB Mouse and the USB Keyboard to the rear USB ports on your D630. 02 .. Power your D630 on and press F12 so you get the "boot from..." menu up. 03 .. Insert the BOOTCD we burned in Part A above, cursor down and select boot from CD/DVD and hit Enter. 04 .. Wait for the BOOT CD menu to appear and then wait ANOTHER 60 Seconds. 05 .. Eject the BOOTCD and insert your 10.6.3 RETAIL Snow Leopard DVD. 06 .. WAIT FOR 60 SECONDS BEFORE you do anything else. 07 .. Press F5. (Now, on my system, the graphics become corrupted slightly and the DVD burner spin's up but nothing else) 08 .. Press F5 again (now you will see "Install MAC OSX" Icon" appear. 09 .. Press the Cursor Right Arrow on your keyboard so the "Install MAC OSX" Icon is highlighted and then press Enter. The Snow Leopard DVD will start it's process and you'll get to a menu from where you can select your language. 10a . Click on your desired language and press the arrow in the bottom right of the screen. Now, were in a new menu "Install Mac OSX". 09b . We need to prepare our hard-drive, so with your USB mouse, click on "Utilities" at the top of the screen and select "Disk Utility". A New window will open and we now have a chance to set-up our Hard-Drive. 10c . In the left hand pane, right at the top, you will see your Hard-Drive, Left Click it. 10d . Now, in the right pane, click on the "Partition" tab. 10e . Just below where it says "Volume Scheme" left click it and select "2 Partitions" - Left click the in top Box diagram that appeared and then left click in the name box, type "Snow Leopard" - Format should be "OSX Extended journaled" - Left Click options and select GUID Partition. 10f . Left click the bottom box diagram and then left click in the name box, type "Utilities" - format should be "OSX Extended Journaled" - Left click options and select GUID Partition. 10g . Left click the "Apply" button and then left click "Partition" confirmation button. Wait for the process to finish. 10h . Left Click the "Red Dot", Top left of the Disk Utility Screen to exit and a new screen will pop-up. We are now at the main installation screen for OSX - Just a few clicks, a coffee and a quick bite out of the patience box will see us thru this 11 .. Left click the "Continue" Button, then Left Click the "Agree" button and we are on our way. 12 .. A Picture of two hard-Drives will show up..... Left click the one called "Snow Leopard" and a green arrow will appear on it. 13 .. Left click the button "Customise" on the bottom left of the screen...... 14 .. A new window pops up and we need to left click on all the options to DE-SELECT them. (note - the top one "Printers" takes TWO left clicks to de-select it) We Don't need all this stuff for the moment and De-Selecting them will speed-up our installation time. 15 .. A Window pop's up telling us that OSX is installing - Time for that coffee now ! - Sit back, relax and watch that progress bar go across the screen (that bar is going to be your new best friend for the next week or so - Better get used to it ! hehehe) 16 .. After about 20 mins your new install will be done and it will tell you it's going to restart. (If it doesn't restart properly Just hold the power button down for 5 seconds and power your 630 off) 17 .. Power it back on and press F12 to get to the boot menu again. Eject the Snow Leopard 10.6.3 CD and insert the BOOTCD you made in step A. 18 .. Cursor Down and select to boot from CD/DVD and hit enter 19 .. Wait for the BOOT CD menu to appear and this time you should see 2 options : Boot CD and Snow Leopard. 20 .. Press the Cursor Right Key to select Snow Leopard and hit Enter. 21 .. After about 30 seconds you should see that nice intro video 22 .. Use your USB Keyboard and mouse to answer the setup quaestions (It's pretty obvious what to type) 23 .. MAKE SURE TO PUT A PASSWORD IN - (I had software fail in my trial attempts because there was no password set - EDP's terminal I think it was) 24 .. Now then, DON'T BE TEMPTED TO MESS WITH STUFF ....... Let's get our 8 GB Bootable USB Stick prepared so that if we break the install, we can fix it easier and faster. Stage 2 - Make the 8GB USB Stick Installation. 25 .. Double click the CD Icon on the desktop labeled "Boot CD", double click the folder "Extra", double click the icon "Preboot", DRAG the "Extra" folder to your desktop. Close all the open windows. 26 .. Insert your 1GB stick and open it up - DRAG the file "bootpack-D630-intel.zip" to your desktop. Double click it and it will unzip into a folder called Extra 2 as we already have an Extra folder ! 27 .. Double click "Extra 2" and it will open a new window. Double click on the file called "org.Chameleon.Boot.plist" and it will open in a text editor. 28 .. The 4th line down in the indented section reads <string>1280x800x32</string> We need to change it so it reads <string>1440x900x32</string> so go ahead and edit it. 29 .. Close the window and it will ask us to save the file, so save it. 30 .. Drag the saved file from the "Extra 2" folder to the "Extra" folder. Open up your "Extra" folder and delete the com.apple.Boot.plist file that's there as we don't need it now. 31 .. Delete the "Extra 2" folder from the desktop and delete the bootpack.zip file as well. 32 .. Open up your 1GB memory stick contents again and this time drag the "MyHack" file to the desktop. Close the USB contents window and right click on your USB Drives Icon and select "Eject" 33 .. Double Click the myhack file you just copied and it will run and a new window will open. 25 .. Left Click on that big Axe and DRAG to your Application folder at the bottom of the screen (4th from the right with "A" on the folder) 26 .. Close the myhack window and open your applications folder and click on MyHack. It will open up and ask you for your password so just enter it in. Guide Revision 1.0.0 - Uncomplete at moment, work in progress. I'll complete the rest later - I have run out of time for the moment !