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Everything posted by saphire
Thank howoarang! I use Apple Wifi card (big size) from old plastics model instead of the WWAN card, because of the tiny size of intel5300. It works as en0 in 10.10.5 and I used his dsdt.aml, and get my own config.plist from his one. My HW info: Dell E6500, CPU=P9500, NVS160, Apple Wifi (original big size) in WWAN space, IntelE1000e.kext works as en1, Yosemite 10.10.5. Kb/Mouse use VoodooPS2*.kext DellBluetoothHCI I wonder the 10.10.5 is much unstable I met so many crasy while normal using esp while use safari. Old 10.9.5 is very stable than 10.10.5. Did someone meet the same trouble?
Anyone installed 10.8.5 successfully on their E65xx?
saphire replied to daspazz's topic in The Archive
Sorry for a long time leave. Now I come back. My latitude E6500 is two version on two HDDs 10.7.4 updated 10.7.5 without any problem ML10.8.3 updated 10.8.5 by manually, I did not do 10.8.4 at all. My VGA is NVS 160, I did not get Chameleon 2.2 R2266, what I do is only run myfix full with myHack 3.2 Beta8, that is ok. I downloaded OSXUpdCombo10.8.5.dmg and setup, it displayed error at last and I cannot reboot because it is death of shutdown, so forced press power button and wait 1 min, poweron with -f -v of booting chameleon OK, display 10.8.5, then I do downloaded OSXUpd10.8.5Supp.dmg, same as before dead of rebooting... Finally I check it is 12F45, and check online, update safari, itunes, etc. That is all. At last, today 10.9 is available, but I will continue backup in time machine. -
So I think E6520 is different with E6500, really
I have got one broadcom wifi from 2008 white Macbook because it is broken, it supports 802.11N indeed, how ever, it is full size which cannot be suitable in Latitude E6500 ( half size WLAN card space), I try to connect in WWAN slot but with WLAN antena line, it is not good signal, it display 1500 dell wifi card in Win, and the switch light of wifi under LCD monitor is wrong way. So I gave up, and try to search a good driver for my RT2870 USB wifi card, someone from tony86 marked Rosewill driver for RNX-N1. I try to download and config in my E6500, it really works well in ML10.8.2 and also better than Ralink on 10.7.5 If you are headache of changing intern wifi card, please try to use the easy way, how ever, it is not pretty because it is out of the notebook. On the other hand, I found a truth: if your wireless router is not good cover all your home space, if your country is not critical limitation, you can forgot your auto channel settings, try to use CH11, you will get better and stable from today
Reinstall ML10.8 without VoodooHDA, then upgrade ML10.8.2, display fail, how ever, about show ML10.8.2, also iTunes 10.7 updated display error, indeed success! Will continue search good way for sound. At last RT2870 even works, how ever, it cannot get the DHCP IP for internet, bad news!
Because Apple just release 10.7.5 lion, so backup system with time machine, and sudo mv VoodooHDA.kext VoodooHDA.kext.old in E/E and /S/L/E/myHack/Contents/Plugins, and online upgrade......after reboot, choose -v for check the log and boot success, final udo mv /S/L/E/AppleHDA.kext AppleHDA.kext.10.7.5, and return previous VoodooHDA.kext, then myfix -t /Volumes/lion. And one more safari also upgrade after 10.7.5. How ever, I meet another trouble of Mountain Lion 10.8 just installation. After use other HDD inside CDROM for new installation ML10.8, it real works, how ever, I missed the register of Apple, because my USB wifi cannot work at the beginning and also after I install the Ralink RTUSB D2870- UI-, Ethernet AppleIntelE1000e.kext works, I also found my USB pen seems not work at all after ML working. Because I used VoodooHDA.kext in myHack for sound, I have not disabled them before upgrade ML 10.8.2 which released today too, and it made KP. Will try to change it and report. Thank all contributed friends here !
let me review above my pasting. Only VoodooHDA1 is normal, the other VoodooHDA2 or 3, and 3 option for STAC will make KP or when EDP config met five language of KP. 2nd, Keyboard and Mouse replaced Voodoo mode to PS2 work well.
