I tried to get this working, but I'm afraid I need some extra help.
The instruction 'kextreload' does not exist, but 'kextunload' and 'kextload' are available.
I'm using Apple PS extensions (option 1) so I want after sleep this to happen:
kextunload /Extra/Extensions/ApplePS2Controller.kext
and then
kextload /Extra/Extensions/ApplePS2Controller.kext
When I try this in Terminal 'kextunload' does not seem to work (even with 'sudo') I get an error: "kext is in use or retained (cannot unload)"
OK, then I try kextload (with 'sudo'), the kext is getting (re)loaded without errors, but when I do this after sleep, the problem with the not working trackpad still exists.
What do I need to do to het this working?