Hi Guys nice work on myHack , I've buyied this laptop for best performance and for install hackintosh , i've another desktop pc with mountain lion 10.8.5 installed and work fine.
Now I want to install Mavericks 10.9.
When I try to install on asus at first when launch from usb , freeze in the apple screen , then I try to use any flag , -v IGPEnabler=No GraphicsEnabler=No etc etc but nothing .
After search in this site for help I decide to use bootpack similar to my pc and i try to use boot pack for Asus N56vz at my surprise system go to install launch very fast , then launch install and go fine but installation freeze at 1 minute from end , after asking if I want to use generic extra and other 2 windows that say my click yes .
Now I restart pc and try to use installation on my hdd , it's strange but computer start . After I need to install audio kext for Alc663 and work .
At this time I try to restart without my hack pen drive and here the first problem .. boot don't see my hdd (I've use guid partition and I have uefi boot I Think.) ok no problem for now start with pen , after this I go to Sys Information for to see what work and not and this is the report:
everything work except :
Wifi , Ethernet , Nvidia GT750M 2GB , webcam , card reader.
System use only Intel hd 4000 and give you 1024 MB Vram .
Now I ask to you guys could you give me any help for install this device ??
I appreciate this site and I hope to help someone with my test.
I attach here alc663 for anyone that need .
Offcial Sound fix_realtex alc663.zip