Previously I used VoodooHDA for Latitude E6500 sound without Micphone support, so I try the other VoodooHDA1, 2, and 3, all i KP. If I try to use STAC9200 or STAC9205 ( indeed there are two option for STAC9205), still no sound or KP. If I am lucky to boot hackintosh, and sudo kextstat |grep voodoo, I can find if voodooHDA is loaded then work for sound output, otherwise nothing can be heard. So I take long time but all failure and final return the ExtraBackup/VoodooHDA for my sound card. I have only one Latitude E6500, 10.7.4, 4GB Ram, Nvidia, RT2870USB wifi, EDP3 svn to 424
is there anybody let STAC9200 or STAC9205 on E6500 success ? I always meet KP
4OS succeed in my E6500, and myHack3.1 can chameleon boot FreeBSD9 directly
saphire replied to saphire's topic in The Archive
After Jun Apple WWDC released some new update, including Java, iTunes, and AirXXX, in my hackingtosh on Dell E6500 are all succeed. EDP3 svn to 311 succeed. -
if you want to continue using GUI mode to choose OS at the beginning of chaemeleon, please copy /Extra/Themes from your USB-pen for booting to /Extra then make sure chameleon wizard let org.chameleon.Boot.plist with GUI and Graphics mode.
I found a way to fix my above shown CGI mode to GUI mode sudo cp -R /Volumes/myHack\ OS\ X\ Install\ Disk/Extra/Themes /Extra Have fun!
Is there anyone use myHack3.1 to boot more than 1 OS and really get graphic to choose different OS ? When it is 10.7.3 and myHack2.1, I write chameleon wizard with GUI and Graphics mode, it can let me choose OS in graphics, but now it is CGI mode with 4 lines for me to choose OS, lion, win, linux, freebsd. I also try to myfix to go, same CGI mode.
4OS succeed in my E6500, and myHack3.1 can chameleon boot FreeBSD9 directly
saphire replied to saphire's topic in The Archive
only after all installation, and freebsd9 re-write the mbr, so no chameleon boot, I try to use usb-pen to rewrite the chameleon fm myHack3.1. After that, never rewrite again for chameleon. if want2 make big patch or lanaguage patch of win7, I should make sure that hdd active on win7 partation, otherwise, I all let lion partation as active. c:\>diskpart sele disk 0 sele part 1 active quit The above command is for active part1 as active for chameleon boot. The below is for lion to flag win7 if usb-pen, try direct command without sudo. if you boot from hdd directly lion, in a terminal #sudo fdisk /dev/rdisk0 #sudo fdisk -e /dev/rdisk0 flag 2 quit #sudo reboot the above flag 2 is to make part 2 of win7 active the above quit is save and exit, and it will ask you to confirm y to real write to hdd, just follow y. -
4OS succeed in my E6500, and myHack3.1 can chameleon boot FreeBSD9 directly
saphire replied to saphire's topic in The Archive
I checked that above 4OS except Win7 can update normally. To fix the Win7 update, I search long time, find the solution: use USB-Pen to boot for installation, but entry terminal, fdisk /dev/rdisk0 flag 2 quit reboot Then it will direct boot to Win7, and I can execute win7 sp1 patch and more. If want to return lion, need change to flag 1 in USB-pen or try Win7 diskpart. -
Wonderful! After retest more and esp. ubuntu12.04 lts always destory the Win7 32 ESP, I even purchased one optibay as one module bay hdd 2nd. Of course, no one wrote how to do with. Toshiba 500GB SATA lion 10.7.4 win7 32 ubuntu12.04 LTS amd64 freebsd9 x32 how to do? 1. boot from usb-pen to the 1st page installation lion, but immediately partation as lion 123GB, journel win7 234GB, fat linux 80GB, fat swap 1G, fat bsd 62GB, fat 2. restore from the time machine usb-hdd backuped 3. usb-pen using again to boot lion and myHack3.1 write chameleon to test lion can boot from hdd directly 4. Win7 DVD start to custom installation after format above 234GB partation, no need to change flag or gptsync of disk 5. after that, win7 can boot, and never change with chameleon, go ahead 6. ubuntu 12.04lts usb boot for installation, but only change /dev/sda3 fm fat to ext4 and mount /, attention, my mem is 4GB, and I cannot choose /dev/sda4 or 5 as available, so keep no swap and continue, of coz, install grub2 in /dev/sda3, keep intelwifi5300 online updating, so it is a long time, over 1 hour, final reboot 7. if you just let intern hdd boot, only win7, that is my hoping, do not chameleon change or grub2 change, go ahead 8. boot from usb for install fbsd9, because above swap and bsd partation is not available, I also strange why they are all MBR, not GPT, delete swap and bsd, redefine as 1 freebsd 58GB and inside / 57G and swap 1G as slice, nothing more changed, ...... after reboot, this time, freebsd keep on booting directly. 9. reboot from usb-pen, and transfer to hdd lion 10.7.4 continue, final works, myHack3.1 choose chameleon only to write the / 10. reboot from intern 500GB HDD, you will see lion, win, linux, and freebsd, wonderful, and everything working well 11. check ubuntu with command #free -m, I still have 3389M free, so no need to make swapfile on /, anyway you can see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq IN a word, myHack3.1 can boot all, that is great version!
