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  1. Hi, unfortunately, now I have no E5520 for testing. Perhaps you tried different EFI folders from different sources. Be careful to not have a config.plist under EFI/CLOVER/ if you use the OEM folder (EFI/CLOVER/OEM/Latitude E5520/). It could be easier to copy config.plist and kext folder from EFI/CLOVER/OEM/Latitude E5520/ to EFI/CLOVER/ and rename OEM to OEM.OLD to be sure to use only /EFI/CLOVER/ . All E5520 can boot with UEFI or legacy BIOS. It is a "bios" setup. For beginning, it is easier to use BIOS with the EFI folder on your system root.
  2. If your LCD is 1366x768, your Graphics key in config.plist should scecify that it is not a "dual link" : <key>Graphics</key> <dict> <key>Inject</key> <dict> <key>ATI</key> <false/> <key>Intel</key> <true/> <key>NVidia</key> <false/> <key>DualLink</key> <integer>0</integer> </dict> </dict> Sound should work if the patched AppleHDA.kext is installed in /S/L/E. Battery management should work too with the ACPIBatteryManager.kext from post #1 on S/L/E. Copy the kexts to /System/Library/Extensions/ and hit the following commands :. cd /System/Library/Extensions/ sudo chown -R 0:0 AppleHDA.kext ACPIBatteryManager.kext sudo chmod -R 755 AppleHDA.kext ACPIBatteryManager.kext sudo touch /System/Library/Extensions sudo reboot Sound and battery icons should appear in menubar
  3. As I wrote above, I tried to patch with no success... In fact, BT is useless for me " No way to deactivate Bluetooth (grey biutton) The known patch to inject DW375 device (413c:8187/16700:33159) in a plugin in IOBluetoothFamily.kext doesn't correct the problem. "
  4. I confirm. Thank you Jake Lo. A new tip about Bluetooth : In BIOS, you can choose which interfaces (BT/Wifi/GSM) the external switch can activate/deactivate. I choosed to start/stop only BT with this external button. Now I activate/deactivate wifi only from OSX and I activate/deactivate BT with this external switch.
  5. Hi, thanks K8L, I could compare your CLOVER folder with mine. The obvious difference was the missing OsxAptioFixDrv-64.efi in Drivers64UEFI. The graphics and nvram problems disappeared with this AptioFix driver. The E5520 is an almost perfect hack now I also added VoodooHDA to avoid the MIC issues with the patched AppleHDA.
  6. I am glad to introduce my successful bootpack for a Latitude E5520 Could be used for E5420 too. My configuration : dell Latitude E5520 i3-2310M 2.1GHz, 4Gb Graphics HD3000 LCD 1920x1080 Not working : SDcard (not event tested) boot UEFI (buggy Dell firmware) Working : boot UEFI Everything else: display, VGA and HDMI/sound outputs, HDA sound, buttons, trackpad, multitouch, sleep, battery monitor, speedstep,... Wifi (OOB using a replacement DW1510 / BCM94322HM8L) Use any retail/clover installation guide. Install Clover on the disk and copy the EFI from this kit (merging mode). Upgrade to 10.10.x with combo update. Copy the few kexts from EFI/CLOVER/OEM/Latitude E5520/kexts/Others/ to /S/L/E/ as usual. Custom EDID and slide=0 options added to Clover's config.plist to get rid of the HD3000 artifacts. Thanks to this forum and many contributors here and there. Good hack E5520-kit.zip Edit: guess what ? I could add entries for UEFI boot with an EFI partition formatted with FAT16 ! Incredible, the last Dell firmware do not recognise FAT32 ! You need to reformat the EFI partition : sudo newfs_msdos -v EFI -F 16 /dev/rdiskXs1 Reboot OSX, mount EFI , copy EFI folder into. Reboot again and hit F2 to enter bios setup. Add an entry into UEFI boot menu (name OSX or anything, path to EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI. Edit2: remaining minor issues. No logo and no verbose log on screen during UEFI boot. I use CustomLogo option in config.plist as a workaround. No variables from NVRAM after UEFI reboot. EmuVariablesUefi-64.efi does not work (crash on boot). No way to deactivate Bluetooth (grey biutton) The known patch to inject DW375 device (413c:8187/16700:33159) in a plugin in IOBluetoothFamily.kext doesn't correct the problem. No functionnal MIC (internal or jack). Works once but not after unplug/plug (use VoodooHDA to solve the pb). Edit3: Adding OsxAptioFixDrv-64.efi in Drivers64UEFI solved many issues. No more artifacts/glitches, no CustomEDID needed, no slide=0 param, Apple boot logo OK. NVRAM is now persistent. I can use "sudo nvram Clover.MountEFI=yes" to automount EFI The above uploaded archive is modified.
  7. Works fine on Latitude E5520. Thanks to tarfoh
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