My D630 (Intel 1440x900) installation went mostly okay.
I had to use a different DSDT.aml than the default from myHack 3.1, and I had to edit the org.chameleon.boot.plist to 1440x900x32 to get the resolution right. And there's still no audio, but that's a minor issue right now.
I can boot successfully from the MyHack Install Disk as long as I select the local HDD. I'm logged in, the keyboard, trackpad, wifi, bluetooth, etc. all work great. In fact, I'm posting from that boot right now.
I installed Chameleon, but I did not install EDP 2.2 - it seems like it causes everything to break.
If I try to boot from the HDD it hangs, sometimes during fsck, sometimes shortly after. There is no kernel panic though.
I'm not sure what's going on. Any advice?
If I could boot without the MyHack Install Disk, I think that would be good enough for now, but if I copy the .kexts from /extra/ to my HDD's /extra/ that's not really doing the trick. What am I missing?