I've found something interesting for settings via PrefPane
So, who has an empty prefPane when you installed a fresh copy of modern system 10.12+ and you want to make some settings in it. Like to enable Clicking.
By default PrefPane saves it's settings in plist file located at
and by default sometimes earlier you can enable Clicking via Terminal:
defaults write com.apple.AppleMultitouchTrackpad Clicking -bool true
but something went wrong (AAPL cheers) and a Key 'Clicking' has a wrong value format. It should be bool but has an integer. So we have to fix this issue
integer --> bool
Open this file with your editor.app (PlistEdit for ex) and fix this:
to this
and then reboot or reenter account.
Voila! Your prefPane will work properly.
EDIT: Also I tried to revert this value format to the wrong one (integer --> 0) and reentered acc. PrefPane worked after all. Setting 'Tap to click' was enabled but no clicking was physically. Then I tried two commands:
defaults write com.apple.AppleMultitouchTrackpad Clicking -integer 1
defaults write com.apple.AppleMultitouchTrackpad Clicking -int 1
without success. Then unchecked 'Tap to click' and prefPane automatically fixed in it's plist integer (0) --> bool (false). Checked it once more to enable Clicking and voila: plist file has bool (true) and everything is working fine.