Because my Intel wifi5300 cannot work in Mac, how ever, linux, BSD, Win all can used, so that I check seems broadcom inside wifi card is best because Apple choose it. I checked osx86project that DWA125 can use even in future mountain lion, so I purchased one as my wifi in apple os. Old version can be used in 10.7.3, but cannot use in 10.7.4, so I download again, the latest drvier.
And it is 1st time work with kernel cache! For nvidia, no need to setup Graphics mode, just choose GUI in chameleon wizard.
After myHack2 using long time, and now 10.7.4 upgrade success, I try to backup with time machine then try myHack3.1 Indeed, it is easier than old myHack2 because you have never keep more in /Extra/Extensions. Final result is 1. /Extra only keep new proceduring org.chameleon.Boot.plist copy my old dsdt.aml from Mr. Marcuisz copy my old smbios.plist no more any other files or folders! 2. /S/L/E myHack3.1 made myHack.kext inside I just add AppleIntelE1000e.kext in /S/L/E to drive my NIC not Intel82566 Also I pkg-install from today downloaded RTUSB D2870- UI- and installed by the manuel. Attention that VoodooPS2*.kext for mouse and keyboard or trackboard cannot use together with what you can see in myHack.kext/ Indeed my E6500 using integrated keyboard and trackboard with 2 buttons working normal, how ever, because VoodooPS2mouse.kext cannot be loaded together with ApplePS2* so that the blue point mouse with 3 buttons refused work. 3. Because new NullCPUPowerMangement.kext works, so I mv AppleIntelCPUManagement.kext with AppleIntelCPUManagement.kext.original10.7.4 4. For sound, I still use VoodooHDA.kext from Mr. Marcuisz and of coz, rm -rf /S/L/E/AppleHDA.kext advanced. That is all report of myHack3.1. It is a great version to use except blue point mouse together
Real New E6500 installation story not Vmware or Vbox
saphire replied to saphire's topic in The Archive
After so many times linux destory the ESR of Win7, I gave up, order one optibay, and change HDD, now 500GB as intern HDD for lion 10.7.4, linux, bsd system together because they can support GPT very well, 250 GB as module bay HDD ( old lion 10.7.3 and Win7, because it can be easily removed during linux installation, and it really can be boot from press F12 to choose module bay HDD). -
Now I update 10.7.4 succeed The key information is that after updating finished and reboot, you need to boot from usb-pen, and entry the console: 1. rm -rf /Volumes/lion_10.7.4/System/Library/Extensions/AppleACPIPlatform.kext 2. try to get 10.7.2 AppleACPIPlatform.kext and cp to the same folder, after that, myfix -t /Volumes/lion_10.7.4 3. Be sure 10.7.3 AppleACPIPlatform.kext will make you dead on [PCI configuration begin] 4. Someone also report 10.6.7 AppleACPIPlatform.kext can use, but I have no version under 10.7.2 so I did not tested. If you use VoodooHDA.kext as your sound, please make sure rm -rf /S/L/E/AppleHDA.kext advanced otherwise it will KP. Sorry, my RT2870USB is not worked in 10.7.4 and I will try to use latest dmg about it.
At last, I try to use 10.7.2 AppleACPIPlatform.kext from my virtualbox and success. Confirmed that 10.7.3 AppleACPIPlatform.kext cannot work on 10.7.4.
Confirmed again, if I use 10.7.3 AppleACPIPlatform.kext in 10.7.4 lion, it will dead. So only 10.7.2 AppleACPIPlatform.kext I can use in 10.7.4 lion, just tested again. One more, seems my RT2870 USB wifi cannot work in 10.7.4, that is a trouble, only Cable AppleIntelE1000e.kext can work. At last upgrade Safari success online updating.
Hi Syonagar! My question is that I have nothing under 10.7.2, I try to get 10.7.2 from my virtualbox lion 10.7.2 and it cannot be upgrade in vbox, I have more hdd to test, so I will check other HDD for 10.7.3 AppleACPIPlatform.kext again to test, because I guess maybe what I saved in 2nd OSX partation also changed by new 10.7.4 lion. I just changed one HDD 500GB for lion 10.7.3 upgrade 10.7.4 success, of coz only 1 hdd inside, no modular bay hdd inserted! I also purchased one optibay for my old hdd 250GB for 10.7.3 after removing the intern hdd 500GB and boot from the modualar Bay HDD, the old 10.7.3 works well. everyone can use anyone lion for time machine to backup system before any testing of upgrading. I also get USB-pen for install and boot lion when it is KP or other dead, it is 16GB so I can save more. My BIOS A27 for E6500, nothing EDP, and LAN is special not Intel82566, VGA is Nvidia
Really succeed, I will install my NIC and Wifi, later will upload picture