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Everything posted by pckrullenbol

  1. Wow! This was worth waiting for... It looks so much more professional. Keep up the good work!
  2. There should be something new in the air, but is the air so polluted that after two months of waiting nothing showed up? Every day I read "stay tuned", I do for two months, nothing happens, yeah, nice... Can you change the cliff hanger in something more appropriate like "nothing will happen here…"
  3. I tried this trick, and now have a D430 with a super slow trackpad (and a super quick mouse when I reconnect it)… Exactly what I expected, but should it make a difference?
  4. Option 2 is slow as hell! Even with the extra VoodooPS PrefPane. I can't believe people are really like using this, or do I have different hardware? But one good thing about this driver is that the trackpad is working correctly after wake-up...
  5. I tried to get this working, but I'm afraid I need some extra help. The instruction 'kextreload' does not exist, but 'kextunload' and 'kextload' are available. I'm using Apple PS extensions (option 1) so I want after sleep this to happen: kextunload /Extra/Extensions/ApplePS2Controller.kext and then kextload /Extra/Extensions/ApplePS2Controller.kext When I try this in Terminal 'kextunload' does not seem to work (even with 'sudo') I get an error: "kext is in use or retained (cannot unload)" OK, then I try kextload (with 'sudo'), the kext is getting (re)loaded without errors, but when I do this after sleep, the problem with the not working trackpad still exists. What do I need to do to het this working?
  6. Thank you Leon, I downloaded SleepWatcher 2.2. But the next question is, how do I reload the proper kext for getting back my trackpad after sleep?
  7. Somewhere in the archives admin Leon mentions that problems with the trackpad after sleep can be solved by a certain app: "I think you need to reload the kext after sleep, there is an app that automatically run a script after it resumes from sleep." But where to find this app?
  8. I just ended a successful installation of OSX 10.6.8. on D430. What a great little machine this is, it's really quick! It has a keyboard lay-out with a "windows", "alt" and "altGr" keys. Normally the Apple command key was found under the "alt" and "altGr", but I didn't liked that. I tried to swap these keys following the instructions "remapping keys in OSX" using Ukelele, but with no success. But I've found a much easier method, using pref pane DoubleCommand. I choose "Command keys acts as Option Key" and "Option Keys acts as Command Key". Last issue is to find a driver for the sd-card reader, it would make it a perfect image tank for vacation…
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