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Everything posted by Bruno
HI, i need help. my webcam UVC Camera VendorID_1423 ProductID_40980 doesn't work. when i open FaceTime, it doesn't recognize, the camera's led is on,but there isn't video output. in the system preferences the camera is ok, this is the information : UVC Camera VendorID_1423 ProductID_40980. in S/L/E i not found the kext isight or apple isight. is this the problem?
Hi Hervè. i tried to remove HPET kext but nothing, the pc shutdown if i install caldigitusb. i tried other kext but they don't work. is there other kext for usb 3.0, maybe old that can i use?
Hi, i have a problem with usb 3.0. when i install CalDigitUSBxHCI the pc doesn't shutdown, but restart only. if i remove this kext the pc shutdown normally. i tried another kext for usb 3.0 GENERICUSBXCHI but usb doesn't work. how can i do?thx in advance
Hi Hervè. i've re-installed OS and i've installed VoodooPstate initially, but now my pc doesn't boot, when i boot there's kernel panic, any string i put to boot, nothing, always kernel panic. have you some ideas?
hi Hervè i tried each files one by one, but nothing, pc doesn't shutdown. but there's a strange thing. when i boot with -v charge the normal things and then there is a written: "voodooPstate warning unloading" , but i haven't installed voodooPstate. how is possible??
Hi Hervè, i'm waiting for dsdt...don't forget me please
ok, thank u very much
sorry if I answer now but I have been busy. I tried to enter the dsdt you sent me, but to no avail, the PC doesnìt shutdown. we can try another dsdt?thx in advance
thx for reply Hervè. i send you my dsdt in attached files, if you can patch it for me, it's better because i'm not very expert to do it. After i can put it in extra and load it from boot option by chameleon?? thx in advace, i'm waiting for reply DSDT.aml.zip
hi, someone can help me please? i can't resolve my problem with shutdown. in chameleon wizard i put generate P-state and C-state, i've installed voodoo P-state from edp tool but nothing, my pc doesn't shutdown.
yes, i tried with cam twist 2.5 and 3.0 but nothing. maybe can i try with cam 3.0+skype 7.5 ver??
hi thx for reply, i am using chameleon boot loader. i can not use dsdt it's very hard for me.
hi, i need help, my pc doesn't shutdown but restart only. i've installed Voodoo P-state form EDP but when mavericks start on the screen i can see : Voodoo P-state unloading [warning]. how can i do??
jake, finally hdmi audio work ...but i have installed the others kext in attached files thx for help me, can i ask you last thing, please? i have a problem with web cam. with cam twist 2.5 the cam it's ok, but when i open Skype (6.19 version) it doesn't work, and Skype doesn't detect cam twist in the preference. how can i solve?! IOAudioFamily.kext.zip AppleHDA.kext.zip
hi jake, i've istalled applepatch 2.5 from EDP, i've run edp selected my model pc and at the kext/driver section i've choose apple path 2.5. EDP has installed this patch into EXTRA/EDP/SNVPACKS/AUDIO/EADPFix, like in attached files. i've installed but it doesn't work. how can i do??
hi jake, thx always for reply, i've installed second appleintelSNBgraphicsFB.kext that you have attached. the result is hdmi video ok and audio there is,but always with background noise. can i do something for this background?? some string into info.plist? i have voodooHDA for sound, because appleHDA doesn't work!
well, so, i have another kext AppleintelSNBGraphicsFB.kext and with this kext i have hdmi video and hdmi audio, but for hdmi audio i hear only background noise. con you help me with my kext in attached files?! note that i've installed this kext in S/L/E and i have hdmi video and audio (background noise) AppleIntelSNBGraphicsFB.kext.zip
thx for reply, i've tried your kext, but nothing, with your kext i have no hdmi audio and no hdmi video ...
thx for reply, mavericks is 10.9.5 and my resolution is 1366x768, but i have no problem with hdmi video, it's ok, only hdmi audio doesn't work. i've seen your guide in attached link but sincerely is very hard for me. i don't know how to do.
Hi, i need help. i've installed mavericks with our guide, it's great and thank you for good job. i have a problem with hdmi audio, it doesn't work. someone can help me please?