So I'm working towards installing Mavericks on my new Dell 6220. This is the very first time I've attempted any sort of H-Tosh build, so I'm probably more than a noob.
I've ran the installer (MyHacks, followed the guides on this site) with the following flags:
-v GraphicsEnabler=No, ncpi=0x300
No idea what the above means, but I read it somewhere in relation to installing on this machine, plus it's the only way I could get the actualy GUI installer to run.
Anyway, I've got the disk formatted as MAC Journaled and Non-MBR, all that jazz.
It runs through the entire installer. At the end, I choose the extras folder that has all the stuff from the bootloader I downloaded from this site. Three popups appear asking to remove things as they cause KP's. I do so.
Right in the upper right corner (can't see it, sorry) it starts to "Installing Chameleon Bootloader" and then immediately dumps to the screenshot attached.
I'm obviously doing something wrong, I just have no idea what that something is. I don't have a MAC in front of me today to re-do a USB stick (@ work), but if I can just add a file or two to the USB stick, that won't be an issue.
Can anyone help point me in the right direction? (Image is attached in a larger size, in case you can't see the screen ok)