1. Are you running latest bios version ?
Yes, A10
2. What CPU do you have in your machine ?
T7200 (06F6)
3. Try and reset your bios to default and boot again
No change.
4. What is your memory configuration ?, does it help if you boot with just one stick
2.5GB. .5GB inside, 2GB outside. I can't really do this experiment without taking the keyboard off,
I didn't rerun edptool again after the 10.7.2 update before the reboot. Don't really see how I could of since it really installs the update on the way down.
From memory, I'm using option 3 for PS2 (1 and 2 had problems), nullpower, sleepenabler, voodobattery (I think), and speedstep.
(By the way it would be nice if edptool logged what choices were made on last run)